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Joanimaroni wrote:
Telstar wrote:
Markle wrote:Certainly not my fault you need constant reminding.  You want it all swept under the rug, I do not.  Just as I have not forgotten Pearl Harbor or the Holocaust.  

Gosh, I can only imagine what a virtual-necrophiliac might try with photos from Auschwitz............ Please, seek counseling....

Allow me to give you a link to an Internet forum for people hooked on photos of dead people:

I did not enter the site because of the warnings about 'graphic images' there. However, you might find kindred souls there who want to help you......

Is that the forum that is called The Cave?  Twisted Evil

No Bill, it is not. The forum you mentioned and the name you mentioned earlier today is the forum where you stalked me back in the PNJ time. You posted my picture on the PNJ. When that was removed you used my picture as your avatar.....the PNJ banned you. Similar to your antics here. 

When are you going to let Reallinda in on your lie. She seems to be the only one taking up for you. Back in the day you lost all of your friends once you admitted to having lied to them for several "spilled the beans" during one of your meltdowns.....needless to say your group was shocked...also that was the same time you posted private emails. Surely you remember. You lost them all.

Joanie, I'm astounded that you're carrying such ancient venom for another member here -- and you can message him directly if that's your thing. As for the rest of us, we don't need or want to know your poop from other forums. Take it somewhere else. Also, Telstar says he isn't this Bill character. That's good enough for me. Don't drag the rest of us into your toilet of problems woman. We don't care and don't want to be involved. Drop it and move on, or stop using this forum.

Boards: Step in here please. We don't need to be dragged into someone's personal war over events that took place on other forums. It surely appears that Joanimaroni has "issues."



RealLindaL wrote:
Markle wrote:
RealLindaL wrote:
Wordslinger wrote:
PkrBum wrote:How was he not on the no fly list? How was he not adjudicated unable to buy or possess a weapon?

It's incompetence... pure and simple. Everything needed to thwart this tragedy was available... again.

This time you're right.  Santiago was a wanna-be Muslim, recorded ISIS songs.  Prayed to Allah, etc.  Any question this killer isn't a terrorist?

Why are the Alaskan and Ft. Lauderdale cops reticent to mention Santiago's Islamic ties and his strong involvement with ISIS.??

Reliable source link for your contentions, please, Word?  (And I don't mean Markle-type sources.)   Still, if you don't mind, I'll wait for the FBI evaluation of whether or not this act was one of terrorism or just plain insanity.  They're not ruling anything out yet.

As to Pkr's post (which didn't even mention Islam, btw, so I'm not sure what the "This time you're right" segue is all about), everything I'm reading says the man was never adjudicated mentally ill -- supposedly a high standard -- which would've prevented his owning a weapon.   I guess his rights were protected as fiercely as is the right of free speech that Pkr so staunchly defends.  But the truth is that, given any such right, there is always the opportunity for wrong to rear its ugly head, as obviously happened here.   It sucks.  

I don't know what the answer is, nor how to keep the balance.  Still, I agree that the ball was dropped somewhere.  Sounds to me as if it was in the evaluation by the mental health facility where he was examined following his walk-in appearance at the FBI.  (Which appearance, I still contend, was not the action of a terrorist, but of a very sick person.) really are hateful.  You even attack people who share your beliefs.

How long did it take for the government to state that Nidal Hasan is a terrorist?  In spite of all the evidence to the contrary, Petulant President Barack Hussein Obama demanded it is called workplace violence until he could no longer deny the facts.

If it wasn't Markle who made this statement about my being hateful, who was it, then??   Certainly not I -- and I NEVER replaced his words with mine.   Markle is living in an alternate universe and I am starting to actually feel sorry for him.

P.S.  See also Post #97 below.  

Linda, of course it was Markle. No one else here refers to Obama as "petulant."



Wordslinger wrote:Telstar says he isn't this Bill character.  That's good enough for me.   

Good enough for me, too.... I think he said he was from New York or something.



