Floridatexan wrote: PkrBum wrote: Wordslinger wrote: PkrBum wrote: ppaca wrote: Bob wrote:Look, Obama may be a muslim and a commie, Hillary may be the wicked witch of the left, and Sanders may be an avowed socialist.
But that in no way shape or form takes anything away from George W. Bush making the worst military decision in American history by getting our country into this never ending, money draining, life taking insanity in the middle east which has now lasted longer than the whole damn Great Depression and World War 2 combined and which will likely still be going on when that little cracker is dead and buried.
Trump is screaming the truth. But apparently those redneck inbreds in south carolina are so in love with that little cracker Bush that this could be the end of Trump.
Yes Trump spoke the truth.
If the bush2 war in iraq didn't end when he left office... it certainly ended when obama pulled the troops and declared victory. Everything after that has now become the obama campaign. This chaos in the ME, europe, n.africa belongs to him.
Enjoy comrades.
This bit of wisdom was brought to you by a person who believes that if the people are allowed to participate in their government by way of voting, that is mob rule. LOL
Well... look at what is necessary here time after time. You must be reminded that it wasnt bush2 that created the "lies" about saddam and wmds. This is a time that you lived through... a time that you were presumably conscious.
But what happens after it is proved that the narrative was common during the clinton presidency? We get the same damn stupid talkingpoint again. How do you ignore your living through the events? Knowing what was reported and said?
Btw... it's also ridiculous to have to explain basic civics and our form of govt to you. Get a clue comrade.
It never ceases to amaze me what leftists can ignore in order to parrot and believe what they simply wish was true.
Yeah, ignorant rube, I was there for all of it, including the unheeded warnings from Clinton as he left office,
including the lies that were told about him trashing the White House, including the multiple official warnings Bush received...remember the one delivered to the Crawford ranch in August, 2001? When he said, "Now you've covered your ass."? "It never ceases to amaze me" how backward and delusional one person can be...Herr Pkr...Now I know what "Pkr" means.
No one accused the Clinton Clan of "trashing" the White House, instead the Clinton's STOLE FURNITURE and other pieces. They ended up paying for or returning the items. They not only lie but cheat and steal as well.
Certainly you did not learn about this from NPR, MSNBC, CNN, The Nation or the DailyKOS. All of whom thought the Clintons were entitled.
Clintons Return White House Furniture[...]
After they were criticized for taking $190,000 worth of china, flatware, rugs, televisions, sofas and other gifts with them when they left, the Clintons announced last week that they would pay for $86,000 worth of gifts, or nearly half the amount.
Their latest decision to send back $28,000 in gifts brings to $114,000 the value of items the Clintons have either decided to pay for or return.
Have you ever tried objective research before you post LIES I can disprove with sources and independent, even Progressives sources?