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Trending now on Twitter, from George Conway - #IMPOTUS

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What a disfunctional marriage this man must have.


From the comments:

Speaking of dsyfunctional...I loved #IMPOTUS so much I collected some clever tweets.

What caused #IMPOTUS?
Was it Electoral Dysfunction?

Is your border wall falling flat?
Do your foreign relationships sort of feel... deflated?
Do you have trouble getting your approval ratings up?
If this sounds familiar, you may want to ask your doctor if you have a case of... #IMPOTUS

My weekend lover? (referring to the mention on last week’s SNL sketch). #IMPOTUS

*He is no longer 45.
*He is no longer Commander in Chief.
*He is no longer the most powerful leader in the free world.

Donald J. Trump will be forever known as #IMPOTUS

#IMPOTUS is the perfect hashtag for him.
His wall
His approval rating
His IQ
Are never getting up.

Twisted Evil Twisted Evil Twisted Evil Twisted Evil Twisted Evil Twisted Evil

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