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Trump voters explode after realizing they’re getting screwed by the GOP’s tax plan: ‘I trusted you!’

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Multiple supporters of President Donald Trump over the past couple of weeks have taken to Twitter to air their grievances about the president’s signature tax cut plan.

Even though the 2017 GOP tax cut is leading to spiking federal deficits thanks to its generous benefits to corporations, many middle-class Americans are winding up having to pay more because the bill eliminated multiple deductions used by middle-class families to lower their annual tax payments.

Among other things, the tax bill capped deductions for taxes paid to state and local governments, while massively increasing the amount of money you must donate to qualify for a charitable giving deduction.

Several Trump voters who have done their taxes are not happy about this and they’re letting both the president and the Republican Party hear it — check out some of their tweets below.

Matt Davis
@realDonaldTrump I trusted and voted for you, now, screwed by you. I fall JUST above a tax bracket, I don't get the 5000 return I've gotten the last 3 years. Money my family depends on to start us over. I served my country honorably. I will not make the same mistake twice.

12:58 PM - Jan 30, 2019
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Ronna McDaniel
· Feb 5, 2019
Stacey Abrams wants illegal immigrants to vote and the government to control your health care.

But Dems have moved so far left that she’s who they chose to give their #SOTU response.

Voters rejected her views before, and they'll reject them again tonight. #SourGrapesStacey

Dennis Jordan
I am a Republican voter. I just did our taxes.

The @GOP tax bill cost my family THOUSANDS of dollars this year on our return due to changes, thereby hitting us with the LARGEST tax increase of our lives.

We are middle-class homeowners, and you raised our taxes.


7:57 AM - Feb 5, 2019
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Donald J. Trump
· Feb 1, 2019
Thank you to Senator Rob Portman and Senator Cory Gardner for the early and warm endorsement. We will ALL WIN in 2020 together!

I have to pay $2000 MORE in taxes this year! What happened?? I voted for you and thought you were fixing this, not making it worse!? I thought I would get money back this year!?

1:56 PM - Feb 1, 2019
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The White House
· Feb 4, 2019
Terrific news: People getting work who need it most! “For the first time in more than 20 years, the number of people who are out of the labor force — those without jobs and not looking — shrank by 647,000 over the past 12 months."

Today's West Wing Reads:

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Voted for you . Family of
2 hard working N.Y. cops. Did taxes for years we would pay more and get a refund at the end of the year to help pay debt . First time in 30 years We had to pay more in Federal
Taxes. I’m disgusted

8:13 PM - Feb 4, 2019
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Joel Serbin
@POTUS thank you for screwing the middle class with your tax reform. I have never in my life, I’m 49 years old, had to pay into the IRS until this year. We have a combined income of 150,000. The middle class voted for you. I will not make the same mistake twice.

11:15 PM - Feb 3, 2019
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Jay Wright
@RepDonBacon I just finished my taxes and we're paying an extra 4k this year since exemptions are gone. With a High D HC plan, this has not been a good year. I voted for you twice now. What's the plan?

8:02 AM - Feb 3, 2019
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Thomas DeLucca
@realDonaldTrump I voted for you, and believe in the things you are doing, but you screwed us middle class with taxes. I can’t itemize or anything. How about a flat tax and get rid of earned income credit. Some don’t earn income but get more back in taxes for having baby’s.

7:55 PM - Feb 2, 2019
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Donald J. Trump
· Jan 26, 2019
Thank you to the Republican National Committee, (the RNC), who voted UNANIMOUSLY yesterday to support me in the upcoming 2020 Election. Considering that we have done more than any Administration in the first two years, this should be easy. More great things now in the works!

Shelby Kuh
I voted for you the first time but after you screwed me on my get tax break I won’t vote for you again especially after I started on my 2018 return it’s a joke the taxes you are keeping from a working person good luck in 2020

7:23 AM - Feb 2, 2019
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Julio Bailon
· Jan 25, 2019
Replying to @realDerekUtley
It is just for the pose. The reality is that a tax like that will make wealthy people to move their residence to another country with a better tax system. And there are plenty of nice places

Joshua Curtis
I voted for @realdonaldtrump, but that unfortunately that means I have to pay higher taxes.

