Sure does.....the Ambassador was me where the boyz in the hood were asking to build a me where Ambassaodr Smith asked for more you know what the man was doing in Libya before Khadaffi decided to crawl in concrete pipe? He was actively engaged in CIA covert know with live bullets and no fortress. These people are heroes.....they are ghosts, and the last thing they need is this mentality of Iraq where we isolate from the people and build a fortress.
I had this great radio experience yesterday when an armed forces network was interviewing Chuck Yeager. They talked about the sound barrier, but what was just outstanding is Yeager started talking about Pakistan. He was sent to Pakistan during one of the wars with Indian to train and prepare their pilots. He was totally impressed with the quality of their pilots, and he became really friendly with all the top military people. He genuinely respected his host and he would hunt and socialize with those people, who later moved up the chain of command and are some of the key people in Pakistan's military. He thinks the way we have been running our State Departments for a long time is arrogant and isolated. He feels we are isolated from the people and do not respect the country we are in.........I think the old man is right.
Yeager had visual capabilities which made him an excellent hunter and pilot, but he also was an everyman....and he reached out and made people to people contact which crossed cultures. He was denied a visa to go visit his friends in Pakistan, but he went anyway and gave State a big FU. The man talks like he just shot a squirrel on the back 40, but he is an American hero....and he is right. We need to be doing just what Ambassasor Smith was doing. He was gaining respect and rapport with the people of Libya by being exposed to the dangers, and showing courage.....people of all cultures understand "suits", and they understand courage.....yet in America, we are now going to criticize a sure fire formula for success, by reigning in folks like Smith who by the way did not ask for more protection.....if you think he did show me the proof.....but you would either be a fool, or you have never met men like Yeager and Smith....I have, and damn if they do not have this right.
So for the sorry asses who want to make this a political football.....go to hell. For Al Queda, the military industrial complex, and Israel who want us to not operate with the Smiths and Yeagers of the world, but build expensive fortresses and commit our national treasury and our blood to bone chilling stupity.....another big FU. Libya is an example of success, even the tragedy of the loss of Smith is a movement in the right loss is acceptable, but 4k vs 4.....we are moving in the right direction.