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Trump Signs Law Taking Aim at Planned Parenthood Funding

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Good! I am very ok with that.  

I am a very middle aged woman who has never used planned parenthood, and I only know 2 people in all my life who have used them.
I have lived from the east coast to the west coast and in a couple of other countries.
So, I personally think that it's a bad argument that women will not be able to get good affordable health care.  

All kinds of free screenings for various things, for men and women, where I live. Mammos, std's, prostate, even cancer. Not even hard to get certain types of free birth control here.


Well, balud, you can add one more. When I was first married and my Airman 2nd husband was stationed on a rather remote airbase in West Texas, I didn't have two nickels to rub together and Planned Parenthood, located in the nearby small town where we dwelled, was the only resource available to me. I will never forget how they treated me with kindness and respect despite my low station, and made my little life a whole lot easier.



Well I don't know you.  I'm surprised that you didn't use the base doctors?

And PP doesn't need to go under, just because they'll lose some funding.


OK, get technical on me.  You don't "know me," but you certainly now know OF me, first hand.  

The base was located over eight miles from our residence (the limited base housing was only available to officers), and with no affordable public transportation and no vehicle of my own I had no way to get there and back -- even if regular medical care and especially birth control pills were available to me on base at the time (1960's), which somehow I doubt; memory is failing but I know I would've taken advantage of the best opportunity -- and for me that was PP.  

They do a helluva lot of good for quality of life in this country, despite conservatives' best efforts to place them in the absolute worst light.   So let's reduce their funding and buy more bombs.  Makes sense to me.


Im ok with this. The government really needs to trim the garbage. PBS and this can go before more essential. The whole system is toxic currently because of addons like this were added without thinking things through.



wolfhouse wrote:Im ok with this. The government really needs to trim the garbage. PBS and this can go before more essential. The whole system is toxic currently because of addons like this were added without thinking things through.

WTF? Look, should we be making allowances for you for something? Are you intellectually challenged or on psych meds maybe? You don't seem to be able to cobble together a coherent thought.

Perhaps you're just a little slow, like every other reactionary imbecile with strong opinions and a weak mind.

Funny how often the two go together among conservatives.


wolfhouse wrote:Im ok with this. The government really needs to trim the garbage. PBS and this can go before more essential. The whole system is toxic currently because of addons like this were added without thinking things through.

The only people not "thinking things through" are those who believe that those institutions that deeply enrich and improve our nation's quality of life -- such as public broadcasting or Planned Parenthood -- are "garbage" and "can go."  Good holy grief -- such tiny-minded, short term thinking as to what constitutes being "essential" to this nation's well being is virtually unfathomable.

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