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Jill McCabe: The President Attacked My Reputation. It's Time to Set the Record Straight.

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(originally appeared in the WaPo.)



Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe was fired last month for committing three violations of the bureau's ethics code, an investigative source told Fox News on Thursday.

The violations initially were uncovered by the Justice Department's Office of the Inspector General and confirmed by the FBI's Office of Professional Responsibility. They included lack of candor under oath, lack of candor when not under oath, and the improper disclosure of non-public information to the media about the FBI investigation into the Clinton Foundation.

The violations stemmed from McCabe's response to an October 2016 Wall Street Journal report about sizeable campaign donations from Democrats to McCabe's wife, Jill, during her campaign for the Virginia State Senate. The investigation found that McCabe instructed FBI lawyer Lisa Page and FBI public affairs chief Michael Kortan to work with the Journal's reporter to set the record straight.

The source said Page’s statements to investigators were “critical” because they directly contradicted her boss, McCabe.

According to the source, McCabe's lack of candor about the contact with the Journal reporter led to his firing. The source added that Page's testimony about the matter contradicted McCabe's. Then-FBI Director James Comey claimed he never authorized the leak to the Journal.

"Mr. McCabe's interaction with the Wall Street Journal – which by FBI rule and practice he was fully authorized to do – was not done in secret: it took place over the course of several days and others knew of it, including Director Comey. Now, after a failure to justify the process by which Mr. McCabe was terminated with 26 hours to his retirement after more than 21 years of service, it appears that members of the House of Representatives are attempting to selectively and unfairly leak pieces of information from a report that is not public," McCabe's attorney Michael Bromwich told Fox News. "We understand that these members are attempting to create a false narrative that pits former Director Comey against Mr. McCabe. We deeply regret being compelled to respond to this selective leaking with any comment at all. Nevertheless, one thing is clear: Mr. McCabe never misled Director Comey."
Separately, text messages between Page and since-demoted FBI official Peter Strzok indicated that Strzok traveled to London in early August to interview a key witness in the FBI's Russia investigation just days after the probe was opened.

The messages showed the officials were debating what they would share with their Justice Department superiors when Strzok returned to Washington.

"I think we need to consider the lines of what we disclose to DOJ," Strzok texted Page early on the morning of Aug. 3, 2016. "For example, the last stipulation notes we will not disclose."

Less than a week later, the texts suggested a series of high-level briefings began on Capitol Hill and at the White House.

There was no immediate response from the FBI.



Fox "news" is not a reliable source.

Donald Trump: The First D*ck President

Trump called Andrew McCabe's wife a "loser" to McCabe's face because the now-former acting FBI director allowed James Comey to return home aboard a government-funded flight after Trump fired him.

BOB CESCA JAN 29, 2018

The through line connecting nearly every shocking action by Donald Trump is that he's simply a dick. Barack Obama was our first African-American president, and Trump is our first dick president. He seems to delight in being a dick to people, whether it's allies like Republican members of Congress or enemies such as, y'know, everyone else.

While we've had other less-than-friendly presidents, Trump is far more public and considerably more consistent about jabbing people with obnoxious cut-downs and outright insults -- tossing aside all presidential expectations of nobility, decency or decorum.

Feel free to do the complete list of Trump's dick-moves on your own. I'll get you started: "Bleeding from her whatever," Carly Fiorina's face, Mika Brzezinski's face, "shithole countries," "haters and losers," "nasty woman," "Pocahontas," "good people on both sides," "I should have left them in jail" -- we could spitball examples all damn day, but I think we're familiar with his greatest hits by now. Suffice to say, Trump always goes there.

The latest example comes to us via NBC News in wake of Andrew McCabe's resignation on Monday. McCabe, in case you're just joining us, is the now-former deputy director of the FBI who inadvertently stumbled into the Trump propeller as the president becomes increasingly unglued over the Trump-Russia investigation. In order to set up this story, it's important to note that McCabe's wife, a Democrat, ran unsuccessfully for a Virginia State Senate seat after receiving donations from former governor of Virginia, Terry McAuliffe.

