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If Hillary is the democratic candidate, Trump becomes president.

Hospital Bob
10 posters

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Reliable polls now show Hillary and Trump neck and neck in three major states.  Neck and Neck!!   Sanders consistently wins the presidency if he is the democratic candidate.

In addition, above 30% of Sanders' supporters would rather vote for Trump than Hillary.  Reality.



Bernie is unvetted.

Hillary has played nice.

Trump won't.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

It's remarkable how this is playing out.  Over the last few weeks, Trump has revealed more ignorance, been more inconsistent, and has offered up more lies and exaggeration that at any time in the campaign.  
BUT,  as a result of this he's narrowed the gap with Hillary in the polls.  The polls had him 10 percentage points behind Hillary before this.  And now after REALLY looking like an asshole,  he's narrowed the gap to 5 points.

Who are all these millions in his personality cult because they scare the shit outta me.


Bob, it's the million's of people who are sick of being politically correct then throw in the under 100 IQ crowd and you have Trump as President.


5 Reasons for Bernie supporter's to support Gary Johnson if Hillary gets the nomination.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

ppaca wrote:5 Reasons for Bernie supporter's to support Gary Johnson if Hillary gets the nomination.



ppaca wrote:5 Reasons for Bernie supporter's to support Gary Johnson if Hillary gets the nomination.

Comment from Justin Benjamin:

50 Reasons Why Bernie Sanders Supporters Should Oppose A Gary Johnson

Candidacy Gary Johnson [is]… 1. Against requiring insurers to cover birth control 2. Opposes federal funding of stem cell research 3. Supports massive federal budget cuts 4. Wants to end the Federal Reserve 5. Wants to cut entitlements 6. Proposes to eliminate the corporate income tax 7. Wants to lower the tax burden 8. Opposes early release of prisoners even with overcrowding 9. Supports Private prisons 10. Supports the death penalty 11. Supports government vouchers for church childcare and private schools 12. Opposes federal funding for education on evolution 13. Wants to abolish the Department of education 14. Wants to abolish the Department of Housing and Urban Development 15. Opposes government-subsidization of student loans. 16. Advocates for voucher-driven charter school funding 17. Opposes ethanol subsidies 18. Opposes cap & trade environmental controls 19. Opposes taxes on carbon dioxide emissions 20. Opposes federal intervention in regards to water quantity and quality issues 21. Opposed to foreign aid 22, Supports free trade and opposes tariffs and all barriers to trade 23. Has a dedicated SuperPAC, implicitly supporting them 24. Has an aggressive record of vetoing bills (anti-progressive) 25. Believes government should reduce its role in the economy 26. Supports unlimited campaign contributions by corporations 27. Proposes term limits on politicians 28. Opposes to gun laws, considers them ineffective 29. Opposes government-funded healthcare, calls it “insanity” 30. Blocked Medicare funding 31. Supports massive Medicare/Medicaid cuts (over 43%) 32. Against government job creation 33. Against all minimum wage increases 34. Opposes to extended unemployment benefits 35. Claims his principles of government identical to Ayn Rand’s 36. Draws his politics from the Ayn Rand book “Atlas Shrugged” 37. Milton Friedman inspired his economic policies 38. Believes people should be able to drive over 75 MPH 39. Collaborates with the Tea Party and Republicans 40. Wants to raise the retirement age to 72 41. Supports privatization of social security 42. Proposes replacing all federal taxes (including corporate, income, capital gains, social security, and medicare taxes) with a single FLAT consumption tax (the so-called “fair” tax) 43. Proposes a 43% sales tax 44. Wants to Eliminate the IRS 45. Proposes scrapping the tax code and replacing it with FairTax 46. Prefers private highways and infrastructure. 47. Opposes Net Neutrality 48. Supports income cap on welfare recipients 49. Supports the NAFTA trade agreement 50. Opposes abortion after fetal viability (about 25 weeks). This isn’t to say I agree with Sanders on everything, but Sanders DISAGREES with all of these things, and it is very doubtful that a true Sanders supporter would even see supporting Gary Johnson as an option, especially when there is another candidate, Jill Stein, with whom he shares far broader support! - See more at:

Gary Johnson is nothing like Bernie Sanders. That said, I cannot support a third party candidate...any third party candidate (and especially not a Paulite like Johnson)...because the stakes in this election are too high.



ppaca wrote:Bob, it's the million's of people who are sick of being politically correct then throw in the under 100 IQ crowd and you have Trump as President.

Saw this the other day.

''Political Correctness'' is just a politically correct way of saying
''Less Dickish''

boards of FL

boards of FL

Sanders hasn't really been attacked by anyone.  If anything, republicans have been praising him in the hopes of stoking division in the democratic party; and, unfortunately, it's working.

