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America has become completely vulnerable preparing to fight the next war with a paradigm from 1945

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I have been arguing that the trillions we have sitting in an egg basket of various defense modalities which were designed in WWII are ineffective.  We now have third world nations which can cripple that trillions of dollars egg basket with new technologies which were not even imagined in 1945.

If some folks do not wake up and have the courage to fight MIC and the excessive defense budgets , we will see within a decade that the very expensive emperor's new clothes were non existent.  China is building a defensive array based on modern technologies.   The American empire will not fade because we were defeated by a superior military, but will fade because for such little money our egg basket can be destroyed.   We have traitors among us and war profiteers, while America throws its wealth down the rabbit hole.



Deus X

Deus X

America has become completely vulnerable preparing to fight the next war with a paradigm from 1945 Eabuztn


Exactly what I have been predicting. A twenty to thirty trillion dollar military which is completely vulnerable to min tactical nukes.


Now spending money on military parades? The problem has been defined. The solutions are many, but it starts with not supporting military displays in America. A civilian government controlling the military was a template for our founding fathers who did not want to have standing armies which history had proved was detrimental to freedom and liberty for citizens. We have had a military coup in America. Civilians are all but powerless to take back control of this nation from MIC and their shills. Ike is rolling over in his grave.


2seaoat wrote:

I have been arguing that the trillions we have sitting in an egg basket of various defense modalities which were designed in WWII are ineffective.  We now have third world nations which can cripple that trillions of dollars egg basket with new technologies which were not even imagined in 1945.

If some folks do not wake up and have the courage to fight MIC and the excessive defense budgets , we will see within a decade that the very expensive emperor's new clothes were non existent.  China is building a defensive array based on modern technologies.   The American empire will not fade because we were defeated by a superior military, but will fade because for such little money our egg basket can be destroyed.   We have traitors among us and war profiteers, while America throws its wealth down the rabbit hole.

You must have been asleep the last 10-15 years. China is growing its offensive capabilities at a fast rate. Heard of the South China Sea? Cyber-warfare? New Chinese aircraft carriers? A large increase in nuclear sub construction? Stealthy fighter aircraft? Yes they are heavily involved in all that and more.

But yes, for years the U.S. was preparing for another European/Russian war but that strategy has evolved over the last 10 years or so with different seapower strategies (and ships), revised force compositions for the Army, Air Force, etc.

A massive flex toward smaller conflict preparation is not easy to accomplish. First you have to convince the self-serving idiots infesting Congress that the threat has shifted. Good luck with that since it costs their districts money when major changes occur in weapons and military training procurement..


I have no concern of China reversing almost four thousand years of an insular defensive nation. The south China sea islands are military outposts which take our carrier groups out of play concerning the Lop Nor region of China and their missile bases. We could learn a great deal from the Chinese. Make massive cuts in defense budgets and walk away from the post wwII paradigm where we have 20 trillion of American wealth tied up in our own maginot line.


2seaoat wrote:I have no concern of China reversing almost four thousand years of an insular defensive nation.  The south China sea islands are military outposts which take our carrier groups out of play concerning the Lop Nor region of China and their missile bases.  We could learn a great deal from the Chinese.  Make massive cuts in defense budgets and walk away from the post wwII paradigm where we have 20 trillion of American wealth tied up in our own maginot line.

Lop Nor was/is a nuclear weapon TESTING site not "missile bases"..... The Chinese have vehicle transported anti-ship missiles. After struggling not to laugh while reading your post I did realize that I'm strangely relieved you have never had any involvement or influence over military matters given your total lack of comprehension of same. It's a big world 2, with lots of moving parts and you really should become at least somewhat familiar with things before throwing your uninformed insights out there for public consumption.


I figure you would laugh. I will only say I have written papers on that area of China in the early 1970s working with a professor who was paid by the defense Department to do analysis of our defensive positions, and was the expert in Middle East Naval deployments and gave speeches all over the world dealing with American military strategy. He was the head of my thesis committee. I have published work. Last time I checked there were no kitchen help at those consortiums implying that their service making soup and mopping floors qualified them to make an informed analysis of the failings of American military strategy.

I can only snicker to see history repeat itself. You see Billy Mitchell was laughed at by an entrenched incompetent good old boy military which had addled minds looking back to another era of the battleship which like now all the resources were being poured into ineffective and vulnerable platforms which could be attacked from manned aircraft, so he was court martialed and his arguments to invest in our current carrier deployment gave us supremacy for seventy five years. However, the current aircraft carrier deployment is equally as futile as the battleship was with the advent of low cost drones and ballistic missiles capable of delivering destruction under the same false theory of impregnable that our battleships were once viewed by folks like you on the government teat who have bought into the proposition that defending America is secondary to getting your military welfare. So the Blue Angels fly, the President has a military parade, and a person kneeling at a football game is suddenly attacking them military. The simple truth is people of high intelligence have got to save this nation from a paper lion military, and once again put the first priority of defending this nation......not making work for those who couldn't, or siting military bases to get political capital to keep this deadly charade alive. missile sir still make me smile.

