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Jacos Al Fresco

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1Jacos Al Fresco Empty Jacos Al Fresco 10/27/2012, 5:57 pm



It is now officially the time of year to consider Jacos and Al Fresco dining at the end of Palafox on the water. The sunsets will be spectacular from the outside seating and inside the bar is one of the nicest downtown or anywhere around here.

The newest entree the ahi tuna is a home run. Seared number one tuna wrapped in tempura arugula over a bed of wasabi mashed potatoes. Never seen this done before and it is really really good. Paired with a top notch Ginjo Sake (which sadly they do not offer) or a nice drier Pinot Gris would be perfect. Daniel Gehrs has a great one. This is my favorite in all downtown.

At 21.99 it's a treat for my budget but there are plenty of other menu items for 1/2 that which are worthy.

All in all the ambience outside only adds to the food. Highly recommended.

2Jacos Al Fresco Empty Re: Jacos Al Fresco 10/28/2012, 5:32 pm



I have eaten at Jacos several times and I plan on going back. Their Sunday brunch is delicious.

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