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Report: Powell, Rice staff received classified emails on private accounts

boards of FL
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boards of FL

boards of FL

OK, republican forum members. Let's see your outrage. I think Powell says it best in this article:

"I wish they would release them," the retired general said. "So that a normal, air-breathing mammal would look at them and say, 'What's the issue?' "

The State Department Inspector General has found that classified emails were received on the personal accounts of former Secretary of State Colin Powell and the senior aides to his successor, Condoleezza Rice, according to an NBC News report.

In a letter obtained by NBC, Inspector General Steve Linick said that a total of 12 classified emails, now classified as "secret" or "confidential," were found to have been sent to the personal email accounts. Ten of them were sent to Rice's aides and two sent to Powell.

Linick added that none of the emails were marked classified at the time, and none were sent from the intelligence community.

In an interview with NBC, Powell downplayed the significance of the emails, saying that the information in the messages, which were sent by ambassadors, should not be classified.
"I wish they would release them," the retired general said. "So that a normal, air-breathing mammal would look at them and say, 'What's the issue?' "

"They were unclassified at the time, and they are, in my judgment, still unclassified," he added.

Powell also said that he "did not use my email account for any classified matters because I had a classified computer on my desk."
Powell told Politico on Thursday that he had briefly spoken to the FBI in December regarding his email practices.

He added that there was a difference between his email situation and that of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who used a personal email server that was found to have received classified information.
"It's a lot different from what the rest of us were doing and what Mrs. Clinton is doing," Powell said.

"Should she have had a private server? ... Did she use it for classified information? I don't know and I don't want to know."

The 12 emails came from a batch of 19 that Linick had reviewed to determine whether they should be classified. He left open the possibility that there are more classified emails in the State Department's archives.

“The State Department has received State Inspector General Linick’s memo," State spokesman John Kirby said in a statement. "We will be responding, but I do not have any additional comment to share.”

Democrats pounced on the revelation as proof that the investigation conducted into Clinton's emails is a political witch hunt.

"My concern has been that Republicans are spending millions of taxpayer dollars singling out Secretary Clinton because she is running for President — often leaking inaccurate information — while at the same time disregarding the actions of Republican Secretaries of State," said Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-Md.), ranking member of the House Oversight Committee, in a statement.

"In fact, none of the emails Secretary Clinton received was marked classified, and we have seen no evidence that any previous Secretary of State used an official email account."

“Based on this new revelation, it is clear that the Republican investigations are nothing more than a transparent political attempt to use taxpayer funds to target the Democratic candidate for president.”
Clinton's campaign joined in, calling the new development another example of how government emails are subjected to needless levels of secrecy.

"This announcement about Secretary Powell's emails shows just how routine it is for government bureaucrats to go overboard when it comes to judging whether information is too sensitive for the public to see," Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta said in a statement.

"Hillary Clinton agrees with her predecessor that his emails, like hers, are being inappropriately subjected to over-classification. She joins his call for these emails to be released so that the public can view the contents for itself."

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boards of FL

boards of FL

Report: Powell, Rice staff received classified emails on private accounts 495870494_hillary_laughing_350_xlarge

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All people authorized to receive the same. If the issue is personal servers.....the burden is on the sender. Nothing more or less. Nobody will be prosecuted. The two elements cannot be met with these SOS......wishful thinking for folks with limited cognitive power. Now, there is an investigation in regard to who sent this classified information to a personal server, and any staff who may have tried to hinder an investigation, but NO SOS has committed a crime.



And this information is supposed to exonerate Hillary somehow?

I have no special love for Rice or Powell (and they're not running for President.) Prosecute them too!

boards of FL

boards of FL

EmeraldGhost wrote:And this information is supposed to exonerate Hillary somehow?

I have no special love for Rice or Powell (and they're not running for President.)  Prosecute them too!

No. It's supposed to point out the fact that no one cared about Rice's or Powell's emails. It was only when it became apparent that Clinton was planning to run for president that republicans coincidentally began to care about such things; or, to pretend to care about such things, at least.

Further, given the fact that email has apparently been handled in the same way by both Clinton and her two predecessors, it would seem that this entire story is more of an IT control issue at the State Department, as opposed to a Clinton issue. Wouldn't you agree?

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boards of FL wrote: ... it would seem that this entire story is more of an IT control issue at the State Department, as opposed to a Clinton issue.  Wouldn't you agree?

And was not Hillary in charge of the State Department? So what are you saying ... the whole issue is due to her incompetence? Okay ... I can accept that.


Incompetence how? Exonerate? from what? Silliness?