According to reporter Carol Lee, the president apparently spoke with McCabe on the phone and asked the outgoing deputy to "ask his wife how it feels to be a loser." In other words, Trump called McCabe's wife, Jill, a loser to McCabe's face. McCabe's response was simply, “OK, sir,” which is a lot less than what most of us would've said. But hats off to McCabe for being the bigger man -- much bigger. Then Trump hung up the phone. It's worth noting that McCabe has more class in his horn-rimmed glasses than Trump will ever have. In fact, Trump represents anti-class, the opposite of class, not unlike anti-matter. (It's also worth noting that Jill McCabe received a larger percentage of the popular vote, 47.5 percent, than Trump who only managed 46.1 percent. Sad.)

Indeed, the entire point of the McCabe call was for Trump to whine about how former-FBI Director James Comey flew home from a Los Angeles event, where he learned of his firing by Trump, aboard a government-funded flight. Another dick-move: fire the FBI director, then get pissy when the director wasn't forced to walk home.

I'm not breaking any news describing the president as a mean, malicious, often cruel bully who somehow tapped into a cache of voters who can relate to his dickish behavior and, in fact, love him for it, effectively encouraging him to amplify his dick-like outbursts. We've always understood that America has a palpable strain of assholes among the general population of Normals. And now, they're out of their holes like cockroaches after flicking on the kitchen lights.

People we know and like, even family members, seem enamored with our dick president. The only conclusion we can draw is they, too, have similar tendencies for insufferably repellent behavior. It's difficult and disillusioning to accept that people we thought were gregarious, centered and, well, nice people have turned out to be so utterly supportive of a man who's easily the most loathsome human to lead the nation since I-don't-know-who. Andrew Jackson? Not surprisingly, Jackson happens to be Trump's spirit animal.

Is he mentally ill? Is he on some kind of medication that makes him randomly snap at people? Who knows, and, frankly, I don't care why anymore. He's always been like this, as most New Yorkers and television executives will tell you, so I think we stop wasting our time putting Trump on the analysis couch and accept the reality that this is who he is: an irredeemable cock.

Ultimately, I guess it's good to know who among us is a decent human being and who champions dickish awfulness, petty mockery and whiny grievances. It's hardly a consolation, though, given that we still have to contend with a proud racist/misogynist/dick president who loves trolling even more than he loves chaos and destabilization. This goes well beyond mere political discord. Many of our uncles, aunts, fathers, mothers, lifelong friends and all points between aren't just Republicans, they're reflecting the behavior of an unapologetic dick.

Seriously, there's a steep cost we'll all be paying for many years as a result of Trump's complete lack of discipline or sense of responsibility. As long as upwards of 46 percent of voters are cool with it, though, it'll be that much more difficult for those of us Normals to repair the damage.



A "lack of candor" is a perfectly appropriate fireable offense within the FBI. No matter your ideology.

Unless of course you've gone full socialist/communist? You try lying to the FBI. Good luck comrade.

He's fortunate that he's not under indictment like some others. Oddly... those are only pubs.

Most of the dems were given immunity... or promoted as in Obama's gun running to Mexican cartels.

Deus X

Deus X

You say:

Floridatexan wrote:Fox "news" is not a reliable source.

I agree that Fox is not a reliable source but then you publish an article from The Daily Banter.

The Daily Banter is as far left as Fox is right.

Maybe this will help:

Or this:

Or this:



Deus X wrote:You say:

Floridatexan wrote:Fox "news" is not a reliable source.

I agree that Fox is not a reliable source but then you publish an article from The Daily Banter.

The Daily Banter is as far left as Fox is right.

Maybe this will help:

Or this:

Or this:

What I posted is an opinion piece, and I'm familiar with the author. Please tell me whether or not you agree with his sentiments. Don't school me on what sites I can quote or not, as I see fit. I don't quote lies.



