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Left/Right News Sources

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1Left/Right News Sources  Empty Left/Right News Sources 2/3/2017, 8:05 am



With no mention of MBN (Markle Bullshit News), this chart shows a decent picture of where the news media lands. I found the source to be Alex Jones - Info Wars.

Interesting, anyway.

2Left/Right News Sources  Empty Re: Left/Right News Sources 2/3/2017, 11:27 am



SheWrites wrote:With no mention of MBN (Markle Bullshit News), this chart shows a decent picture of where the news media lands.  I found the source to be Alex Jones - Info Wars.  

Interesting, anyway.

Wow! This is great. Just looking over the chart I'd have to agree with how it has things arranged. I was surprised about USA Today getting a rather neutral evaluation. That's good to know. I don't think I go directly to them. Thanks for posting this.

3Left/Right News Sources  Empty Re: Left/Right News Sources 2/3/2017, 4:33 pm


Yes, interesting. I agree with much of it, though certainly not all; for instance, I would move both CBS and ABC News further right - neutral to slightly leaning right -- and would move both NPR and NBC News slightly more left. The way it's shown, there's no way that CBS and ABC are farther left than NPR, IMHO.

Anyway, fun to look at, so thanks!

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