If you do not think there is a full fledged effort to make this country fearful wussies, just look at how a common crime and murder in Britain can have front page coverage, but nothing is said with the gun rampage in America. Again, folks bees kill more Americans than terrorists, yet bees do not get the response to grow our government's military to put more unproductive assets on the government teat, and more importantly as Ike warned us does not enhance the bottom line of the military industrial complex.
Yes, we should be sad that the wife of a professor at Florida State was stabbed and murdered in Britain, but a black Norwegian who commits murder suddenly is elevated as part of some massive threat to Americans where we need to increase our military.....it is insanity, but carefully constructed insanity to maximize the profits of the powerful American military industrial complex. Enough. America is not filled with scardy cats.........
Yes, we should be sad that the wife of a professor at Florida State was stabbed and murdered in Britain, but a black Norwegian who commits murder suddenly is elevated as part of some massive threat to Americans where we need to increase our military.....it is insanity, but carefully constructed insanity to maximize the profits of the powerful American military industrial complex. Enough. America is not filled with scardy cats.........