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Bad Ideas Fail... Get used to that Result

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Last night, great work by our public safety officers whom removed an Orbeez gun off of our streets.
These Bead Blasters shoot gel water beads propelled by a spring-loaded air pump, making them an air rifle. Air rifles are a violation in NYC & are unlawful to possess.



So is Casey healthy or did Racist Ron cover up her death like he did in the case of so many Covid Victims?

Bad Ideas Fail... Get used to that Result - Page 11 Fpcjxa10

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VP: "I am Kamala Harris, my pronouns are she and her, and I am a woman sitting at the table wearing a blue suit."



DeathSantis Scoffs At The Idea Of Him Running For President. LOL

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PkrBum wrote:
VP: "I am Kamala Harris, my pronouns are she and her, and I am a woman sitting at the table wearing a blue suit."

Vice President Harris introduced herself with her pronouns and a physical description in an effort to accommodate the blind and visually impaired participating in a roundtable of disability advocates.

Here is your orange idol’s “accommodation” of the disabled;

Bad Ideas Fail... Get used to that Result - Page 11 Faaf2d10

Decency is a foreign concept to glibertarians.

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PkrBum wrote:

VP: "I am Kamala Harris, my pronouns are she and her, and I am a woman sitting at the table wearing a blue suit."

Here ya go:

Learn some basic decency, shitbag.

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Monkeypox is being driven overwhelmingly by sex between men, major study finds

First time hearing this? I wonder why?



Nonsense, you probably caught it from your daughter when she was changing your urine stained sheets.

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Here's your fascism... FASCISTS.

The White House privately demanded Twitter ban me months before the company did so

Biden Administration officials asked Twitter to ban me because of my tweets questioning the Covid vaccines, even as company employees believed I had followed Twitter’s rules, internal Twitter communications reveal.

In a White House meeting in April 2021, four months before Twitter suspended my account, the company faced “one really tough question about why Alex Berenson hasn’t been kicked off from the platform,” a Twitter employee wrote.

The employee recounted the meeting discussion afterwards on Twitter’s internal Slack messaging system. The message, and others, make clear that top federal officials targeted me specifically, potentially violating my basic First Amendment right to free speech.

The First Amendment does not apply to private companies like Twitter. But if the companies are acting on behalf of the federal government they can become “state actors” that must allow free speech and debate, just as the government does.



Bad Ideas Fail... Get used to that Result - Page 11 Pkr_pi26

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Bad Ideas Fail... Get used to that Result - Page 11 Sam_h145
Bad Ideas Fail... Get used to that Result - Page 11 Sam_h145

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Bad Ideas Fail... Get used to that Result - Page 11 Laughing-black

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Sal wrote:

Bad Ideas Fail... Get used to that Result - Page 11 Laughing-black

Yeah, I know. I tried to bury it but you know what they say, You Can't Bury Stupid. geek

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Sal wrote:

Bad Ideas Fail... Get used to that Result - Page 11 Laughing-black

Amazing, isn't it? Any source is good for these clowns as long as it tells them what they want to hear. It's one reason it's hopeless to try to wise them up. They won't listen.

I know another guy who swears to me that Conservative Treehouse and such are "real news stories from all over the world that the mainstream media doesn't want you to hear!" And even Mark Levin, Rush Limbaugh's squeaky mini-me, called the Treehouse a "kook site." Usually if the mainstream media won't report something, it's because it's bullshit and they don't want to blow their integrity. If it's legit and gets them attention, they're gonna be all over it, whatever "side" it favors.

I proved to this guy that Conservative Treehouse was bullshit, and he still quotes them all the time.

See, one time he put up a post alarmed about something Conservative Treehouse had reported about "sex changes on toddlers," with people giving hormones to little boys to help them "transition" into being women. He was super-enraged about it... as most people would be if that were a real thing. But, it isn't. It's horseshit.

Now, I'm no expert on trans people -- I have a few gay friends but don't know any trans people personally -- but I do hang around plenty of Democratic boards where there are plenty of 'em, and I've seen them discuss this topic because right-wingers try to push that fable all the time -- none of the trans people I've seen are in favor of transitioning toddlers. For one thing, ya can't. Even if people didn't have moral objections to such a thing -- and they do -- it wouldn't work biologically.

