Pensacola Discussion Forum
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Anyone out there?

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1Anyone out there? Empty Anyone out there? 5/4/2022, 11:30 pm

boards of FL

boards of FL

It’s like a ghost town.

Telstar likes this post

2Anyone out there? Empty Re: Anyone out there? 5/5/2022, 12:33 am



boards of FL wrote:It’s like a ghost town.

I think it was the late and lamented Seaoat that called us all ghostposters or something like that. He was right if you imagine that's where we all end up. There is still a small core of Libs posting on this forum. It seems there's only a couple of rightard cucks from Michigan and Alabamy' left to espouse the sentiments of the right wing cave groups. If you look back to the early posts (2010) some folks were already crying how quiet this forum has become in comparison to the Gannett original. Every now and then Dreams drops buy to bemoan how quiet the board has become. I miss reading Dreams bouts with Chrissie the Banshee. Maybe quiet is a good thing considering the wicked nurse of Pensacola hardly ever post anything to disgrace herself and her family these days. How did you ever decide to place her (it) in a position of power? I guess it might help if the guy who runs the place, climbed down off his ivory tower and posted two or three times a month instead of two or three times a year. BTW is Labron James still a thing? I love you

3Anyone out there? Empty Re: Anyone out there? 5/5/2022, 9:12 am


Yep, there are some still around.

Somos pocos pero locos! Smile

Telstar likes this post

4Anyone out there? Empty Re: Anyone out there? 5/9/2022, 5:35 am



Oops, spoke too soon about the wicked nurse. Oh well, I hope she too had a happy mothers day. drunken

5Anyone out there? Empty Re: Anyone out there? 6/2/2022, 1:43 am


I'm still around and grateful for this venue. Just been terribly busy with a project. Hope to return more regularly later in summer if not before. Please don't close the forum, Boards!

Telstar and zsomething like this post

6Anyone out there? Empty Re: Anyone out there? 6/8/2022, 10:55 am



On my way...

Telstar and zsomething like this post

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