This is where our jobs have gone and will continue to go, automation and very very impressive!
This is where our jobs have gone and will continue to go, automation and very very impressive!
Bob wrote:The robots are remarkable, especially the one that can install the car seats and windshield all by itself.
2seaoat wrote:I saw simple robots thirty years ago doing parts loading, but what impressed me the most was the stamping operations and the speed the robots moved the material through a series of heavy equipment. The safety aspects of that part of the process is huge. I have had to pick fingers out of a die on a press that sealed the final ball bearing and humans should NEVER be reaching into these dangerous incredible pressure machines. I see nothing but a rosy picture for our manufacturing in the future. In Rochelle Illinois the Japanese have built two train car factories with amazing technology where they are training kids in high school to read japanese, do sophisticated welds, and repair and program these complex robot systems. They had to lay some folks off last year because the Chinese won a bid for California mass transit, but the incredible things that Americans are doing in Manufacturing is inspiring.
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