You have no idea how secure the former president's or first lady's servers were to establish that they were less secure than what.........the thousands of times government servers have been hacked. No criminal charges, and no wrong doing. if policy needs to change, then it is incumbent on Congress to change the law.

boards of FL

boards of FL

EmeraldGhost wrote:
boards of FL wrote: ... it would seem that this entire story is more of an IT control issue at the State Department, as opposed to a Clinton issue.  Wouldn't you agree?

And was not Hillary in charge of the State Department?   So what are you saying ... the whole issue is due to her incompetence?   Okay ... I can accept that.  

Have you ever worked in job that used networks of computers and servers? You haven't, have you? It's OK to be honest.

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And poster Markle is absolutely sure Mrs. Clinton will be indicted!

Report: Powell, Rice staff received classified emails on private accounts Monkey14



Hang em high. Follow the evidence and law and let nothing stand in the way... certainly not laws written by bureaucrats to protect bureaucrats. I think a person that chooses to work under public trust should forgo certain civil rights... certainly the fifth.



boards of FL wrote:

OK, republican forum members.  Let's see your outrage.  I think Powell says it best in this article:

"I wish they would release them," the retired general said. "So that a normal, air-breathing mammal would look at them and say, 'What's the issue?' "

The State Department Inspector General has found that classified emails were received on the personal accounts of former Secretary of State Colin Powell and the senior aides to his successor, Condoleezza Rice, according to an NBC News report.

In a letter obtained by NBC, Inspector General Steve Linick said that a total of 12 classified emails, now classified as "secret" or "confidential," were found to have been sent to the personal email accounts. Ten of them were sent to Rice's aides and two sent to Powell.

Linick added that none of the emails were marked classified at the time, and none were sent from the intelligence community.

In an interview with NBC, Powell downplayed the significance of the emails, saying that the information in the messages, which were sent by ambassadors, should not be classified.
"I wish they would release them," the retired general said. "So that a normal, air-breathing mammal would look at them and say, 'What's the issue?' "

"They were unclassified at the time, and they are, in my judgment, still unclassified," he added.

Powell also said that he "did not use my email account for any classified matters because I had a classified computer on my desk."
Powell told Politico on Thursday that he had briefly spoken to the FBI in December regarding his email practices.

He added that there was a difference between his email situation and that of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who used a personal email server that was found to have received classified information.
"It's a lot different from what the rest of us were doing and what Mrs. Clinton is doing," Powell said.

"Should she have had a private server? ... Did she use it for classified information? I don't know and I don't want to know."

The 12 emails came from a batch of 19 that Linick had reviewed to determine whether they should be classified. He left open the possibility that there are more classified emails in the State Department's archives.

“The State Department has received State Inspector General Linick’s memo," State spokesman John Kirby said in a statement. "We will be responding, but I do not have any additional comment to share.”

Democrats pounced on the revelation as proof that the investigation conducted into Clinton's emails is a political witch hunt.

"My concern has been that Republicans are spending millions of taxpayer dollars singling out Secretary Clinton because she is running for President — often leaking inaccurate information — while at the same time disregarding the actions of Republican Secretaries of State," said Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-Md.), ranking member of the House Oversight Committee, in a statement.

"In fact, none of the emails Secretary Clinton received was marked classified, and we have seen no evidence that any previous Secretary of State used an official email account."

“Based on this new revelation, it is clear that the Republican investigations are nothing more than a transparent political attempt to use taxpayer funds to target the Democratic candidate for president.”
Clinton's campaign joined in, calling the new development another example of how government emails are subjected to needless levels of secrecy.

"This announcement about Secretary Powell's emails shows just how routine it is for government bureaucrats to go overboard when it comes to judging whether information is too sensitive for the public to see," Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta said in a statement.

"Hillary Clinton agrees with her predecessor that his emails, like hers, are being inappropriately subjected to over-classification. She joins his call for these emails to be released so that the public can view the contents for itself."

Cute try but your desperation is duly noted.

As you know, neither Rice or Powell received more than a couple classified documents on their private ACCOUNTS. Unlike the Clinton Clan, they did NOT set up hidden servers for the sole purpose of hiding their clandestine activities.


And hey, they didn't even scrutinize Powell's and Rice's emails like they did Hillary. I'm sure there's a lot more!



[quote="Vikingwoman"]And hey, they didn't even scrutinize Powell's and Rice's emails like they did Hillary. I'm sure there's a lot more!

NO NEED. That handful of classified documents were transmitted through and stored on GOVERNMENT SECURED SERVERS.

