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The Avengers

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1The Avengers Empty The Avengers 6/17/2012, 10:38 am



I took my girlfriend and her son to see The Avengers last night, I really enjoyed it. It had some pretty funny scenes that had everybody laughing. It's a must see if you were a comic book fan when you were a kid.

2The Avengers Empty Re: The Avengers 6/17/2012, 10:55 am



Have you seen Battleship yet? I've seen it twice. Yes its that good. Avengers was great too.

3The Avengers Empty Re: The Avengers 6/17/2012, 11:06 am



Not yet, I saw MIB 3 in 3D 2 weeks ago, it was ok, nothing to write home about. I don't know if Battleship is playing here yet.

4The Avengers Empty Re: The Avengers 6/17/2012, 7:20 pm



The Avengers was awesome. I've waited most of my adult life for that movie. Yes, I'm that much of a comic/sci fi nerd. My oldest brother got me started. He even had some number 1 issues (Fantastic 4 and Ironman are two I remember). I also remember my Dad throwing them in the garbage when we moved to Mobile. Crying or Very sad

5The Avengers Empty Re: The Avengers 8/31/2012, 12:45 am



VectorMan wrote:The Avengers was awesome. I've waited most of my adult life for that movie. Yes, I'm that much of a comic/sci fi nerd. My oldest brother got me started. He even had some number 1 issues (Fantastic 4 and Ironman are two I remember). I also remember my Dad throwing them in the garbage when we moved to Mobile. Crying or Very sad

Your dad threw away a lot of money, did he know that?

Even though my husband is the comic/sci fi nerd, I was the one who wanted to see The Avengers. I LOVED that movie! My son is sending me the DVD from his blue ray package and I can't wait to watch it again...and again...and again.

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