The solutions are not that complicated if the radicals on the left and right are taken out of the discussion. I get my fishing license online. I get my hunting license on line. When I transport hazardous waste I get a permit online. When I transport my oversized RV, I get permits online for each state which I am moving the same.
The second amendment gives absolute protection to arms which were in existence prior to 1800. All legacy guns within a home cannot be touched by Government, but government can most certainly regulate the transport of arms which the Supreme Court in HELLER says may be regulated. A national chipped foid card will be required to transport a gun, and the gun must be transported in a secure transport case which syncs with the foid card, the carrying case, and the chip installed by a licensed gun shop. A simple phone app as easy as Uber or my making a deposit in the bank will allow me to transport a gun to go hunting by simply giving the gun id, the route, the date and time, and the purpose of the transport. A permit will issue within one minute and will be stored on the phone just like rental car agreements are stored on the phone which you can show an officer.
All conceal and carry permits concerning legacy guns will be revoked. A new national conceal and carry permit will issue which allows a citizen to carry their gun to any state once passing federal background checks and purchasing new high tech hand guns which will be chipped in multiple locations, and have low frequency signals which can be picked up over 100 yards away and any citizen can get a monitor for their home, business, and LEO shall know if a conceal and carry permit holder is entering the 100 yard zone. Congress will give the manufacturers the specifications, and they will sell millions of new safe guns which will make the gun manufacturers happy. Legacy guns can be kept at home without government regulation beyond the foid card and a new online background check in a phone app. Upon the death of any gun owner there will be an online app for transport to family member’s homes without fee or restriction. If a legacy gun is later determined by congress to be inherently dangerous in the public, it still will be allowed to be transferred to family members homes.
I want to go hunting. I use the app just like a broken windshield being replaced at my home to have licensed gun dealer install the chips and sell a transport carrier. Once I have that information installed in my phone app, I simply enter the four data points, gun id, route, date and time, and purpose of transport. Just like I do when moving my park model. The fifth amendment guarantees my right to own my RV, but to transport the same requires a permit.
Any person stopped and discovered to have no permit when transporting a gun will be given a mandatory three day jail sentence where the state will investigate if it was a good faith mistake or an intentional criminal act which would be a preliminary hearing to determine criminal prosecution of much longer sentence for the person who intentionally disobeyed the law. The second amendment and Supreme Court decisions guarantee our absolute right to our guns in our home, but the transport of the same can be regulated by congress. Game, set, match for common sense.