12:03 AM - Jan 26, 2019
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Worse tax return I had in a decade! I admit I voted for @realDonaldTrump but he has officially lost my vote for 2020.

1:06 PM - Jan 23, 2019
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Donald J. Trump
· Jan 27, 2019

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Wait til you file your taxes. Middle class just lost half their return. Lowest refund I have ever had and I am 50yrs old. No wall and now this tax reform sucks too!! Starting to doubt Trump. I voted for him and trusted him too.

2:53 PM - Jan 27, 2019
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Unfortunately, it's not just the Trump voters that are getting screwed on taxes. And it's not just Trump, but the entire GOP Congress, that's to blame.


This is part of the reason you're hearing all this Chicken Little shit about abortion right now.

Conservatives fucked their base the way they always fuck their base. This year it's going to be even more obvious than usual because they had too much power and felt too safe being greedy, so they threw the curtain farther back than usual, and even their dumb fucking dumb-dummy-dumbass base are gonna notice because it's money. When they don't get the kind of tax return they were counting on, the dozen or so brain cells that Jesus hasn't rounded up yet are gonna get together and bovinely go, "Durrrrr, how come me no get munny? Hey... HEY!" Sad

They know this is coming, so they pack their news cycle and the State of the Union with a lot of scary bullshit about "they wanna abort babies up 'til they're six months old!" or whatever. You feed the stunards a lot of boo-scary about babies and they forget everything else... it's like shutting up a stupid kid by handing him a lollipop. So they'll go, "Durrrr, okay, me no gittid munny but yew stop-ped them bad people from eatin' them babbies 'n' so, okay, jam it in there and break it off, I'll letcha!"

It's all misdirection. They really feel no obligation to play fair with their base because there's no reason to -- they can be placated so easily with fantasy shit that they'll completely ignore the real-life airholing they're gonna get. I mean, you still have farmers who insist on supporting Trump even after his tariff games have wrecked their farms. There is literally no amount of abuse these idiots haven't been trained to take. They're like dogs with no spirit... beat 'em all you want, they'll still lick your hand 'cuz they're scared of everything else.



zsomething wrote:This is part of the reason you're hearing all this Chicken Little shit about abortion right now.  

Conservatives fucked their base the way they always fuck their base.  This year it's going to be even more obvious than usual because they had too much power and felt too safe being greedy, so they threw the curtain farther back than usual, and even their dumb fucking dumb-dummy-dumbass base are gonna notice because it's money.   When they don't get the kind of tax return they were counting on, the dozen or so brain cells that Jesus hasn't rounded up yet are gonna get together and bovinely go, "Durrrrr, how come me no get munny?   Hey... HEY!"  Sad  

They know this is coming, so they pack their news cycle and the State of the Union with a lot of scary bullshit about "they wanna abort babies up 'til they're six months old!" or whatever.   You feed the stunards a lot of boo-scary about babies and they forget everything else... it's like shutting up a stupid kid by handing him a lollipop.   So they'll go, "Durrrr, okay, me no gittid munny but yew stop-ped them bad people from eatin' them babbies 'n' so, okay, jam it in there and break it off, I'll letcha!"  

It's all misdirection.   They really feel no obligation to play fair with their base because there's no reason to -- they can be placated so easily with fantasy shit that they'll completely ignore the real-life airholing they're gonna get.  I mean, you still have farmers who insist on supporting Trump even after his tariff games have wrecked their farms.  There is literally no amount of abuse these idiots haven't been trained to take.   They're like dogs with no spirit... beat 'em all you want, they'll still lick your hand 'cuz they're scared of everything else.

"Ain't it hard when you discover that, he really wasn't where it's at, after he took from you everything he could steal."


Conservatives fucked their base the way they always fuck their base.

Yep. However, the Trump base is strictly racist and shares few values of traditional conservatives like the Chamber of Commerce who kept pressure on keeping soft border security. Taxes......taxes........who cares we do not need no stinking Mexicans and Muslims........25% solid racist vote with probably on 10-15% traditional conservatives. The racist do not care if they are paying more is more important to move backward to Jim Crow than buying something new with a refund.


I'm seeing a few conservative co-workers getting upset about their tax refunds. They're scared, actually.

