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My first grade grandson just informed me.....

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That his little brother cannot have children because he only has one testicle. This subject was brought up why he was going to be a great basketball player and his brother will never be any good at basketball because he has one testicle. Art linkletter had a blast talking to is just too much fun.



My sister and her grandchildren are here 6,4,2... they're hilarious... though I'm resting while they're out on the pontoon boat. I'll take them tubing when they get back. But the two y/o is cracking us alli up. She's amazing by all of the water and calls it "wady". She works it into every sentence and often the only word we understand is wady... lol. She wants to potty in da wady... go boat wady... etc. We're all saying it now... lol.


This has to be illegal because it is just too much fun. We are off to the fair to get our pork chop sandwiches, cotton candy, do some rides, and then watch the rodeo. I will be exhausted, but you just cannot have more fun than being with little ones. My youngest just told Mrs. Seaoat that she is old like a dog......the cycle of life....priceless.



So happy you guys are enjoying the kids. There is nothing like it in the world.

Seaoat....your guy loves saying testicle....he will find a way to bring it up in every conversation .



Joanimaroni wrote:So happy you guys are enjoying the kids.  There is nothing like it in the world.

Seaoat....your guy loves saying testicle....he will find a way to bring it up in every conversation .

Finally, I understand.

"Bill" is your "testicle".

It all makes sense now.



Sal wrote:
Joanimaroni wrote:So happy you guys are enjoying the kids.  There is nothing like it in the world.

Seaoat....your guy loves saying testicle....he will find a way to bring it up in every conversation .

Finally, I understand.

"Bill" is your "testicle".

It all makes sense now.  

Yea right....the stay at home lazy house husband.


The fair was tough on me physically but we had our pork chop sandwiches, and the kids did their 25 bucks of carnival rides, we had our cotton candy, but the rodeo was very very very strange.  I had gone to rodeos as a kid.  After my dad died, my mother dated this guy who took us on the rodeo circuit.  I really became quite a fan.

Tonight this rodeo company out of Missouri spent the first half hour with this strange political right wing propaganda.  Apparently, the government has put pressure on the Circus and rodeo as to animal abuse.  Well, this was like the twilight zone of patriotism and anti Washington rhetoric.  I was appalled, but looked around, and this was not the same audience at a rodeo when I was a kid.    It was a bunch of tatooed drug addicts who probably did not have jobs and their skimpy outfits and biker jackets and cowboy hats.  Pretend cowboys.   I used to ride as a kid, and the crowds were families with working parents and just a joy for the sport.  I left early and the grandkids were angry with papa.   I just was worn out physically, but equally mentally with the crap this rodeo announcer was saying about that it was not a journalist or lawyer who gave us our bill of rights but fighting men and women in Iraq.......honest to God I thought I was going to get violently ill.  Our forefathers sacrificed for that bill of rights and nobody in Iraq was a threat to invade America or take our bill of rights away.  I just wanted the announcer to shut the F up when I realized that some of this was scripted, and somebody was sponsoring this rodeo company.   People are getting brainwashed where ever we go now.   A perfectly beautiful evening with the Grandchildren was totally ruined by some Koch brothers half hour propaganda piece to an audience which seemed like they were on a weekend pass from the local drug rehab center.   I can guarantee you there were no Hillary voters who were watching this rodeo.  The problem is as a kid, working families came to a rodeo, but the cultural shift in this nation is beyond scary.  We are really in deep trouble beyond President Trump's continuing fiascos.   This was not meant to be political, but a perfectly beautiful evening with my grandkids was ruined by a koch brother type propaganda show under the illusion that it really was about the rodeo.



It's about you... we know.


It's about you... we know.

Tonight it was. I could not take one more minute of being told about soldiers in Iraq giving us our bill of rights. I did think about you though when we went through the animal exhibits. There were these sheep which had these really cool coats on to protect their puffed up wool waiting to be harvested. They all looked at me with suspicion, knowing that their cousin in Michigan feels that I am too tough on sheep. I tried to explain to the sheep that I am worried about their northern cousin, when my Grandson announced, but papa sheep cannot talk, they just follow.