Conservatives seem to think that to turn a guy into a girl, you just chop off his dick. You don't. I'm a grindhouse film freak, so I've seen this done, in a documentary called Shocking Asia, which I hope never to watch again because it was a bit much even for me, and I've eaten pizza while watching Faces of Death. Not to get gruesome, but in the operation you have to remove the insides of the penis and turn it inside out to form a vagina, which gets tucked in. And you have to wait until the person has fully developed genitals to do that, or you have nothing to work with. A lot of trans folks don't even go through with that part because it's intensive and expensive and painful. And you wouldn't start hormone treatments because you'd inhibit the development of the genitals you'd need to work with.

So, it's not a real thing for kids, it's just conservative ignorance. But they still spread stories like that around because they like to make trans people into "monsters" who do all kinds of bad stuff, instead of people who just use their freedom to live a life that seems weird to us, but makes them happy. Religious fanatics like absolute conformity, so they can't just leave folks alone, they have to invent reasons to crack down on them.

Anyway, not only was it a bogus story, it was bogus reporting. What Conservative Treehouse did was to have a "real news article" that was just them reacting to somebody's tweet. It wasn't pulled off any journalist wire or anything -- it was reporting that someone had tweeted a thing. If you went and looked up the original tweet, it was some obscure Twitter account that had around two hundred followers, and it was some supposed "liberal" who put out a "Fellow liberals! We have to stop this insane practice that we're doing!" thing. (Which, if you looked at the rest of their feed, was typical of most of their tweets -- they were all "I'm a liberal but the conservatives are right! We've gone too far!" They did that on just about any topic you can think of.) It was a total bullshit account obviously run by a conservative... and, it was obviously run by one of the same conservatives who runs Conservative Treehouse, because they reported on this tweet, from an obscure account that hardly anyone was following, within about an hour. They just happened to spot this random tweet about this thing they wanted to raise an alarm about, right off.

How conveeeeeeennnnient! Rolling Eyes

So, basically, if you want to fool a dumbass, set up a Twitter account, set up a blog, use the blog to report on the craaaaazzzzy things that are coming out of that Twitter account... which you tweeted yourself. And present that as a "news story." Then rake in bucks to your Patreon and get hits for your ad revue from the shit-fer-brains that don't investigate what you're doing. People make a lot of money telling conservatives what they want to hear. Anyway, this thing was so obvious and clumsy a feat of propaganda legerdemain that it was like doing a rabbit-out-of-the-hat trick that starts out with you shoving the rabbit into the hat in full view of the audience, then saying, "Forget I did that part, and the rest will be amazing!"

So I showed the guy how it was done, and presented other "news stories" where they'd done exactly the same thing, either from tweets or other blogs (which they also created for the purpose of feeding themselves things to react to), and he just went, "How do you know for SURE they didn't just happen on that tweet in half an hour?!?" Like that's freakin' plausible, and like it's not a bogus Twitter account in the first place. And even if it were a legit tweet, it's a fucking tweet, not a "news story from all over the world." People can tweet anything.

And the dude still fully trusts that website and gets angry when they tell him to get angry, believes whatever bullshit they want him to believe to keep him coming back, and he probably sends 'em his money. Dude's life sucks now -- I've known him for years and before he got into all this right-wing bullshit (I think that comes as a midlife crisis for a lot of these people) he was a happier guy. Now he's always upset about something. Can't review a book or a movie without injecting something about "leftists." He's made himself fearful and angry and obsessed. But he can't quit because he's addicted to the outrage.

Anyway... yeah, ussanews. Very Happy At least it's not the Epoch Times this time -- the forum's resident anencephalic likes that one a lot, too. Must be kinda fun to be that childlike. Rolling Eyes

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Thanks Z. Your post was quite entertaining and insightful. Not only that but, I learned a new word. I will ever use that word, but I will never forget it. study

Floridatexan likes this post


Telstar wrote:Thanks Z. Your post was quite entertaining and insightful. Not only that but, I learned a new word. I will ever use that word, but I will never forget it. study

Thank ya kindly. Smile Yeah, it's not the most useful word, hard to fit into a conversation, but, it's descriptive. It's one of those words like "pilonidal" that only comes to mind when that guy shows up... Smile

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zsomething wrote:
Telstar wrote:Thanks Z. Your post was quite entertaining and insightful. Not only that but, I learned a new word. I will ever use that word, but I will never forget it. study

Thank ya kindly. Smile   Yeah, it's not the most useful word, hard to fit into a conversation, but, it's descriptive. It's one of those words like "pilonidal" that only comes to mind when that guy shows up... Smile

Now that word I know. A "pilonidal cyst" was reportedly what kept fat, dead Rush Limbaugh from serving his country during the Viet Nam War. pig

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Here's one of peckerwood's favorites...a blast from the past.


