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Cannot send PMs

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1Cannot send PMs Empty Cannot send PMs 10/10/2012, 4:08 am




My Inbox and Sent Box are both empty yet I cannot send PMs to anyone but myself, which I tried just as a functionality test.

WTF, Mainerd?


2Cannot send PMs Empty Re: Cannot send PMs 10/25/2012, 11:56 am

boards of FL

boards of FL

Just sent you a PM as a test. See if you can reply to it. I haven't changed anything so everything should work.

3Cannot send PMs Empty Re: Cannot send PMs 10/25/2012, 5:35 pm



boards of FL wrote:Just sent you a PM as a test. See if you can reply to it. I haven't changed anything so everything should work.

Thank you, doll. I rcv'd and responded. It was my own ignorance and dumbassery hard at work. I'd forgotten (it's been a few years) from experience as an Admin @OCD that on some forums a PM remains in your Outbox until the recipient opens it, at which time it moves to your Sent Box.

Silly riceme.

Sorry to have pestered you.


4Cannot send PMs Empty Re: Cannot send PMs 10/25/2012, 5:49 pm

boards of FL

boards of FL

I accept your apology!

5Cannot send PMs Empty Re: Cannot send PMs 10/25/2012, 10:29 pm



boards of FL wrote:I accept your apology!

Cannot send PMs Thanks

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