It's obvious to me. I can tell by his prose, the manic postings around the clock, and who else knows that entire background? If he isn't bill... then who was he on the pnj forum? That's a fair question... we all carried over context from the previous forum. Why lie? At this point what difference does it make?



Wordslinger wrote:Telstar says he isn't this Bill character.  That's good enough for me.   

Good enough for me, too.... I think he said he was from New York or something.

I think I did but not until nurse ratchet announced I was from New York.



PkrBum wrote:It's obvious to me. I can tell by his prose, the manic postings around the clock, and who else knows that entire background? If he isn't bill... then who was he on the pnj forum? That's a fair question... we all carried over context from the previous forum. Why lie? At this point what difference does it make?

None at all. I have no reason to lie. Most clear thinking people know that. Oh and most of them don't abuse pain killers like you do.



PkrBum wrote:It's obvious to me. the manic postings around the clock, 

Oh you mean Herr Markle. Laughing



Telstar wrote:
PkrBum wrote:It's obvious to me. I can tell by his prose, the manic postings around the clock, and who else knows that entire background? If he isn't bill... then who was he on the pnj forum? That's a fair question... we all carried over context from the previous forum. Why lie? At this point what difference does it make?

None at all. I have no reason to lie. Most clear thinking people know that. Oh and most of them don't abuse pain killers like you do.

Then what was your handle or handles on the pnj forum?



Wordslinger wrote:Markle:  You've been thrashed on this one.  Run with your tail between your legs.  Dubya approved the invasion of Iraq, and Dubya evidently set the date of withdrawal before Obama had to deal with it.  "All he had to do was initiate another agreement ..." has as much credibility as saying pigs can fly, or there must be a God BECAUSE ...

Your agony is duly noted.

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1441 is a United Nations Security Council resolution adopted unanimously by the United Nations Security Council on 8 November 2002, offering Iraq under Saddam Hussein "a final opportunity to comply with its disarmament obligations" that had been set out in several previous resolutions (Resolution 660, Resolution 661, Resolution 678, Resolution 686, Resolution 687, Resolution 688, Resolution 707, Resolution 715, Resolution 986, and Resolution 1284).

Resolution 1441 stated that Iraq was in material breach of the ceasefire terms presented under the terms of Resolution 687. Iraq's breaches related not only to weapons of mass destruction (WMD), but also the known construction of prohibited types of missiles, the purchase and import of prohibited armaments, and the continuing refusal of Iraq to compensate Kuwait for the widespread looting conducted by its troops during the 1990–1991 invasion and occupation. It also stated that "...false statements or omissions in the declarations submitted by Iraq pursuant to this resolution and failure by Iraq at any time to comply with, and cooperate fully in the implementation of, this resolution shall constitute a further material breach of Iraq's obligations."



PkrBum wrote:
Telstar wrote:
PkrBum wrote:It's obvious to me. I can tell by his prose, the manic postings around the clock, and who else knows that entire background? If he isn't bill... then who was he on the pnj forum? That's a fair question... we all carried over context from the previous forum. Why lie? At this point what difference does it make?

None at all. I have no reason to lie. Most clear thinking people know that. Oh and most of them don't abuse pain killers like you do.

Then what was your handle or handles on the pnj forum?

None. I didn't post there. Just like I didn't post here for years at least on the general and political. But I read all the gannett forums, even the ones in Hawaii and Puerto Rico and many other non gannett forums. When they started to fold, I joined here.



Markle wrote:
Wordslinger wrote:Markle:  You've been thrashed on this one.  Run with your tail between your legs.  Dubya approved the invasion of Iraq, and Dubya evidently set the date of withdrawal before Obama had to deal with it.  "All he had to do was initiate another agreement ..." has as much credibility as saying pigs can fly, or there must be a God BECAUSE ...

Your agony is duly noted.

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1441 is a United Nations Security Council resolution adopted unanimously by the United Nations Security Council on 8 November 2002, offering Iraq under Saddam Hussein "a final opportunity to comply with its disarmament obligations" that had been set out in several previous resolutions (Resolution 660, Resolution 661, Resolution 678, Resolution 686, Resolution 687, Resolution 688, Resolution 707, Resolution 715, Resolution 986, and Resolution 1284).

