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Republicans admit they work for donors not the American people!

2 posters

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Why am I not surprized? Check it out:


Yawn. I challenge you to find a single politician in ANY party who isn't bent over for their donors. This is just another hyper-partisan gag piece from your favorite blog. That's one of the major problems with party hacks - they can't see the problems they screech about apply to ALL politicians.



gatorfan wrote:Yawn. I challenge you to find a single politician in ANY party who isn't bent over for their donors. This is just another hyper-partisan gag piece from your favorite blog. That's one of the major problems with party hacks - they can't see the problems they screech about apply to ALL politicians.

I'm in full agreement with you about most politicians -- from both parties -- who aren't owned by their donors. What was unique about this article is the overt statement of admission of this truth by republican leaders.

How do we get our representative government back?


Wordslinger wrote:
gatorfan wrote:Yawn. I challenge you to find a single politician in ANY party who isn't bent over for their donors. This is just another hyper-partisan gag piece from your favorite blog. That's one of the major problems with party hacks - they can't see the problems they screech about apply to ALL politicians.

I'm in full agreement with you about most politicians -- from both parties -- who aren't owned by their donors.  What was unique about this article is the overt statement of admission of this truth by republican leaders.

How do we get our representative government back?

Good question. The only way I can think of is get the money out of politics. When it costs a billion plus to get elected President that kind of narrows the potential field don't you think? Term limits would help solve some of the money problems in Congress but you have to convince the spineless cretins occupying the Hill to go along and as we can suspect they won't go along with what's best for the country.

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