PkrBum wrote:
Lol... y'all are such a special hate group. It must be very painful to hear a different opinion.
I don't usually talk to you anymore, just about you, because when I told you a while back you were too stupid to talk to, you best believe I meant that. You are a waste of everyone's time. But since you appear to be deluding yourself about what this is about, I'll take a minute, give you a chance at personal insight even though I know you'll be too weak to take it.
When this many people don't like you, there's usually a reason beyond just that you have a "different opinion." Everyone here has different opinions on some things. In your case it's not that you disagree, it's that you're an obnoxious idiot, willfully wasting everybody's time spouting stupidity like a ruptured goose, trying to derail every conversation anyone starts. It's like having a child at the table yelling over grown-ups who are trying to talk. It's not a discussion with you, it's just a nitwit with an airhorn. People try explaining things to you, but it's a waste -- you ignore it and just repeat the same horseshit over and over, oblivious to what anybody's saying. That gets old. You believe
stupid things, and then you don't even own up to 'em, trying to claim you don't like either side when you constantly attack one and defend the other... and some of what you defend is white supremacy, and that's the last straw with me. My tolerance for that is none. On top of it, you claim you're actually against 'em and get all offended if we don't believe you, when you've spent days hammering at anyone who opposes them.
Sorry, but I call bullshit. Truth is behavior. Don't tell me what you are -- show me what you
do and I'll
know what you are. You don't get to say you're one thing and then act like another. That's dishonest and cowardly. You even say, "opposing leftist groupthink is the only game in town," which means (A) you're not sincerely trying to discuss things, you're just playing a game, and why should we help you play it when we're apparently supposed to be the pieces? and (B) you dismiss everything you don't agree with as "groupthink," even when we're telling the truth and making sense, so, what good is continuing with you? None. Maybe it's fun for you, but it's tiresome for everyone else.
When you behave like that, this is the reaction you're gonna get, every last goddamned time.
If you don't like it, you could always, y'know,
finally take a freakin' hint already.