He used to quote this guy all the time, a former editor of the Washington Times and a former guest columnist from The Hill.

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Did you think that this was a controversial or biased interview?

Strange if so.



Wow, even Laura who flashed Trump a Nazi salute in 2016, seems to be turnong on him.

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Thousands of Energy rewards customers were hot after losing control of thermostats

September 1, 2022 at 8:18 p.m.

Thousands of metro area Xcel Energy customers were unable to control their home thermostats earlier this week when temperatures climbed into the 90s.

Voluntary participants in the company’s AC Rewards program allow Xcel to control their “smart” home thermostats during hot summer days when demand for electricity and air conditioning is at a peak.

Typically, program participants “have the ability to opt out of control events at any time,” according to an Xcel description on its website.

On Tuesday, as temperatures rose into the lower 90s in the metro area, Xcel took complete control and locked thermostats because of an “emergency situation.”

“This was a very unique circumstance where we had to call this,” said Emmett Romine, vice president of customer solutions and innovation with Xcel.

More than 22,000 Xcel AC Rewards customers were locked out of their smart thermostats for hours on Tuesday, according to Denver7. On social media, dozens of Xcel customers complained about the experience, with some reporting home temperatures as high as 88 degrees.

Impacted thermostats on Tuesday were locked in a “plus four-degree offset,” Romine said. So, if a customer had the thermostat set turn on air conditioning at 78 degrees, it locked at 82 degrees.

Customers who participate in the program are paid a one-time $100 enrollment credit to join, along with $25 for annual participation, according to Xcel. The program is billed as a way for customers to help Xcel better manage peak demand hours and ease the strain on the electrical grid.

Tuesday’s “emergency” was the first time in the six-year program’s history that area participants were locked out, Romine said. The emergency stemmed from an unexpected energy outage in Pueblo combined with local hot weather and heavy air conditioning use.

“This is not something we see ourselves triggering very often in the future,” Romine said. “This is a scenario we don’t want to use.”



PkrBum wrote: Hillary Clinton has received nearly $75,000 in political contributions from employees at the Department of Justice,the agency that will decide whether or not to act if the FBI recommends charges against Clinton or her aides following its investigation into her private email server.

Justice Department employees have given Clinton far more money than her rivals, Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump,according to a review of federal campaign contributions. Clinton collected $73,437 from 228 individuals who listed the 'Department of Justice' as their employer. Twelve of the 228 contributions were for $2,700,the maximum individual amount allowed by law.

Trump,by comparison,has received little help from Justice Department employees, recording just two contributions for a total of $381. Sanders has taken 51 donations totaling $8,900 from Justice Department employees.

David Bossie,president of the watchdog group Citizens United,told the Washington Free Beacon he is not surprised by the donations.

"How can Democrat political appointees fairly investigate someone who is about to become their nominee for president? Today,I renew my call that Attorney General Lynch must appoint an independent special counsel to determine if Hillary Clinton or her agents broke the law and compromised our national security. This investigation needs to be conducted free of political influence once and for all."

Howard Krongard,who was inspector general for the State Department from 2005 to 2008,predicted earlier this year that even if the FBI referred Clinton’s case to the Justice Department for prosecution it would “never get to an indictment.”

Krongard said the case would have to go through “four loyal Democratic women,” including Lynch, top White House adviser Valerie Jarrett, Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates, and Assistant Attorney General Leslie Caldwell, who heads the department’s criminal division.”[/i]


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Republicans make MASS EXODUS From RADICAL MAGA Party and share why WITH US

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If you think that this will translate into acceptance of the dem platform in November... you're dumber than you look.

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