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The People Bail Out the People

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1The People Bail Out the People Empty The People Bail Out the People 11/26/2012, 1:57 pm



For everyone who decided the Occupy Movement was a bunch of hippies and homeless people.

They've also done an incredible job helping people recover from Hurricane Sandy.



Floridatexan wrote:

For everyone who decided the Occupy Movement was a bunch of hippies and homeless people.

They've also done an incredible job helping people recover from Hurricane Sandy.

Five million doesn't even begin to cover a fraction of the damage they caused and business losses coast to coast.

At least it is good seeing you agree that President Barack Hussein Obama and FEMA are doing a terrible job of cleaning up and helping people after the storm.

Way to go!



The People Bail Out the People Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRuSlhgm5oodEnAioQpH0NfKN_xDYfutGrpJDkreqHnpqEeD92xAw

Probably raised the money selling the merchandise they took from private business owners after breaking out their store front windows.





Ya... The money should go to cover the damage done.

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