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Last time when we talked about Massachusetts senatorial candidate Elizabeth Warren, we promised that we’d take a break from reporting on her “fauxcahontas” problem. However, seeing as how we made that promise on May 18, we think it’s time to once again dive back in.

As most Blaze readers know, Warren’s woes involve her paper-thin claims to Cherokee heritage. Many people are questioning her supposed lineage, but perhaps the most important questioning comes from a contingent of actual Cherokees. Suspicious that the former Harvard law professor falsely claimed that she was part Indian to get ahead in academia, they’ve asked that she prove her ancestry with something more substantial than “family lore” and recipes of questionable origin.

However, according to the Boston Herald, the Warren campaign won’t return their phone calls or answer their emails.

“It’s almost becoming extremely offensive to us,” said Twila Barnes, a Cherokee genealogist who has done research on Warren’s family history. “We’re trying to get in contact and explain why her behavior hurts us and is offensive, and she totally ignores that. Like we don’t exist.”

Therefore, Barnes and three other registered Cherokee tribal members — from Missouri, Oregon, Oklahoma, and Massachusetts — decided to go Boston to speak with Warren personally.

So what did Warren do? You’d think a senatorial candidate who’s taking a lot of flak for highly-dubious heritage claims would handle this delicately. You know, meet with the “Cherokee activists,” snap some photos — the usual stuff.

But no: Instead of meeting with the Cherokee contingent, Warren did what the Lone Ranger would’ve done — she made someone else go.

“Late last night, a Warren campaign official told the Herald that staffers will ‘connect’ and ‘offer to have staff meet with them,’” the Herald reports.

Barnes says they will settle for a staffer (although not happily) as long as they accomplish their main objective: to have Warren admit that she’s not really Native American.

“We would like to see her look at the documentation and admit there’s no Indian ancestry there and then apologize,” Barnes said. “Hear us. Acknowledge us. Know that she’s brought us into this. We didn’t bring ourselves into this. This whole trip was planned to get a meeting with her.”

Wait a minute — didn’t Warren once say that she told Harvard she was part Cherokee so that she could meet others like her? Well here’s her big chance and she’s sending staffers instead?



VectorMan wrote:Last time when we talked about Massachusetts senatorial candidate Elizabeth Warren, we promised that we’d take a break from reporting on her “fauxcahontas” problem. However, seeing as how we made that promise on May 18, we think it’s time to once again dive back in.

So what did Warren do? You’d think a senatorial candidate who’s taking a lot of flak for highly-dubious heritage claims would handle this delicately. You know, meet with the “Cherokee activists,” snap some photos — the usual stuff.

But no: Instead of meeting with the Cherokee contingent, Warren did what the Lone Ranger would’ve done — she made someone else go.

“Late last night, a Warren campaign official told the Herald that staffers will ‘connect’ and ‘offer to have staff meet with them,’” the Herald reports.

Barnes says they will settle for a staffer (although not happily) as long as they accomplish their main objective: to have Warren admit that she’s not really Native American.

“We would like to see her look at the documentation and admit there’s no Indian ancestry there and then apologize,” Barnes said. “Hear us. Acknowledge us. Know that she’s brought us into this. We didn’t bring ourselves into this. This whole trip was planned to get a meeting with her.”

Wait a minute — didn’t Warren once say that she told Harvard she was part Cherokee so that she could meet others like her? Well here’s her big chance and she’s sending staffers instead?

She used it to get into school and secure her job. For a blond, blue eyed woman to NOT know she was being counted as a WOMAN OF COLOR indicates she is incredibly stupid OR she was intentionally cheating the system.

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