PkrBum wrote:A "lack of candor" is a perfectly appropriate fireable offense within the FBI. No matter your ideology.

Unless of course you've gone full socialist/communist? You try lying to the FBI. Good luck comrade.

He's fortunate that he's not under indictment like some others. Oddly... those are only pubs.

Most of the dems were given immunity... or promoted as in Obama's gun running to Mexican cartels.

So when jeff sessions lied to the Senate was that ''lake of candor'' also or just he loses his memory when he's around Russians?



polecat wrote:
PkrBum wrote:A "lack of candor" is a perfectly appropriate fireable offense within the FBI. No matter your ideology.

Unless of course you've gone full socialist/communist? You try lying to the FBI. Good luck comrade.

He's fortunate that he's not under indictment like some others. Oddly... those are only pubs.

Most of the dems were given immunity... or promoted as in Obama's gun running to Mexican cartels.

So when jeff sessions lied to the Senate was that ''lake of candor'' also or just he loses his memory when he's around Russians?

In his Senate capacity he met countless Russians. The question was specific to an inquiry and his answer deemed candid. I can't stand the little fucker... but this is a weak talkingpoint... actual closer to #fakenews.

How many immunities had Mueller handed out? How about Comey? What are the pub charges so far?

Deus X

Deus X

Floridatexan wrote:
What I posted is an opinion piece, and I'm familiar with the author.  Please tell me whether or not you agree with his sentiments.  Don't school me on what sites I can quote or not, as I see fit.  I don't quote lies.

I have no problem with the content, it's the source. If you're gonna diss a source PkrBoy [AKA The Human Centipede] uses, you should use trustworthy sources yourself. The Daily Banter is nothing but leftie drivel, IT'S NOT A SERIOUS SITE! Apparently you don't read anything but this kind of crap--stuff that supports your already hardened viewpoint.

The article is shit--it's just another screed about what an asshole Trump is. Who knew, huh? It does nothing to identify the problem or propose solutions. The problem, by the way, is not Trump, it's that our society is so divided, so polarized, the he could be elected. But you, in your righteous outrage, don't care about that, do you?

Actually, one doesn't really need to read your posts, they're all of a kind. They support your leftie dogma: Trump is the Devil, Hillary is a Deity and  Obama is a Saint. You NEVER post anything that contradicts or even examines those propositions. You do not have an open mind.

All three of those hypotheses are false. Trump is right about some stuff, Hillary is Satan and Obama was almost a complete failure as President.

Have a nice day.



PkrBum wrote:
polecat wrote:
PkrBum wrote:A "lack of candor" is a perfectly appropriate fireable offense within the FBI. No matter your ideology.

Unless of course you've gone full socialist/communist? You try lying to the FBI. Good luck comrade.

He's fortunate that he's not under indictment like some others. Oddly... those are only pubs.

Most of the dems were given immunity... or promoted as in Obama's gun running to Mexican cartels.

So when jeff sessions lied to the Senate was that ''lake of candor'' also or just he loses his memory when he's around Russians?

In his Senate capacity he met countless Russians. The question was specific to an inquiry and his answer deemed candid. I can't stand the little fucker...  but this is a weak talkingpoint...  actual closer to #fakenews.

How many immunities had Mueller handed out? How about Comey? What are the pub charges so far?

This is the meeting Jeff Sessions couldn't remember, until the press found out.

Jill McCabe:  The President Attacked My Reputation.  It's Time to Set the Record Straight. 171030111717-george-papadopoulos-with-trump-exlarge-169

When pressed on the issue, he did suddenly remember, and that he "pushed back" against the idea of Drumpf meeting with Putin. Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes

The 285 people connected to the Russia probes



A Higher Loyalty: Truth, Lies and Leadership, by James Comey, is due to be released April 17.



Floridatexan wrote:
A Higher Loyalty: Truth, Lies and Leadership, by James Comey, is due to be released April 17.

Good... it'll be used as evidence if he's brave enough to write comprehensively. Which I highly doubt.

There are some very serious answers that he owes we the people.

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