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Think I have mastered ribs now...

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1Think I have mastered ribs now... Empty Think I have mastered ribs now... 10/14/2012, 9:19 pm

boards of FL

boards of FL

Think I have mastered ribs now... LjvQI
Think I have mastered ribs now... OoQME
Think I have mastered ribs now... QrZLd
Think I have mastered ribs now... XPWSb
Think I have mastered ribs now... JqJe9
Think I have mastered ribs now... PLOw9
Think I have mastered ribs now... 7nS94



Yeppers! Thems look great!

Think I have mastered ribs now... Longjo11



Yep they look wondeful. Im so glad I looked over here. This is exactly what I have been missing. Since I moved down south I have not grilled out. its been too damn hot.

When everyone is wake in the morning I have made my mind up. Im going to buy a grill Very Happy

and the first thing I am going to cook on it is ribs.

Damn those ribs look good ....................................... Cool



Speaking of ribs, when is the McRib coming back? That's some five star grade A cuisine there.

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