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We all want the facts and truth... right?

Deus X
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PkrBum wrote:Has the left really forgotten how to play fair? How to tolerate different opinions? How to be civil? It's seriously gotten out of hand.

Pleas for civility and tolerance, coming out of you with your constant fucking insults and your crybaby icon and all the other fight-picky shit that seems to be the only reason you even come here, is hilarious. You really have no idea who and what you are, do you?

I started out treating you civilly, talking about our cats and what-not, and I've seen other people do it as well. But all we got out of it was constant mocking and "comrade" this and "snowflake" that, and big talk about how you'll knock somebody's teeth out, and obnoxiously spamming the board, and all that horseshit. Make no mistake and have no illusions, sunshine, you earned the dislike you get. It's not "the left" -- it's you, personally. I'll treat anybody civilly until they start acting like an jerk. Make it clear that's what you want and I will accommodate you. There's an old Spanish proverb: "Dance to the music that is played." You called the tune, you set the tone. You act like you act and then you cry that people aren't "civil" to you! Jesus Christ, you trifling asshole, beg-borrow-buy a frickin' clue already!

I rag-doll your weak ass in argument after argument and make it as personal as I can. People put up troll warnings every time you post. How much clearer do we have to make it? Take a hint, wouldja? Instead, you complain that people aren't nice to you! Well, no duh! Nobody encourages a rash on their butt, either. It'd be counterproductive.

If you're not having fun, GO! Buh-bye! See ya! Vaya con dios! Make like a tree and leave, make like a cowflop and hit the dusty trail, make like a banana and split, make like a stripper and take off, make like a baby and head out, make like a bread truck and haul buns, make like a sheep and get the flock outta here... am I being too subtle? You don't seem to enjoy anyone's company since all you do is mock 'em, so... why do you stay? Do you not have any other friends?

If we put it to a majority-rules vote and asked you to leave, would you? Or is inflicting yourself on us the whole point?



What a strange small minded long winded asshat... a terrible combination. I couldn't care less what you think of my posts... personal or otherwise. Fuck off. Back to the political conversation. The fix was in:


PkrBum wrote:What a strange small minded long winded asshat... a terrible combination. I couldn't care less what you think of my posts... personal or otherwise. Fuck off.

So, I take that as a "no" on the up or down vote for you staying?


This really is all you have, isn't it? That kind of pridelessness is actually sad. The only people you can find to hang out with are people who obviously don't like you and wish you'd leave, because you not only contribute nothing of worth, you try to derail others who do.

Oh well. Appealing to your pride was worth a try. But, like the old saying goes, it's easier to kill a coward than it is to insult him.



Per @Stonekettle

What do you think about this memo, Jim? You think there's anything to it?

A rather large amount of my email this weeks is asking about The Memo.

The secret memo drafted by House Intelligence Committee chairman David Nunes, which allegedly describes some kind of chicanery at the FBI, particularly within the Russia Investigation. Naturally the Stormtrumpers have seized on this supposed memo as "evidence" of some "deep state" which is something something gazpacho up to no good.

The Memo was supposedly written by Nunes and his staff, supposedly based on "highly classified" information that only a select group of House and Senate lawmakers has access to.

Because of its supposed super duper high level of classification, the memo apparently can't be released to the public.

Apparently it can't even be shown to members of the Senate. Which is pissing off Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Richard Burr to no end.

Nunes has apparently rejected requests to view the document from the Senate, The FBI, and the Justice Department.

Which, you know, forces me to ask why damned near every Republican congressman has apparently seen this thing. And, like my own idiot representative Matt Gaetz, is running around every talk show in the country blathering on about it.

What do I think?

I think its pure kark, through and through.

Oh, I'm sure there's a memo.

And I'm sure it's all kinds of damning to the FBI.

And I'm sure that Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton feature prominently as villains.

But I STRONGLY doubt that anything in this memo is based on reality in any fashion.

Ask yourself something: what intelligence?

What intelligence?

Ask yourself something, ask yourself what every alleged Journalist in the country should be asking right now.

What intelligence?

