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People are disappearing

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1People are disappearing Empty People are disappearing 3/14/2024, 12:35 am


Anybody heard from Telstar lately? Noticed he hadn't been posting for a while so sent him a PM recently - no reply.

Also have emailed Joanimaroni a few times in the past year or two, including one just the other day, with no response.

Hope everyone is OK, but at this rate we may never know.

Floridatexan and zsomething like this post

2People are disappearing Empty Re: People are disappearing 3/14/2024, 8:26 am


They're probably just out of the habit. Activity here is pretty slow, so they may have just dropped it from their circuit of things to look at. If one doesn't check in every once in a while, they can forget about the place. At least, I hope that's all that's going on and nobody's in bad health or anything...

RealLindaL likes this post

3People are disappearing Empty Re: People are disappearing 4/23/2024, 2:43 am


Just sent Telstar another PM since I never had a response to my January message. I doubt he forgot about us, but I'd gathered over time he was not in the greatest health. Just have to hope for the best for his sake, but that's probably the last time I'll try to contact him. If he had his account set to receive emails when PM's are available for him, that would be hard to ignore.

Have also sent Joanimaroni a couple of emails over the past year or so (happened to have her addy) but gave up on that a while back. I guess we don't really have a moderator any longer, not that we need one at this level of activity (and because we're so well behaved - lol).

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