Deus X

Deus X

2seaoat wrote:I figure you would laugh.... Last time I checked there were no kitchen help at those consortiums implying that their service making soup and mopping floors qualified them to make an informed analysis of the failings of American military strategy.

Uh oh!!


Probably too much of a put down because he actually is intelligent, but it is way too much fun to aggravate him.  We are heading down a slippery slope as a nation, and this attitude that civilians do not know enough to command the military is a necessary element of the military coup which has been happening in this country since the eighties. We have just allowed the tail to wag the dog.


2seaoat wrote:Probably too much of a put down because he actually is intelligent, but it is way too much fun to aggravate him.  We are heading down a slippery slope as a nation, and this attitude that civilians do not know enough to command the military is a necessary element of the military coup which has been happening in this country since the eighties.   We have just allowed the tail to wag the dog.

Takes more than that to aggravate me. What's funny is regardless of the subject you seem to have "written papers" in the 70's on the subject. That's just a wee bit different than being involved professionally.

BTW - don't hold your breath waiting for a "military coup" here, you'll just turn blue and faint.




I saw on MSN that we are considering sending more marines to the East China Sea. All while the South Koreans and North Koreans are showing unity. Why? Because the MIC thought they had the necessary fool in the White House to keep war going, but suddenly the South Koreans realized that this same fool will have no problem killing ten million Koreans from a chithole country and they realized that the arbitrary division of their nation is driven by America's need to have full employement of teat suckers who return and vote for more war and for the military profiteering by MIC......a match made in hell.



The dialogue in Korea is new... paved contrary to every leftist tds pundit... including you.


The dialogue in Korea is new... paved contrary to every leftist tds pundit... including you.

The South Koreans realize that America is a paper tiger who would rather lob nuclear than to repeat the mistakes of the fifties. However, never before did South Korea think an ally was insane enough to allow ten million south Koreans to die.

However, you do not pay attention. There has been a huge protest movement in South Korea over American occupancy and willingness to have a war which harmed South Korea. Vice news has ran stories on the same, but main stream news consistently only talks about one mad man, and does not cover the South Korean rejection of the American paradigm. We are beating war drums and they simply want peace.


More proof that the post WWII paradigm is irrelevant with inexpensive drones rather than manned aircraft now changing the modern paradigm. What does America do during this obvious changing paradigm.......dump 65 billion increased defense budget into the same old outdated and ineffective paradigm which produces potato peelers who then enter the political debate and profits for defense contractors who have made the best 20 trillion dollar maginot line......We need to reverse this military coup and once again have American patriots in charge.



Show me the results of Obama's weak sauce policies? Results matter. NK is softening.

I don't think I'd have rattled their cage like trump has... but it's a strategy nonetheless.

You were wrong... and so was every trump deranged snowflake.


I am not wrong on Korea, or who is in charge. Trump is now dangerous to the MIC. The last time that happened a President was killed and we were in Viet Nam for 17 years. If history repeats itself, we will be in armed conflict somewhere during the entire trump presidency. If Trump was for real, we would be out of Iraq and can try to transfer qualities to Trump which do not exist.......that is special.



I don't care if he ran around in a tiny circle waving his arms... what is the result?

[ ] better
[ ] worse


Worse. He is entirely capable of war in Korea. This very real probability is not an act but a foreseeable action by an idiot. President Obama taking 100k of our troops overseas and bringing them home is an improvement.....better.

Sending marines to South China Sea.....a MIC wet dream.



There's no doubt who the media back... just like you. What are the odds? Lol Rolling Eyes


Korean not being shown as the boogie man....yea that is a media conspiracy, or maybe.......just maybe.......America awakening from almost seventy years of smoke and mirrors by MIC. You see the irony of MIC supporting Trump and getting their 65 billion dollar now have a very identifiable commander and chief in charge of our mercenary armies of oppression. Who knows, people may finally awaken from their slumber and understand what the blue angels really represent.


The world has twenty aircraft carriers which America has 11 which are much more modern and capable than any of the other 9 carriers, yet this twenty trillion dollar investment is completely vulnerable.

This insanity has to stop.


Tell me how 20 trillion of military capital expense fighting the last war with the same delivery system is going to defend America from Putin's new weapon, or the next new weapon?

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