As you know, and hate to admit, is that the Clinton Clan intentionally set up an illegal private server unknown to the Federal Government. It is imperative that their correspondence within the State Department and especially concerning the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Foundation be kept secret from the people and especially from the government.



Markle wrote:
Vikingwoman wrote:And hey, they didn't even scrutinize Powell's and Rice's emails like they did Hillary. I'm sure there's a lot more!

NO NEED.  That handful of classified documents were transmitted through and stored on GOVERNMENT SECURED SERVERS.

As you know, and hate to admit, is that the Clinton Clan intentionally set up an illegal private server unknown to the Federal Government.  It is imperative that their correspondence within the State Department and especially concerning the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Foundation be kept secret from the people and especially from the government.

But does it REALLY MATTER? lol


Markle wrote:
Vikingwoman wrote:And hey, they didn't even scrutinize Powell's and Rice's emails like they did Hillary. I'm sure there's a lot more!

NO NEED.  That handful of classified documents were transmitted through and stored on GOVERNMENT SECURED SERVERS.

As you know, and hate to admit, is that the Clinton Clan intentionally set up an illegal private server unknown to the Federal Government.  It is imperative that their correspondence within the State Department and especially concerning the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Foundation be kept secret from the people and especially from the government.

Then Powell and Rice intentionally set up their private servers also and no one scrutinized them. The fact is this was common practice but now has become a political issue aimed at taking down Hillary.


Then Powell and Rice intentionally set up their private servers also and no one scrutinized them. The fact is this was common practice but now has become a political issue aimed at taking down Hillary.

Actually, a private server can be made more secure than a government server. To assume one is more secure is for folks who are still AOL mail users.....not too sophisticated. This is a non issue, but its been fun be right once again. The email will make no difference in the election....not in the primary or in the general.



They didn't set up private servers... oh I forgot who thinks they did. Try this:





2seaoat wrote:The email will make no difference in the election....not in the primary or in the general.

But, but, but.... Last week in one of his rants, poster Markle exclaimed that he expected Hillary to be arrested by the FBI at one of her public events, handcuffed, and 'frog-marched' to jail.

Could this really happen?



2seaoat wrote:The email will make no difference in the election....not in the primary or in the general.

But, but, but.... Last week in one of his rants, poster Markle exclaimed that he expected Hillary to be arrested by the FBI at one of her public events, handcuffed, and 'frog-marched' to jail.

Could this really happen?

It's already made a difference. Hillary has bleed twenty some percentage points as the significance has emerged.

It's comical watching her talk national security when she so obviously was negligent in handling sos responsibility.


So you think Bernie's rise is based on emails.....oh my!



Vikingwoman wrote:
Markle wrote:
Vikingwoman wrote:And hey, they didn't even scrutinize Powell's and Rice's emails like they did Hillary. I'm sure there's a lot more!

NO NEED.  That handful of classified documents were transmitted through and stored on GOVERNMENT SECURED SERVERS.

As you know, and hate to admit, is that the Clinton Clan intentionally set up an illegal private server unknown to the Federal Government.  It is imperative that their correspondence within the State Department and especially concerning the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Foundation be kept secret from the people and especially from the government.

Then Powell and Rice intentionally set up their private servers also and no one scrutinized them. The fact is this was common practice but now has become a political issue aimed at taking down Hillary.

You really should learn to accept FACTS. Neither Powell or Rice ever had their own private servers.

What justification does any Secretary of State have for setting up a private server hidden from the Government on which she conducts ABOVE TOP SECRET business and runs their Foundation, with all the speaking fees....



2seaoat wrote:So you think Bernie's rise is based on emails.....oh my!

Not at all. Bernie's rise is restricted to young voters who don't realize there is no such thing as a free lunch. All their years in school they were taught that government should be supporting them in the manner in which they would like to become accustomed.

Report: Powell, Rice staff received classified emails on private accounts Voters%20for_zps6mrpxqgh



Markle wrote:
2seaoat wrote:So you think Bernie's rise is based on emails.....oh my!

Not at all.  Bernie's rise is restricted to young voters who don't realize there is no such thing as a free lunch.  All their years in school they were taught that government should be supporting them in the manner in which they would like to become accustomed.

Report: Powell, Rice staff received classified emails on private accounts Voters%20for_zps6mrpxqgh

And every single one of the millions of young people who idolize America's favorite socialist-communist, are voters who detest the abject racism, rabid fundamentalist Christian, "corporations are people," bullshit and the anti-worker wage stance of what used to be America's second most important political party.

Down with Amerika Inc.! Go Bernie, Go!


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