I don't know if it'll be enough to buck them off of the Trump wagon, though. The brainwashing in these people is deep.

Trump counts on his base being people like this. Trump's an asshole who appeals to other assholes, who don't want to hold him accountable because they see themselves in him. If Trump gets exposed as a bigot... that means they're bigoted for backing all his ideas. And they love to think and do all that bigotty shit, but they hate being called a bigot. They also are afraid of being called hypocrites, and if they acknowledge things like Trump's adding massively to the debt instead of paying it down like he promised, etc. Assholes-defending-assholes is why we get all this "what-about-ism" from... well, you know who.

This was pretty interesting:

Trump has finessed his situation (being the president) into a situation where media have no real moves left. The press needs eyeballs, and to can’t just ignore the guy in the White House, so they have to report on the circus.

Sometimes, coverage takes the form of fact-checks, but no one should hold out hope that that will prod Trump into admitting he was wrong or showing any kind of remorse. Children of narcissists will tell you that their biggest fantasy growing up was that their parent would somehow realize they were wrong, and make things right with their child. Ask any child of a narcissist if this ever happened (it didn’t).

Why doesn’t this work? Democrats, and even some Republicans, apologize all the time when caught out by the media. The answer comes down to a simple truth: Assholes are incapable of being shamed.

I’ve never seen either of my parents show legitimate remorse for anything they’ve ever done (and the list includes my dad running over my foot with his car by accident). Shame is a consensual activity. For someone to be shamed, they have to accept your reality that they have committed a bad act. In order for someone to accept someone else’s reality, they have to hold that person in high enough esteem. Assholes make sure no one ever hits the bar. If you object to asshole behavior, you’re “crazy,” “a whiner,” “doing it for personal gain,” etc.

There’s no evidence anyone has ever successfully shamed Trump. Not over his alleged sexual assaults, not over images of migrant children being locked in cages, not over his family’s documented history of dodging taxes.

The media and Democrats alike may be used to a more traditional model of public politics, where extremists can be brought low by Have you no sense of decency, sir?–style moments. In the past, it was assumed that when someone was caught out in an obvious lie, they would retreat and admit fault.

Except Trump’s answer to, “Have you no sense of decency, sir?” is pretty clearly a solid no.

That brings us to tantrums. Most adults would rather die than have someone witness them melt down. But if you can’t be shamed, tantrums become a powerful tool. I’ve seen my mother have a four-hour stomping fit, slamming doors and going nonverbal, because she simply didn’t want to attend a family dinner. If anyone asked her why she was behaving that way, she reacted like they were supposed to know why and be very sorry they caused her to have to do these things. Children of narcissists will tell you their tantrum coping skills are legendary, because they’re well practiced.

Assholes view tantrums as another means to an end. You might compare them to a crying baby, but babies get results. Babies get people to drop everything and cater to them. When you’re the president, of course, your tantrums can be on a much bigger scale—your tantrums can shut down the government and leave 800,000 workers without pay for weeks.

This country has screwed up for years regarding Trump. He's a loser who should never have been given attention in the first place... but, since he's always been weird, the press covered him. Then the country really never should have handed the reins of power to this fool... but because conservatives tend to be primitive, idiotic, and bigoted, and Trump knows how to fool people who like being fooled, we're stuck with him for a while... probably long enough to hasten our decline. He's sure trying hard enough. I don't know what Mueller's report will turn up about Trump being a Russian asset, but I do know it makes little difference, because if he isn't one, I'm not sure what Trump could have done differently if he was. Every goddamned thing he's done has been to benefit Russia. Early on he pulled us out of trade deals (just out of spite to show he was anti-Obama), and that benefited Russia like you wouldn't believe. With us out of the picture, who do you think stepped in to fill our former role? Russia and China, mostly. Even pulling out of the Iran nuclear deal played into Russia's hands, greatly increasing their fuel sales to Iran, as well as drove another wedge between the U.S. and its allies. And it just went on from there, all the way to pulling out of Syria. If Trump isn't officially a Russian asset, he might as well be because he's damn sure making all the moves one would make.

But will conservatives ever call him on it? Nope. They know their base are idiots and as long as their team's got the ball, the base will play along. It's the most cynical thing on a national scale I've ever seen. Just mass brainwashing.

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