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1 FLANNERY Empty FLANNERY 3/26/2021, 5:50 am



Look for it on PBS.

zsomething likes this post

2 FLANNERY Empty Re: FLANNERY 3/26/2021, 8:46 am


My mom was telling me about that the other day. It made her want to read some Flannery again. Wanting to read Flannery is a good thing. Smile

Telstar likes this post

3 FLANNERY Empty Re: FLANNERY 3/26/2021, 8:59 am



zsomething wrote:My mom was telling me about that the other day.  It made her want to read some Flannery again.   Wanting to read Flannery is a good thing. Smile

 FLANNERY Illust10

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