What a strange weekend. My son and daughter in law were going to her male cousins wedding who is a firefighter. We had the boys. Well when they get back from the wedding, they have this incredible story to tell. Now understand we just watched a rodeo which seemed to have collected every drug addict in central Illinois, and a paid right wing commercial for hating Washington at this patriotic rodeo out of Missouri. My head is still spinning on what I saw at the rodeo and fair, but when my son started talking about the wedding, I realized this whole drug addiction thing is getting very serious.

Apparently after the Church wedding they had rented a couple tour buses to take family from the church to the hotel where the reception was being held. My son and his wife were near the back of the bus, when some women from the brides family started physically attacking two of my daughter in law sisters in the front of the bus. Next men started getting involved, and the bus driver pulled the bus over and called the police. My son and his wife have not been real happy with the two sisters, and never found out what instigated the fights, but they said people were not drunk, but appeared to be high on drugs. The police arrived and started filling out police reports and fortunately both my son and daughter in law stayed in their seats as they said it was bizarre the behavior of some of the brides family, and other than one man who got blind sided just sitting in his seat where he was knocked out cold, there was more yelling and slapping than any real fighting.

They and the people in the back of the bus were able to get off the bus because the bus driver said they were not involved, and were transported to the reception on another bus. They still do not know if what criminal charges were made, but they figured the reception was going to be more of the same and just went up to their room. They said these people were drugged up.

We have had 17 trillion dollars of wealth taken from the middle class by wall street and the banksters. Young people have no jobs as our infrastructure crumbles and our congress is impotent to help Americans. This was an eye opening weekend.



The drug scene is bad....heroin is selling cheap.

Last edited by Joanimaroni on 7/30/2017, 10:31 pm; edited 1 time in total



2seaoat wrote:I realized this whole drug addiction thing is getting very serious.

One of the reasons that I've been posting infrequently is because I've been volunteering in a drug treatment/rehab facility.

I made a decision to do this because I have skin in the game.

I have relatives and friends in Kentucky who have been profoundly damaged by this scourge.

"Conservative" politics carry a really heavy load of the responsibility.


2seaoat wrote:We have had 17 trillion dollars of wealth taken from the middle class by wall street and the banksters.  Young people have no jobs as our infrastructure crumbles and our congress is impotent to help Americans.  This was an eye opening weekend.

I have no idea how you tie this non-sequitur paragraph to the above two stories other than as just a few other examples of how fucked up this country is.

The stories themselves were depressing enough; you could've left it at that.



Joanimaroni wrote:
Sal wrote:
Joanimaroni wrote:So happy you guys are enjoying the kids.  There is nothing like it in the world.

Seaoat....your guy loves saying testicle....he will find a way to bring it up in every conversation .

Finally, I understand.

"Bill" is your "testicle".

It all makes sense now.  

Yea right....the stay at home lazy house husband.

Sal is a cuck?


No it was not a non sequitur paragraph. The area where the fair was once bustled with factories where blue collar and non college educated families could make a living wage. There is a sense of hopelessness as once abundant jobs which paid a living wage have disappeared in this area. In addition, there are technical jobs which are opening up, but almost 40% of those applying for those jobs cannot pass the drug test.

I commend Sal. I have over the last 40 years had to deal with tragedy after tragedy with alcoholism and drugs, but those were in good times and were not anywhere near where this problem has evolved. It is a sense of hopelessness which is not being addressed by Republicans which associate addiction with lazy people who are not willing to work. Work where? The area where the groom is a fireman was once listed as a top five target by the Soviets because of all the machine tool plants which manufactured everything which made America's economy work. Now it is gangs, senseless drug wars, and hopelessness.

I think this idea that we have to build this huge profit machine for the MIC to consume more of America's wealth while cutting tax on the wealthy is directly related to this epidemic. The Congress cannot even pass a huge infrastructure bill which begins to rebuild the wealth in the private sector which was stolen by the banksters and Wall street. My personal experience is that I do not have the patience for the relapse in the drug addiction cycle, but I know programs which are working, but here in Illinois we have a governor who is not funding our schools or the social service agency which are not being overwhelmed by the drug addiction. Since being sick I have not gone to a fair in five years.....I am simply appalled.



2seaoat wrote: My personal experience is that I do not have the patience for the relapse in the drug addiction cycle,  

You have to come to an understanding of why dogs bark.

I've never felt more cynical and useful at the same time.

It's weird, but not in a bad way.


