In Illinois a community has spent 110 million dollars on a new police headquarters. In the small village I grew up had fewer than 2k people and had the volunteer fire department, library, city council, and one room for the part time policeman. Fifty years later when the population approached 10k they just put up a 10 million police station and have 25 full and part time officers 25 fold increase in that fifty years. We have become a police state.
I am writing a letter to the editor concerning the Taj Mahal police station which now is extracting traffic fines from the poorest Americans as the middle class has all but been eliminated. I am writing letters to all elected representatives of the city, and the judge who presides over this traffic court. In all their arrogance, they never designed shelter to protect the elderly, disabled, and mothers with children as they stand in the rain, cold, and heat waiting for security to protect those inside this castle where the sheriff of Notingham extracts the last dimes from poor people. It is time for Americans to fight the police state by taking political action. We need to cut our criminal justice budget, and find productive jobs for all these teat suckers.