I think the raising of the estate tax on the folks who have an estate of 500 million from 45% to 65%, and a marital deduction up to a billion. It will raise over 250 billion over the next decade. What perfect timing. Trump wants to eliminate the estate tax. Brilliant. Silver spoon looks like a repeat of the Romney strategy........people do not like silver spoons in America. I am a Republican my entire life, and I want a level playing field with ingenuity and hard work building our economy.....not silver spooned punks spending their inherited money on safaris in Africa.
I think the raising of the estate tax on the folks who have an estate of 500 million from 45% to 65%, and a marital deduction up to a billion. It will raise over 250 billion over the next decade. What perfect timing. Trump wants to eliminate the estate tax. Brilliant. Silver spoon looks like a repeat of the Romney strategy........people do not like silver spoons in America. I am a Republican my entire life, and I want a level playing field with ingenuity and hard work building our economy.....not silver spooned punks spending their inherited money on safaris in Africa.