Ask yourself what every Congressman and every Senator should be openly demanding right now.

What intelligence?

The memo is supposedly based on "highly classified" intelligence.

WHAT intelligence?

What agency produced this intelligence?

No, think about it. Who's tasked and empowered to investigate the FBI? Who is that? Who is empowered by force of law to investigate the FBI's Russia Investigation? Who?

I mean, it's not the CIA or DIA or NSA or any other federal intelligence agency. That's not their job. Their job is foreign intelligence. They don't investigate domestic law enforcement. In fact, there are a couple of very specific laws preventing them from doing so.

So, who investigated the FBI?

It's not a police department, because the FBI *is* the federal police department and with the exception of the Capitol Police or the Park Service, the rest of the police are STATE or LOCAL agencies who don't answer the House Intel Committee. And who are most certainly NOT empowered to investigate the FBI.

The Secret Service doesn't do this kind of work.

So, who does that leave? The Department of Justice Inspector General?

Well yes, that would be the correct answer, the DOJ IG would be the only agency empowered to investigate the FBI.

But the DOJ IG answers to Jeff Sessions and ultimately Donald Trump. And why would the Inspector General, a member of the EXECUTIVE BRANCH turn over the results of such an investigation, assuming they actually conducted one, which they haven't, to the HOUSE Intelligence Committee without a subpoena? Of which there hasn't been one?

More, if it was the DOJ IG, why would Nunes deny a request by the Department of Justice to see the memo? And why couldn't Sessions just ask HIS OWN INSPECTOR GENERAL for the information?

So I'll ask again, WHAT INTELLIGENCE?

Who gathered it? How? When? Why? Where are the warrants? WHO ORDERED THE INVESTIGATION? Who analyzed the raw intel? Who validated it? HOW was it validated? What is the confidence level? Who then processed the final intelligence products and presented it to Congress? Which members of Congress. Who classified it? Who had access to it? How much of The Memo is based on it and how much is conjecture or speculation and are those things clearly indicated in the text? Who actually wrote the memo? What are their qualifications? And so on.

Here's a funny thing: No one, NOT ONE single member, on the House Intelligence Committee is an actual intelligence expert of any kind. In fact, they're not even amateurs. Not one of them, Republican or Democrat, has ANY actual intelligence background, training, or experience. The few that have served in the military, none of them served in any intelligence capacity whatsoever. Two were enlisted army grunts, one was a surgeon, one was a JAG, another was a bomber pilot. None of them have any intelligence training at all. None.

Devin Nunes' degree is in AGRICULTURE. Specifically, cows. He's an expert in cow shit. Literally.

Nunes never served in the military. He was never a civilian intelligence analyst of any kind. He certainly doesn't have any kind of degree in it. He has no intelligence background at all. None. Cows. That's it.

So who wrote this memo?

I have questions.

As a former intelligence officer with more than two decades of experience, I have some goddamned questions.


From what I've heard from people on the news who've actually gone into the room and read the thing, it's mostly a couple of agents who were irresponsible (in more ways than one) chattering to each other. And if you just read the four pages that have been cherry-picked, it would look damning to people who were intent on conspiracy theorizing. But if you read the entire memo, and not just those four pages, it's clear that there's not some far-reaching corruption... just a couple of idiot agents who, when they were found out, were disciplined.

If they release the memo, they need to release the whole thing, not just the four pages that Trumplickers are trying to make hay of. O' course, even that won't really make much difference, since most of Hannity's minions won't actually read the damn thing, anyway -- they never investigate anything, they'll just swallow down whatever parts of it he wants to spoon-feed them.

And it's starting to look like Republicans are backing off on releasing it, anyway, because they're getting more fodder out of spreading rumors about what's in it and letting people's imaginations turn it into double-dog-Watergate-whatever, like they did with Benghazi, Fast & Furious, Uranium One, and all the other molehills they're turning into the Andes. If you want to fire up conspiracy theorists, withhold as much real info as possible and let them do the rest of your work for you. That's how you get ridiculous shit like "Bush did 9-11!"

