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Major GOP Donors Are Asking Trump for Their Money Back

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boards of FL

boards of FL

Trump has a tendency to frame everything in the most extreme manner possible, though I do believe that he may very well be the worst candidate for president in the history of the United States.

When Clinton wins on November 8th, it will be a great day for Americans, a great day for people around the world, and a terrible day for white male republicans with no education...and Russia.



boards of FL wrote:When Clinton wins on November 8th, it will be a great day for Americans, a great day for people around the world, and a terrible day for white male republicans with no education...and Russia.  

PeeDog still thinks someone will do away with Mrs. Clinton before the election.....

Tellthetruth wrote:She's Made too many enemies to last much longer. Someone will get to her.



boards of FL wrote:When Clinton wins on November 8th, it will be a great day for Americans, a great day for people around the world, and a terrible day for white male republicans with no education...and Russia.  

PeeDog still thinks someone will do away with Mrs. Clinton before the election.....

Tellthetruth wrote:She's Made too many enemies to last much longer. Someone will get to her.

Gee I guess Mrs. Moderator missed that comment but maybe it's okay because he's not from New York. LOL

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