It is almost surreal seeing Sander's supporters linking to websites like Breitbart and The Washington Times in their attempts to trash Clinton.  (I'm seeing this on reddit)

I'm almost ready to say "good riddance".  Perhaps these kids need to live through their own Bush administration in order to see exactly how idiotic they are when they state that it's Sanders or bust.

There is no excuse for Wordslinger though, as he doesn't have the alibi of being ignorant.


FT that is what is wrong with our system, no one will support a third party candidate, therefore we have the same system year after year after year after year.



Paul Ryan to cave in to trump in... four... three... two...



boards of FL wrote:Sanders hasn't really been attacked by anyone.  If anything, republicans have been praising him in the hopes of stoking division in the democratic party; and, unfortunately, it's working.

It is almost surreal seeing Sander's supporters linking to websites like Breitbart and The Washington Times in their attempts to trash Clinton.  (I'm seeing this on reddit)

I'm almost ready to say "good riddance".  Perhaps these kids need to live through their own Bush administration in order to see exactly how idiotic they are when they state that it's Sanders or bust.

There is no excuse for Wordslinger though, as he doesn't have the alibi of being ignorant.

Spot on.

Trump has said that he is going to build a huge, beautiful wall along the border and force Mexico to pay for it.

Trump has said that he would like to see women punished for having abortions.

Trump has said he's open to using nuclear weapons.

Trump has said he would appoint SCOTUS justices who would overturn Roe v Wade.

Trump has said he would "renegotiate" the national debt.

But, "progressives" won't vote for Hillary because they just don't like her.




I saw a report of the latest scheme by the "anybody but Trump" group(s) who are apparently ready to blow up the whole electoral college system in order to keep Trump or anyone else from getting the 270 votes needed to be declared the next president elect.

The idea is to have favorite sons run in crucial swing states like Pennsylvania, Ohio or anyplace else they can think of. This, the story goes, would throw the election into the House and Ryan would likely become the next President. The same outcome would take place if a third party candidate won enough votes to keep either Trump or Clinton from hitting the 270 mark.

In an election cycle like this one who can say something along these lines is not possible?



I voted for Johnson in 2012. I haven't decided who I will actually vote for in November. I will read, watch the conventions/debates, and do some thinking.

I consider myself to be a moderate, politically. I have some left-leaning tendencies and some right-leaning tendencies. I am not a died-in-the-wool liberal.

If I can't go 100% with Hillary or Trump, it may be Johnson again in 2016.

The most important issue to me is to put an end to U.S. militarism all over the world, to include the Middle East, especially. It has been a complete waste since the end of WWII, and has done nothing for the American people as a whole.



polecat wrote:
ppaca wrote:Bob, it's the million's of people who are sick of being politically correct then throw in the under 100 IQ crowd and you have Trump as President.

Saw this the other day.

''Political Correctness'' is just a politically correct way of saying
''Less Dickish''

Calling something politically correct is just a way of diminishing the message or behavior...I frankly don't care what is "politically correct". I care whether something fits with my values.


Hillary will win in a landslide. All the other discussion of Bernie voters leaving the Democratic party or independent campaigns is nonsense. In the end the choice will be clear. The women, black, hispanic, and educated vote will not go for Trump.....I predict a Clinton landslide.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

2seaoat wrote:Hillary will win in a landslide.

Before last June,  everything in the conventional political wisdom would have predicted exactly that.

But you must remember what then happened in June.  Trump,  running as a "conservative" and a "republican",  said Vietnam POW's who were tortured and still refused to spill their guts,  were not heroes because heroes don't get captured.
And all that did was make those hard core "conservatives",  who by the way have never revered anything more than war heroes,  I mean war heroes to them before this were in a league with Jesus;  all it resulted in was them loving this Trump even more.

I wouldn't be so sure about your prediction.

But then again I'm a racist who listens to elevator music so what do I know.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

And you know what makes that even more stupefying. It's that the only thing that Trump asshole knows about war is the same as I do, watching it on television. lol



boards of FL wrote:Sanders hasn't really been attacked by anyone.  If anything, republicans have been praising him in the hopes of stoking division in the democratic party; and, unfortunately, it's working.

It is almost surreal seeing Sander's supporters linking to websites like Breitbart and The Washington Times in their attempts to trash Clinton.  (I'm seeing this on reddit)

I'm almost ready to say "good riddance".  Perhaps these kids need to live through their own Bush administration in order to see exactly how idiotic they are when they state that it's Sanders or bust.

There is no excuse for Wordslinger though, as he doesn't have the alibi of being ignorant.

Boards, I'm no kid, and my support for Bernie Sanders is based on his policy positions and his record of standing up for the rights of the average citizen. I understand your frustration with those who won't back Hillary and are thinking of voting third party...that is political suicide. I hope these people wise up before we end up with Drumpf.

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