Anyway, it's all a desperate attempt to discredit the FBI that's getting closer to the truth. If they really believed Trump wasn't dirty, they'd let the investigation go on so it could clear him. But, nope. Gonna be a lot of really dumb people getting really upset over what's likely not-much-o'-nothin'. And releasing or unreleasing it won't stop it. Hell, at this point they could reveal that no such memo even ever existed and it'd make no difference -- the public is starved for bullshit, they don't care about facts.



But the "dossier" is the real deal... lol. Silly comrades. Obama ran a dirty admin... ethics were sacrificed for political ends. From gunrunning to wiretapping reporters to lying about benghazi before the election to fisa abuses... etc. Heads should roll. But I've no confidence that they will.



PkrBum wrote:But the "dossier" is the real deal... lol. Silly comrades. Obama ran a dirty admin... ethics were sacrificed for political ends. From gunrunning to wiretapping reporters to lying about benghazi before the election to fisa abuses... etc. Heads should roll. But I've no confidence that they will.

We all want the facts and truth... right? - Page 2 1lyt1d



We all want the facts and truth... right? - Page 2 Benghazi-busted


Tiresome idiots don't care if their claims are debunked -- they want to believe things and it doesn't matter a damn to 'em if they're true or not. It doesn't matter how many times you prove 'em wrong, they're incapable of learning anything.

But, just for the sake of humiliating the silly dolts, I'll do this the easy way and just put up links without wasting my time recounting how gunwalking and other basic things work for the umpteenth time.

Gunnrunning claims debunked:

Benghazi bullshit debunked:

Wiretapping debunked:

Hannity is a hell of a drug, and you can't stop a cultist from believing ridiculous junk. It's futile as trying to convince a Scientologist that there is no Xenu or a young-Earth creationist that the planet's more than 6000 years old or a flat-earther that they're wrong or a racist that there's no genetic supremacy or... you name it. They've got things in their chosen scripture and their not-being-an-idiot depends on those things being right, so, the facts ain't gonna matter a damn.

If you want to see this in action in an entertaining way, watch Room 237, a documentary on how people have gathered "evidence" to convince themselves completely that their crazy theories about the movie The Shining are real. The obsessiveness of it all is pretty interesting.

Or, you can just stay here and watch our resident low-wattage headcase tie himself in knots trying to maintain his idea that Trump's good and Obama/Hillary are the devil and out to put fiberglass shavings in his underpants, or whatever his ravings-of-the-day are.



zsomething wrote:Tiresome idiots don't care if their claims are debunked -- they want to believe things and it doesn't matter a damn to 'em if they're true or not.  It doesn't matter how many times you prove 'em wrong, they're incapable of learning anything.

But, just for the sake of humiliating the silly dolts, I'll do this the easy way and just put up links without wasting my time recounting how gunwalking and other basic things work for the umpteenth time.

Gunnrunning claims debunked:

Benghazi bullshit debunked:

Wiretapping debunked:

Hannity is a hell of a drug, and you can't stop a cultist from believing ridiculous junk.   It's futile as trying to convince a Scientologist that there is no Xenu or a young-Earth creationist that the planet's more than 6000 years old or a flat-earther that they're wrong or a racist that there's no genetic supremacy or... you name it.  They've got things in their chosen scripture and their not-being-an-idiot depends on those things being right, so, the facts ain't gonna matter a damn.  

If you want to see this in action in an entertaining way, watch Room 237, a documentary on how people have gathered "evidence" to convince themselves completely that their crazy theories about the movie The Shining are real.  The obsessiveness of it all is pretty interesting.

Or, you can just stay here and watch our resident low-wattage headcase tie himself in knots trying to maintain his idea that Trump's good and Obama/Hillary are the devil and out to put fiberglass shavings in his underpants, or whatever his ravings-of-the-day are.

We all want the facts and truth... right? - Page 2 Laughter



Y'all like bring lied to by your dear leaders... no surprise here.

Last edited by PkrBum on 1/25/2018, 3:25 pm; edited 2 times in total

Deus X

Deus X

We all want the facts and truth... right? - Page 2 Eabuztn

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