2seaoat wrote:That his little brother cannot have children because he only has one testicle.  This subject was brought up why he was going to be a great basketball player and his brother will never be any good at basketball because he has one testicle.  Art linkletter had a blast talking to is just too much fun.

WTF? This is supposed to be some dig at Bill? If it is it's really pretty childish, wouldn't you say?



Vikingwoman wrote:
2seaoat wrote:That his little brother cannot have children because he only has one testicle.  This subject was brought up why he was going to be a great basketball player and his brother will never be any good at basketball because he has one testicle.  Art linkletter had a blast talking to is just too much fun.

WTF? This is supposed to be some dig at Bill? If it is it's really pretty childish, wouldn't you say?

Are you nuts? No pun intended.


Are you nuts? No pun intended.

I just think things are flying over her head as she gets a little older and has retired. To a great degree it happens to all of us. My youngest grandson did not have one of his testicles descend. His older brother knows about this and just out of the blue will start telling people about his brother's one testicle. I was just sharing my joy in the child deciding to tell us his brother will not be a good basketball player and will not have children because he has one testicle. My wife patiently told him that her brother only had one testicle(which also did not descend) and has two boys. My grandson took it in, but the joy of watching how their minds work is priceless.

Please understand that Bill and I have gotten along for almost a decade. He loves to mess with me, but really who does not. The idea that this story originated because of Bill just is something I am not even able to rationalize or understand sober, and I doubt I could drink enough to follow your logic. You can be as sharp as anybody on this forum, and then you post stuff that I sometimes think you are just playing, but when I find out you are not, it becomes worrisome. No problem......I get along with Joannie, bill, and Pk, but that does not mean we do not take pot shots at each other, and I certainly have stayed neutral on their issues from long ago which never involved me.


2seaoat wrote:Please understand that Bill and I have gotten along for almost a decade.

I have asked you this question before and will ask it again:  Are you saying that this Bill person is still 'alive' and active on this forum and in touch with you, and has been all along?  Please put up or shut up.


2seaoat wrote:Are you nuts? No pun intended.

I just think things are flying over her head as she gets a little older and has retired.  To a great degree it happens to all of us.  My youngest grandson did not have one of his testicles descend.   His older brother knows about this and just out of the blue will start telling people about his brother's one testicle.  I was just sharing my joy in the child deciding to tell us his brother will not be a good basketball player and will not have children because he has one testicle.  My wife patiently told him that her brother only had one testicle(which also did not descend) and has two boys.  My grandson took it in, but the joy of watching how their minds work is priceless.

Please understand that Bill and I have gotten along for almost a decade.  He loves to mess with me, but really who does not.  The idea that this story originated because of Bill just is something I am not even able to rationalize or understand sober, and I doubt I could drink enough to follow your logic.  You can be as sharp as anybody on this forum, and then you post stuff that I sometimes think you are just playing, but when I find out you are not, it becomes worrisome.   No problem......I get along with Joannie, bill, and Pk, but that does not mean we do not take pot shots at each other, and I certainly have stayed neutral on their issues from long ago which never involved me.

Wait! That's even worse! I asked the question about Bill because I couldn't understand what you were talking about until I read Sal's post. I assumed you were talking about that then. I hope you're not finding joy in a child telling people that about his younger brother? And I hope you're correcting him to not say that before the younger brother develops a complex about it? He apparently heard some adult say that about having children. Children don't know things like that.


Vikingwoman wrote: And I hope you're correcting him to not say that before the younger brother develops a complex about it?

I had the same thought. Glad you said something, Viking.


2seaoat wrote:No it was not a non sequitur paragraph.   The area where the fair was once bustled with factories where blue collar and non college educated families could make a living wage.   There is a sense of hopelessness as once abundant jobs which paid a living wage have disappeared in this area.   In addition, there are technical jobs which are opening up, but almost 40% of those applying for those jobs cannot pass the drug test.

Oh, I see, you're going to prove it's not a non-sequitur after the fact, by adding concepts that were not discussed in the original telling of the story. That's rich. Just never mind.



Sal is a cuck... and his skin in the game is darwin grease. A genetic KU joke.



PkrBum wrote: Sal is a cuck... and his skin in the game is darwin grease. A genetic KU joke.

Drunk posting at 3am ....

.... sad!

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