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Republicans cannot govern at the national level

4 posters

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Most states have Republicans governing. They do a pretty good job. However, on the National level there is no doubt or uncertainty. They have failed the American people. What a cruel and harsh health care bill being presented in the senate. It is nothing more than a tax reduction for the wealthy when income inequality is at all time historical highs. How much is enough that twenty million people will be thrown off the health care rolls? The worst part is that among themselves the traditional main street Republicans have abdicated their role and function to hateful people who are more concerned in tearing down the union than governing. What a sad collection of human beings.


I don't know, if you look at places like Mississippi, Alabama, Tennessee, Kentucky, they do a pretty awful job even at a more local level. We've had Republican-everything pretty steadily for decades, and nothing good to show for it.

And it's getting worse, now that the TEA-hadi BapTaliban theocrats are getting into office. The old breed of Republicans were bad, but the new ones are pathetic.

Conservatism is basically a failed ideology that gets bad results every place its tried, but they were wily enough to tie themselves to the religious right, who'll keep voting on "faith" no matter what kind of results they actually get. That, and some very well-organized propaganda networks, are about the only thing keeping that party in business.



2seaoat wrote:  The worst part is that among themselves the traditional main street Republicans have abdicated their role and function to hateful people who are more concerned in tearing down the union than governing.   What a sad collection of human beings.

Traditional--Rockefeller--Republicans got driven out of the party during the Goldwater ascension in '64. They've been a minority voice since then. They didn't "abdicate" anything, they were marginalized by the extreme right-wing in the same way the Mensheviki were out-maneuvered and eventually eliminated by Lenin's Bolsheviks.

A further similarity is that the word Bolshevik means majority even though when Lenin adopted it they were the minority faction, the same way the extreme right-wing was here. Today's Republicans are American Bolsheviks.



The most stupid analogy ever posted here. Congratulations.



PkrBum wrote:The most stupid analogy ever posted here. Congratulations.

Spoken like a true Bolshevik. Lenin is smiling in his tomb.



Republicans can't govern at ANY LEVEL. Today's GOP doesn't have a single thing going for the They're nothing but an organized crime syndicate.

Want a "health care bill" passed? Facing opposition? No problem...Just attack a member of your OWN PARTY.

All Hell Breaks Loose On Healthcare As Mike Pence PAC Launches Massive Ad Attack On Dean Heller

By Jason Easley on Fri, Jun 23rd, 2017 at 4:24 pm

The super PAC that Vice President Mike Pence has been raising money for is getting ready to launch a seven-figure attack ad buy on Republican Sen. Dean Heller of Nevada.



Ya gotta love these dnc talkingpoints when they've lost over 1000 elected positions since the aca.

Lol... and the minion slurp it up.



PkrBum wrote:Ya gotta love these dnc talkingpoints when they've lost over 1000 elected positions since the aca.

Lol... and the minion slurp it up.
Republicans cannot govern at the national level 1d02919b829a0556d9dea2fa08c9f4c5





One can't help but notice the irony of the sign above the previous post... lol



Republicans cannot govern at the national level 1OPdyBY

Just in case anyone missed it...   lol

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