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How do I insert an image in a post?

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I copied the http link from imgur and when I click the "insert image" icon then paste the link, it looks okay when I preview it. But when I look at the post after I send it, the image isn't there, just some gibberish. 'Sup wit dat? What am I doing wrong?



btraven wrote:

How do I insert an image in a post? <img src=" />

During an appearance on Chris Matthews’ Hardball on Thursday night, Kellyanne Conway, Donald Trump’s former campaign manager and now an adviser in his administration, referenced a “massacre” when justifying the President’s ban on refugees and immigrants from seven majority-Muslim countries.

Oh yes, more alternative "facts". I missed the Chris Matthews show last night & when I turned on Morning Joe this morning and the Bowling Green "massacre" was referenced I was a little confused.

Now in morning tweets Kellyanne is saying she meant to say Bowling Green terrorists.

The current administration is trying to justify their travel ban on actions taken by Obama in 2011, which were not a shutdown but a pause in processing visa applications.  



btraven wrote:I copied the http link from imgur and when I click the "insert image" icon then paste the link, it looks okay when I preview it. But when I look at the post after I send it, the image isn't there, just some gibberish. 'Sup wit dat? What am I doing wrong?

Hmm, that is strange. If it looks okay in the preview seems it would post okay too. I think I use the "copy web address" and it usually ends in a jpg. You might try to copy a different picture? Good luck!



Nevermind, I figured it out.

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