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90% of Americans want no fly bans on military a sit in on the house floor

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The special interests own our congress and finally the American public has said enough......when a terrorist watch list cannot stop a terrorist from buying military weapons........and 90% of Americans are for is time for pitchforks and revolution to take our government back. Damn maybe MIC, NRA, the Saudis, the Israelis, and every other special interest which controls congress will have their grip loosened and free America from the yoke of serfdom and poverty by those who pay for the best congress money can buy.



2seaoat wrote:The special interests own our congress and finally the American public has said enough......when a terrorist watch list cannot stop a terrorist from buying military weapons........and 90% of Americans are for is time for pitchforks and revolution to take our government back. Damn maybe MIC, NRA, the Saudis, the Israelis, and every other special interest which controls congress will have their grip loosened and free America from the yoke of serfdom and poverty by those who pay for the best congress money can buy.

Money doesn't talk it swears. Will it continue to swear loud enough to drown out the sound of an ocean full of innocent blood? Time will tell.



There's no reason why it's unreasonable to demand govt agents present information to a judge. People are ignorant if they wish to give up a basic fundamental right... due process is indispensable and inalienable. You fricking nazis may love the idea of the govt simply creating a "list"... but it's a horrible idea and opens up more govt overreach while further eroding our civil rights. It's the type of move hitler and stalin and mao would love. Wake up idiots... just because something might sound good on the surface or feeeel good... doesn't mean it's good. Gawd... I can't believe I'm even having to say this in this country.



PkrBum wrote:There's no reason why it's unreasonable to demand govt agents present information to a judge. People are ignorant if they wish to give up a basic fundamental right... due process is indispensable and inalienable. You fricking nazis may love the idea of the govt simply creating a "list"... but it's a horrible idea and opens up more govt overreach while further eroding our civil rights. It's the type of move hitler and stalin and mao would love. Wake up idiots... just because something might sound good on the surface or feeeel good... doesn't mean it's good. Gawd... I can't believe I'm even having to say this in this country.

I can't believe you are that far gone over the edge of rational thought.


Sorry PK the constitutional balancing has never been the absolute zero sum game you make up in your mind. The balance of military weapons being held by citizens for self protection must be weighted for burden and benefit.........I no more have a right to protect my property with a fully operating military tank without that choice being challenged and regulated by government. The bill of rights are qualified and not absolute. You are worried about due process, well If I am on a no fly list, I have ample due process to remove my name from the list...........this is simply stupid.



You seem very happy blurring our civil rights comrade... no surprise to me anymore. In free countries such as ours... we demand that the government must distinguish between those “suspected” of lawbreaking... and those detained/arrested/charged/convicted... or at minimum served a time limited warrant that has been signed by a judge. Govt is restricted when infringing an individual’s liberty and it's subject to the due process of law... for the time being. What you are so eager to give away was one of the grievances that our forefathers fought and died for... it's been the gold standard of freedom and liberty around the world since it's inception. Try to gather in your fear... dissolving your rights and those of future generations will not make you safer. What a putz.


There is due process in getting off the no fly list........your absolutism is hollow and without merit.


We shall overcome........the Christians cannot sit on the sidelines and let a greedy special interest group control the debate.....Republicans know what is right on this.........the house revolution happened with the Republicans doing the same thing over drilling for oil.....the Democrats in control shut off the lights, but the bill they just passed allowed folks to cheat you on your retirement fund.....that was the speakers priority......take away fiduciary duty of investment advisors......dear god the moral imperative has never been more clear. Americans must revolt against our enslavement to special interests.



" Americans must revolt against our enslavement to special interests."

It's ironic that you can sometimes find an actual problem... but each time the solution is restrictions on the enslaved... lol.



Here is the GOP response to the Orlando attacks. Now WHO wants to infringe on your rights?

The bill failed by 2 votes:



There's no reasonable argument that overcomes our right to due process... or that authorities take their evidence and observations to the judicial system in order to strip a citizen of any right or liberty... none. This ain't rocket surgery comrades.



Your reply doesn't even make any sense. Should the FBI have expanded warrantless powers or not? Answer the question.



Floridatexan wrote:
Your reply doesn't even make any sense. Should the FBI have expanded warrantless powers or not? Answer the question.

TAKE THE EVIDENCE TO A JUDGE..!! They could even use an emergency motion in certain situations. Gawd y'all are dense.


I have to agree with PK as I do not want expansion of exception to warrantless arrest or searches, but anybody on a no fly list who applies for a firearm should have access to at least an administrative hearing with the government agency with the list, and have the full right to appeal an administrative ruling to a Circuit Court to begin judicial review of the same......The person should be able to get a timely hearing between 30-45 days on the administrative hearing. I agree this is not rocket science, and folks making the no fly list or terrorist list must justify the listing of a citizen by some rational classification system which can withstand equal protection scrutiny by a court.



This is a power play to loosen the grip of the NRA.

The Democrats want the Republicans on record refusing to vote or voting against gun legislation that makes sense to an overwhelming majority of the American public.

If they had the votes to pass something, this would not be the route they'd take.


Folks like Susan Collins use to be the heart of the Republican Party. Moderate Republicans are attacked in primaries by tea bag crazies, and good Republicans are about to abandon the party, which will become a regional party of the south. However, If Collins can get this passed, the battle still remains in the house. I have called my Republican representative and made it clear that I will donate money to a republican who will run in the primary to oust him.....his staff gives mouth service to his support of the Collins bill, but I want to see some moral Republicans on the house floor.....saying loud and clear....we need a vote. Saying you will not vote for a rep who is in a predominately republican district is not need to let them know you will support a primary opponent. It may be slow, but the American people will get representation.



Except for some semi-automatic pistols, there are no military guns in your local gun store.

There is no scripted way to get off the no-fly list. Progressives beloved, late Ted Kennedy was on it for three years and could not get off.

So there is not a prescribed process to get off the no-fly list. There are millions of people on the list and hundreds of thousands on the list and they don't even know why IF they know they're on the list.

Show us all the master plan Lame Duck President Barack Hussein Obama's plan to deal with ISIS. The REAL CULPRIT in this tragedy.

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