Resolution 1441 stated that Iraq was in material breach of the ceasefire terms presented under the terms of Resolution 687. Iraq's breaches related not only to weapons of mass destruction (WMD), but also the known construction of prohibited types of missiles, the purchase and import of prohibited armaments, and the continuing refusal of Iraq to compensate Kuwait for the widespread looting conducted by its troops during the 1990–1991 invasion and occupation. It also stated that "...false statements or omissions in the declarations submitted by Iraq pursuant to this resolution and failure by Iraq at any time to comply with, and cooperate fully in the implementation of, this resolution shall constitute a further material breach of Iraq's obligations."

All of which doesn't negate the fact the final go decision to invade Iraq was Dubya's decision, and the worst foreign policy decision of the last 150 years -- a total fucking disaster we're still paying for in blood and money.

Q: Did we find any evidence Saddam had a working nuclear weapon development program going at the time we invaded. A: No.

Q: Fed by Dubya's team, Powell claimed Saddam had mobile nerve gas production vehicles. Did he? A: No.

Dubya and all who supported him are disgusting, deceitful liars. Reality.



Telstar wrote:
PkrBum wrote:
Telstar wrote:
PkrBum wrote:It's obvious to me. I can tell by his prose, the manic postings around the clock, and who else knows that entire background? If he isn't bill... then who was he on the pnj forum? That's a fair question... we all carried over context from the previous forum. Why lie? At this point what difference does it make?

None at all. I have no reason to lie. Most clear thinking people know that. Oh and most of them don't abuse pain killers like you do.

Then what was your handle or handles on the pnj forum?

None. I didn't post there. Just like I didn't post here for years at least on the general and political. But I read all the gannett forums, even the ones in Hawaii and Puerto Rico and many other non gannett forums. When they started to fold, I joined here.




PkrBum wrote:
Telstar wrote:
PkrBum wrote:
Telstar wrote:
PkrBum wrote:It's obvious to me. I can tell by his prose, the manic postings around the clock, and who else knows that entire background? If he isn't bill... then who was he on the pnj forum? That's a fair question... we all carried over context from the previous forum. Why lie? At this point what difference does it make?

None at all. I have no reason to lie. Most clear thinking people know that. Oh and most of them don't abuse pain killers like you do.

Then what was your handle or handles on the pnj forum?

None. I didn't post there. Just like I didn't post here for years at least on the general and political. But I read all the gannett forums, even the ones in Hawaii and Puerto Rico and many other non gannett forums. When they started to fold, I joined here.


It's the truth believe it or not. What exactly did this bill do to cause you harm pkr? You've been dropping little hints that I'm bill almost as long as she has. Did he stalk you too? Did he post your picture? Why are you so concerned about bill? Were you a cave dweller too? If I'm going to be this bill then I want to know more about him. What I know about the cave is from a victim of the cave dwellers. Anyone can find it if they look. It's right out in the open.



Just let it go, and let 'me stew in it.



Sal wrote:Just let it go, and let 'me stew in it.

I'd just like to know why he's so hot about it, or is he just offering his service as joanie's new tag partner. It's a neat trick if they brand a newbie as bill all the time. Makes sure the form leans to the right.



Wordslinger wrote:
Markle wrote:
Wordslinger wrote:Markle:  You've been thrashed on this one.  Run with your tail between your legs.  Dubya approved the invasion of Iraq, and Dubya evidently set the date of withdrawal before Obama had to deal with it.  "All he had to do was initiate another agreement ..." has as much credibility as saying pigs can fly, or there must be a God BECAUSE ...

Your agony is duly noted.

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1441 is a United Nations Security Council resolution adopted unanimously by the United Nations Security Council on 8 November 2002, offering Iraq under Saddam Hussein "a final opportunity to comply with its disarmament obligations" that had been set out in several previous resolutions (Resolution 660, Resolution 661, Resolution 678, Resolution 686, Resolution 687, Resolution 688, Resolution 707, Resolution 715, Resolution 986, and Resolution 1284).

