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Posting too much

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1Posting too much Empty Posting too much 6/28/2012, 9:14 am



I know you all will be glad to hear this. I am going to see my son in Chicago next week so I will give you all a break from my constant over posting. Of course I can still post from my phone and lap top but I will only be able to be on line 21 hours a day instead of the 23 1/2 that I am on now. sunny

2Posting too much Empty Re: Posting too much 6/28/2012, 9:18 am



hallmarkgrad wrote:I know you all will be glad to hear this. I am going to see my son in Chicago next week so I will give you all a break from my constant over posting. Of course I can still post from my phone and lap top but I will only be able to be on line 21 hours a day instead of the 23 1/2 that I am on now. sunny

Have a safe trip sir. Will miss your 23 and a half hours of posting. jocolor

3Posting too much Empty Re: Posting too much 6/28/2012, 12:36 pm



I don't know if I can stand it!

Have fun, Georgie Boy.

4Posting too much Empty Re: Posting too much 7/10/2012, 3:33 pm



hallmarkgrad wrote:I know you all will be glad to hear this. I am going to see my son in Chicago next week so I will give you all a break from my constant over posting. Of course I can still post from my phone and lap top but I will only be able to be on line 21 hours a day instead of the 23 1/2 that I am on now. sunny

So, Georgie Boy, how did the trip go? Weren't you going to go to the races or something?

5Posting too much Empty Re: Posting too much 7/10/2012, 6:04 pm



Glad you asked LOL Quick run down on the trip. I did not get to go to the races. They had a severe storm pass thour the Joliet area the night before I got there. It caused some issues at the chemical plant where my son works. He got called in to work but we were ablout to sell the tickets and did not lose much on them It was really good to see my son and Grandchildren. He has 3 children. A son age 13, and two daughters aged 4 and 1. It was damn sure hot but we went to a country fair, a baseball game and got to play around of golf with my son and grandson, Well almost, they played and I walked and rode and had fun being with them. . I really suck at golf and there was no reason play a pretty good sized green fee for my quality of play. The baseball game turned out to be a good deal. Just a small stadium in down town Joliet. Nothing like Studer Stadium. We thought about you when we saw the Hoover signs on the Interstate. Major traffic delays in Nashville, Louisville, and Indianapolis. Stopped in Cullman ala to visit some friends on the way back. the big tornado missed their house by less than 500 yard. Close call. It was a great trip and it made me realize just how lucky I am.

6Posting too much Empty Re: Posting too much 7/13/2012, 3:52 am



Glad you're home, Hallmark! Did you have fun getting to know all the littl'uns again? Do they know they have a supercycler for a grandad? Smile

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