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Need Help To Save YouTube Music

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1Need Help To Save YouTube Music Empty Need Help To Save YouTube Music 5/17/2021, 2:34 pm


Hello everyone. I want some help from all of you. Actually, I want to share music from my YouTube playlist with my niece. I searched the web and found this article about downloading music from YouTube. There are some suggestions, can anyone tell me which is the most reliable? Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

Last edited by JaylanGottlieb on 5/18/2021, 4:13 am; edited 1 time in total

Telstar and zsomething like this post


I use one called 4K Downloader. There's a video version and an audio version, although I think you can adjust the video version to also just get the audio. It'll take the YouTube audio track and convert it to an MP3, and then you can load that into ITunes, or put it on a USB drive, or... probably a whole lot of other things I'm not tech-savvy enough to know how to do. Smile

In any case, I've had some good luck with that one. Hope it'll work for you!

Floridatexan and Telstar like this post

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