Resolution 1441 stated that Iraq was in material breach of the ceasefire terms presented under the terms of Resolution 687. Iraq's breaches related not only to weapons of mass destruction (WMD), but also the known construction of prohibited types of missiles, the purchase and import of prohibited armaments, and the continuing refusal of Iraq to compensate Kuwait for the widespread looting conducted by its troops during the 1990–1991 invasion and occupation. It also stated that "...false statements or omissions in the declarations submitted by Iraq pursuant to this resolution and failure by Iraq at any time to comply with, and cooperate fully in the implementation of, this resolution shall constitute a further material breach of Iraq's obligations."

All of which doesn't negate the fact the final go decision to invade Iraq was Dubya's decision, and the worst foreign policy decision of the last 150 years -- a total fucking disaster we're still paying for in blood and money.  

Q:  Did we find any evidence Saddam had a working nuclear weapon development program going at the time we invaded.  A:  No.  

Q:  Fed by Dubya's team, Powell claimed Saddam had mobile nerve gas production vehicles.  Did he?  A:  No.  

Dubya and all who supported him are disgusting, deceitful liars.  Reality.

None of which is relevant to the situation today or the day Petulant President Barack Hussein Obama took office.

As you you have been provided the information numerous times, the U.S. shipped over 500 tonnes of yellow cake from Iraq to Canada for safe storage.

Time to bring yourself up to 2017.



Markle wrote:
Wordslinger wrote:
Markle wrote:
Wordslinger wrote:Markle:  You've been thrashed on this one.  Run with your tail between your legs.  Dubya approved the invasion of Iraq, and Dubya evidently set the date of withdrawal before Obama had to deal with it.  "All he had to do was initiate another agreement ..." has as much credibility as saying pigs can fly, or there must be a God BECAUSE ...

Your agony is duly noted.

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1441 is a United Nations Security Council resolution adopted unanimously by the United Nations Security Council on 8 November 2002, offering Iraq under Saddam Hussein "a final opportunity to comply with its disarmament obligations" that had been set out in several previous resolutions (Resolution 660, Resolution 661, Resolution 678, Resolution 686, Resolution 687, Resolution 688, Resolution 707, Resolution 715, Resolution 986, and Resolution 1284).

Resolution 1441 stated that Iraq was in material breach of the ceasefire terms presented under the terms of Resolution 687. Iraq's breaches related not only to weapons of mass destruction (WMD), but also the known construction of prohibited types of missiles, the purchase and import of prohibited armaments, and the continuing refusal of Iraq to compensate Kuwait for the widespread looting conducted by its troops during the 1990–1991 invasion and occupation. It also stated that "...false statements or omissions in the declarations submitted by Iraq pursuant to this resolution and failure by Iraq at any time to comply with, and cooperate fully in the implementation of, this resolution shall constitute a further material breach of Iraq's obligations."

All of which doesn't negate the fact the final go decision to invade Iraq was Dubya's decision, and the worst foreign policy decision of the last 150 years -- a total fucking disaster we're still paying for in blood and money.  

Q:  Did we find any evidence Saddam had a working nuclear weapon development program going at the time we invaded.  A:  No.  

Q:  Fed by Dubya's team, Powell claimed Saddam had mobile nerve gas production vehicles.  Did he?  A:  No.  

Dubya and all who supported him are disgusting, deceitful liars.  Reality.

None of which is relevant to the situation today or the day Petulant President Barack Hussein Obama took office.

As you you have been provided the information numerous times, the U.S. shipped over 500 tonnes of yellow cake from Iraq to Canada for safe storage.

Time to bring yourself up to 2017.

And as you very well know, at the time of the American invasion ordered by Dubya and Darth Cheney, Saddam had NO active nuclear weapons development program.

Dubya should be tried and imprisoned for treason. And your hero the Pussy Grabber with the dead rat on his head also says Dubya was WRONG AND THE WAR IN IRAQ WAS UNNECESSARY AND STUPID.




