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1WTF?? Empty WTF?? 7/2/2021, 2:04 pm


I never expected much at all from Ol Sleepy Joe but this is ridiculous.

"Biden grows visibly frustrated with questions on Afghanistan: 'I want to talk about happy things'

We never should have gone there, we never should have stayed there, but we did and a whole generation of Afghans grew dependent on us. We should have been kicking the Afghan military's and governments butt every day making them ready to take over. But we didn't.

And Ol Sleepy only wants to talk about 'happy things".

Joanimaroni likes this post

2WTF?? Empty Re: WTF?? 7/2/2021, 2:10 pm



Thank you, President Biden for having the courage to stand up to the dogs of war, and finally, finally ending America’s longest war.

Floridatexan, Telstar and RealLindaL like this post

3WTF?? Empty Re: WTF?? 7/2/2021, 2:31 pm


Sal wrote:Thank you, President Biden for having the courage to stand up to the dogs of war, and finally, finally ending America’s longest war.

I know this is going to hurt your image but Trumpet signed the agreement to withdraw all troops. Biden just continued the process that was already ongoing and actually extended the deadline to 9/11 to make political points. Fortunately it looks like the military isn't going to play that game and are withdrawing faster. And BTW he is leaving some troops there as Embassy protection. Necessary wouldn't you agree after Benghazi?

4WTF?? Empty Re: WTF?? 7/2/2021, 9:30 pm


Biden was just trying to keep things focused on positive things for July 4th, which isn't out of bounds since it's the holiday where we celebrate America.

I was watching the thing, and there was nothing to it. He said he'd have another press conference in a few days and address reporters' concerns about Afghanistan, which he said were legitimate questions (correcting himself after calling them "negative.")

As for leaving Afghanistan... whenever we left there people would say we were leaving at the wrong time. There never was a right time to leave it, and there never will be. Were it up to me I'd pull our troops out, but maintain a strong air presence and whenever the Taliban regrouped I'd just bomb the mother-of-all-fucks out of them, but I've never been a pacifist when it comes to terrorists. But then I'd be bombing militia compounds of white-supremacist terrorists in America, too. I like making scumbags dead. That's why nobody'd vote for me... probably for the best.

As for if we should have ever gone there, I was fine with us going to Afghanistan, because Bin Ladin was there and it was his mutts who attacked us. It was going into Iraq that was idiotic.

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5WTF?? Empty Re: WTF?? 7/3/2021, 7:19 pm



gatorfan wrote:
Sal wrote:Thank you, President Biden for having the courage to stand up to the dogs of war, and finally, finally ending America’s longest war.

I know this is going to hurt your image but Trumpet signed the agreement to withdraw all troops. Biden just continued the process that was already ongoing and actually extended the deadline to 9/11 to make political points. Fortunately it looks like the military isn't going to play that game and are withdrawing faster. And BTW he is leaving some troops there as Embassy protection. Necessary wouldn't you agree after Benghazi?

Yah, cause we all know how TFG always follows thru.

Art of the deal and all that, amirite Benghaziboy?

Thanks again, President Biden.

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