Well, he went on another Twitter rampage over the weekend, claiming his support is stronger than ever (ha ha ha!) and slamming the media, as usual. Now -- in a move straight out of North Korea's playbook -- he's got life-support-system-for-a-blank-stare Kayleigh McAnnany hosting a "real news" show (filmed in Trump Tower) for his followers who think things like Sean Hannity aren't butt-kissy enough to the regime. It's basic Dictatorship 101.
Then he tweeted a bunch of stuff about Senator Blumenthal "crying like a baby" because he misrepresented his Vietnam service. Blumenthal did misrepresent his service (he only served stateside), but hearing that out of Trump, who dodged the draft with multiple deferments and then compared his avoiding catching V.D. while sleeping around as "my personal Vietnam" and saying "I feel like a great and very brave soldier" is pretty funny.
So, he shushed for a while, under the babysitting of General Kelly, but nothing good lasts for long, so, he's at it again...