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Cold Blooded Killer on the Loose

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I read that.... it was said the murder was caught on camera....showing how cold and callous the killer was.



That was pretty much right down the street from where I live , My husband talked to him all the time , I didn't talk with him that much but went to store just about everyday , Very nice sweet man neighborhood feels a loss , They could be opening back up and I don't know every time I go there I will be thinking of Mr Allen standing there , very sad



Well they got that dude alive I hope he gets death penalty if we have that or Alabama I don't know how they are going to handle all those charges he has



Yeah, on Saturday, a my step-daughter and her friend stopped at a convenience store on Blue Angel Parkway, and during the few minutes they were in the store, a perp broke into their vehicle, managed to hot-wire the ignition, and drove off. He ended up in a high speed chase with police, crashed her 2002 Mercury Mountaineer into a parked vehicle, and wound up in a drainage culvert. Her vehicle was totaled. The perp managed to flee on foot and elude police, though they know who he is and a warrant has been issued.

Oh, well... It was nothing a trip to Frontier Motors couldn't fix. I had to chip-in some dough, as she couldn't afford to replace her vehicle on her own. I will get partially paid-back when the insurance check is issued. My daughter is really pleased with her newer used ride, so at least there was a happy ending to the story.



You are a good guy.


Joanimaroni wrote:You are a good guy.

Yes you are, Z-man, a very good guy.   I'm glad your step-daughter and friend weren't hurt, and thanks especially for sharing the happy ending.   Nice story for a cloudy Saturday...    Smile

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