Telstar wrote:
PkrBum wrote:
Telstar wrote:
PkrBum wrote:
Telstar wrote:
PkrBum wrote:It's obvious to me. I can tell by his prose, the manic postings around the clock, and who else knows that entire background? If he isn't bill... then who was he on the pnj forum? That's a fair question... we all carried over context from the previous forum. Why lie? At this point what difference does it make?

None at all. I have no reason to lie. Most clear thinking people know that. Oh and most of them don't abuse pain killers like you do.

Then what was your handle or handles on the pnj forum?

None. I didn't post there. Just like I didn't post here for years at least on the general and political. But I read all the gannett forums, even the ones in Hawaii and Puerto Rico and many other non gannett forums. When they started to fold, I joined here.


It's the truth believe it or not. What exactly did this bill do to cause you harm pkr? You've been dropping little hints that I'm bill almost as long as she has. Did he stalk you too? Did he post your picture? Why are you so concerned about bill? Were you a cave dweller too? If I'm going to be this bill then I want to know more about him. What I know about the cave is from a victim of the cave dwellers. Anyone can find it if they look. It's right out in the open.

Frankly... I didn't mind bill... and didn't want him banned. But understand why boards did if he was telling the truth. It was apparent he had issues... and I didn't like the disruptions. He once showed up at Bob's house with a pistol... which illustrates the instability. My issue now is your increasing nastiness and your wasting my time by bumping threads with no real contribution of content. It's also beyond belief that you picked up all of that background and the vitriol towards joani without having ever participated. Again... why lie?



PkrBum wrote:
Telstar wrote:
PkrBum wrote:
Telstar wrote:
PkrBum wrote:
Telstar wrote:
PkrBum wrote:It's obvious to me. I can tell by his prose, the manic postings around the clock, and who else knows that entire background? If he isn't bill... then who was he on the pnj forum? That's a fair question... we all carried over context from the previous forum. Why lie? At this point what difference does it make?

None at all. I have no reason to lie. Most clear thinking people know that. Oh and most of them don't abuse pain killers like you do.

Then what was your handle or handles on the pnj forum?

None. I didn't post there. Just like I didn't post here for years at least on the general and political. But I read all the gannett forums, even the ones in Hawaii and Puerto Rico and many other non gannett forums. When they started to fold, I joined here.


It's the truth believe it or not. What exactly did this bill do to cause you harm pkr? You've been dropping little hints that I'm bill almost as long as she has. Did he stalk you too? Did he post your picture? Why are you so concerned about bill? Were you a cave dweller too? If I'm going to be this bill then I want to know more about him. What I know about the cave is from a victim of the cave dwellers. Anyone can find it if they look. It's right out in the open.

Frankly... I didn't mind bill... and didn't want him banned. But understand why boards did if he was telling the truth. It was apparent he had issues... and I didn't like the disruptions. He once showed up at Bob's house with a pistol... which illustrates the instability. My issue now is your increasing nastiness and your wasting my time by bumping threads with no real contribution of content. It's also beyond belief that you picked up all of that background and the vitriol towards joani without having ever participated. Again... why lie?

If bill did that then he needed more than a banning. I would have loved to show up at Bob's house but with a case of beer not a pistol. Perhaps what you see as  wasting time, others find to be entertaining or enlightening. Perhaps if being nasty bothers you so much you might try being a whole lot less nasty yourself. Are you so full of hubris that you feel you are the one to judge what threads make a valid contribution to this forum? Once again, I didn't lie but I'm sure the world is loaded with facts beyond your belief.



RealLindaL wrote:
Markle wrote:
RealLindaL wrote: really are hateful.  You even attack people who share your beliefs..

Poor Markle - no one ever explained to him the difference between honest disagreement and "attack."   No wonder he's incapable of open and honest discourse himself, without disparagement of his fellow forum members at every turn in both word and picture.

In any event, sir, you can bet your sweet bippy that Wordslinger did not take my questioning as attack, because he's a far bigger man than you.

You can also bet your sweet bippy that you don't know diddly-squat about  how my beliefs do or don't equate to Word's on most if not all issues.

My dear friend Linda. This is where YOU replaced my words with your rant. So you lied about not having done so.



Wordslinger wrote:Dubya and all who supported him are disgusting, deceitful liars.  Reality.



Markle wrote:
RealLindaL wrote:
Markle wrote:
RealLindaL wrote: really are hateful.  You even attack people who share your beliefs..

Poor Markle - no one ever explained to him the difference between honest disagreement and "attack."   No wonder he's incapable of open and honest discourse himself, without disparagement of his fellow forum members at every turn in both word and picture.

In any event, sir, you can bet your sweet bippy that Wordslinger did not take my questioning as attack, because he's a far bigger man than you.

You can also bet your sweet bippy that you don't know diddly-squat about  how my beliefs do or don't equate to Word's on most if not all issues.

My dear friend Linda.  This is where YOU replaced my words with your rant.  So you lied about not having done so.

As I tried to explain elsewhere here, IF you bothered to read, it was perfectly obvious -- doubtless due to an error of mine in doing a post reply resulting in the "who said what" being reversed -- that YOU, sir, were the one who said I was hateful, and I said the rest.  Do I need to go back to your original post again, where you said I was hateful, and/or are you denying you ever said that??  I don't care what you say or think, but everyone here with half a brain knows (or should know by now) that the last thing I am is a liar.  I am as honest as the day is long, honest to a fault, and I sleep well at night.  Can you say the same?  I seriously doubt it.
Have you ever tried quitting being such a jerk, or is it like an addiction you're unable to kick?



Wordslinger wrote:Fact: Whether democrat or republican, everyone in congress who voted for the Iraq invasion was wrong.  Saddam did not have nuclear weapons and had stopped working on them before we invaded.  Regardless of who said the Iraq war was necessary, it was the President of the USA who had the final go or no go responsibility.  Knowing full well the intel he had presented had been cherry picked so that reports that indicated Saddam did not have WMD were buried, Dubya -- The Decider -- is fully and completely responsible for the disaster that followed and is still going on.  The decision to go was Dubya's, and the decision to avoid paying for the war that followed was Dubya's.  Trump says the war was unnecessary and stupid, and even Jeb Bush admitted the same during the last campaign.

Using his extensive file of people dying or being murdered, plus selected photos of Nazi leaders, and reams of cut and paste statements by such notables as Hillary Clinton (who admits she was wrong about Iraq), Markle, our resident fascist-racist will instruct us all how up is down, wet is dry and cold is hot. your other "innocent" victims, all Sadam Hussein had to do was to...follow instructions and allow unrestricted inspections.



Joanimaroni wrote:
Telstar wrote:
Markle wrote:Certainly not my fault you need constant reminding.  You want it all swept under the rug, I do not.  Just as I have not forgotten Pearl Harbor or the Holocaust.  

Gosh, I can only imagine what a virtual-necrophiliac might try with photos from Auschwitz............ Please, seek counseling....

Allow me to give you a link to an Internet forum for people hooked on photos of dead people:

I did not enter the site because of the warnings about 'graphic images' there. However, you might find kindred souls there who want to help you......

Is that the forum that is called The Cave?  Twisted Evil

No Bill, it is not. The forum you mentioned and the name you mentioned earlier today is the forum where you stalked me back in the PNJ time. You posted my picture on the PNJ. When that was removed you used my picture as your avatar.....the PNJ banned you. Similar to your antics here. 

When are you going to let Reallinda in on your lie. She seems to be the only one taking up for you. Back in the day you lost all of your friends once you admitted to having lied to them for several "spilled the beans" during one of your meltdowns.....needless to say your group was shocked...also that was the same time you posted private emails. Surely you remember. You lost them all.

So Joanie, is Reallinda still the only one taking up for me?  Laughing Watch out those meltdowns are catching. Wouldn't want the children to suffer through one.  Rolling Eyes



Telstar says he's not Bill. Frankly, I for one don't give a shit if he is.

What he allegedly did on another forum has no place here. He hasn't outed you here, so why can't you just move on?

I'll support Telstar in his fight with you, because I really can't stand your pettiness and whining.

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