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Fox News is melting down as they change topics daily.....hoping something will stick.

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Whats the difference from Fox News and Egyptian TV? The news readers know how to stir up the fundamental whackos, but in America they wear a short skirt. Fox News if it was ever the mouthpiece of the republican party.....I never believed it should have simply focused on the economy. I love the idea that the public announcements of the administration about the uncertainty of the initial attacks are lies....yet the real question has never been the who....some mysterious group who brings terror......the question is the why.

The Muslim world is being manipulated by their media to ramp up conflict. Fox News has been on a mission to ramp up conflict in Iran. This is not by accident, but it is by design. People profit from war. Nations are more secure if America fights their battles. So in a world where it is so clear who has an advantage, we are confused about who is behind the 911 attacks and now this sudden disruption right before an election.

No crazy conspiracy theories, but the sacking of America's middle class starts with close to a long term bill for our adventures post 911 which is approaching 5 trillion in real costs......but to think that America is somehow really at risk by street demonstrations, it required an attack where people the over reaction, and an attack on Iran.

I think that people are not stampeding to the nonsense being spewed by Fox. This country is war weary, and we are starting to catch on to why we are where we are now. Yes, there will be an investigation as to why and who killed our ambassador, but something is rotten in Denmark, but intelligent Americans are starting to get strongly suspicious that there is very little difference in TV in the middle east and Fox as both try to inflame the stupids to accomplish certain policy goals........the question always focuses on the WHO.....but it is time to focus on the underlying WHY. People profit obscenely from a perceived threat, or in the Middle East a perceived slight of Mr. M.



Good can fool all of the people some of the time and some of the people all of the time but you can't fool all of the people all of the time.....hence hope.



TEOTWAWKI wrote:Good can fool all of the people some of the time and some of the people all of the time but you can't fool all of the people all of the time.....hence hope.

You mean like telling Americans that the attacks were 'spontaneous' and not against 'Americans' and the 'policies of the current administration'?...and when that doesn't work the political backtracking begins and then suddenly it's called what it always has been TERRORISM against the US and its citizens.... What kind of observation is that a news network changes topics daily?....Really?....This is what happens when you watch CNN/MSNBC and others and they are one dimensional...hammer one side and kiss liberal butts...



I saw O'Reilly last night where they were discussing what percentage of Americans thought Obamas economic polices were sound and were in disbelief so many agreed w/ Obamas policies. They were saying "I don't get it".LOL! I guess not -that's why they're losing.



Media Is Obama's 'Overeager Labrador Retriever' Biting Romney At Every Chance

We’ve seen this play out over and over and over again. If it hurts Barack Obama’s chances of re-election, the media ignore it. If it hurts Mitt Romney, they obsess over it night after night.

We saw it in July when Obama disparaged small business and at this point in the cycle the networks had given it ZERO coverage. We saw it last week when the networks relentlessly attacked Romney’s criticism of the Obama Administration’s spineless response to anti-American violence in the Middle East. Now we’re seeing it again this week with this manufactured controversy surrounding the secretly recorded - and edited - Romney tape.

The Obama campaign wants the Romney tape to be a big issue, and the liberal media obey, covering it for nearly an hour and a half. Romney counters with a damaging tape of Obama, and it’s gets less than seven minutes of total coverage. The double standard is absolutely staggering. The liberal media are nothing more than the press office of the Obama campaign.

Like an overeager Labrador retriever, the liberal media will do anything to please their master, even if it means biting his opponent every day between now and the election.

Read more:



VectorMan wrote:Media Is Obama's 'Overeager Labrador Retriever' Biting Romney At Every Chance

We’ve seen this play out over and over and over again. If it hurts Barack Obama’s chances of re-election, the media ignore it. If it hurts Mitt Romney, they obsess over it night after night.

We saw it in July when Obama disparaged small business and at this point in the cycle the networks had given it ZERO coverage. We saw it last week when the networks relentlessly attacked Romney’s criticism of the Obama Administration’s spineless response to anti-American violence in the Middle East. Now we’re seeing it again this week with this manufactured controversy surrounding the secretly recorded - and edited - Romney tape.

The Obama campaign wants the Romney tape to be a big issue, and the liberal media obey, covering it for nearly an hour and a half. Romney counters with a damaging tape of Obama, and it’s gets less than seven minutes of total coverage. The double standard is absolutely staggering. The liberal media are nothing more than the press office of the Obama campaign.

Like an overeager Labrador retriever, the liberal media will do anything to please their master, even if it means biting his opponent every day between now and the election.

Read more:

It's the media's fault that your candidate sucks.

Yeah, that's the ticket.

Rolling Eyes


The Obama campaign wants the Romney tape to be a big issue,

Ok......I get you do not like Obama.......but did you watch and listen to the tape? Are you trying to tell me this tape is not important? This is the man you want for President.

You and Ann Romney can tell America to STOP IT! Click your finger and have this simply go away. We are now going to see how Thurston behaves under pressure......his wife figures telling us to STOP IT, will stop America from getting to know the can scold me.....and Ann Romney can tell me how lucky I am to have her husband as a candidate.....but we are not hired help, and I will be damned if I am going to vote for someone who looks at my friends and family as air breathers and indentured servants for Thurson........

Romney is not a good man, and the interests he represents is not the average american, and if you think it is no big deal for media to look at this incredible arrogance....sorry.....wake up.....we had a chance to nominate a fiscal conservative who could have won and could have made a difference.....but nobody in the media would take the gloves off because mitt was spending 9-1 and they wanted to get the both campaigns have about equal money.....and you see media bias.....where were you when this SOB steamrolled Newt? Where were your concerns when nobody looked at the things which are being discussed today?



If you guys don't see the liberal media bias there isn't any hope for you. Live in denial if you must, but don't expect me to look the other way or be distracted by BS!

2seaoats, I've always had my concerns about important issues. I'm not saying Romney is the best man for the job, just that Obama is the worst man for the job.



VectorMan wrote:If you guys don't see the liberal media bias there isn't any hope for you. Live in denial if you must, but don't expect me to look the other way or be distracted by BS!

2seaoats, I've always had my concerns about important issues. I'm not saying Romney is the best man for the job, just that Obama is the worst man for the job.

When you routinely post articles from World Nut Daily, the Blaze, Breitbart, and the Daily Caller, you've automatically disqualified yourself from any discussion regarding the fairness of the media.


Thank you for an honest answer. I agree that there is a liberal slant to the news, but Fox News being stupid is not the way to counter a bias. We need honest reporting, and honest discussion of the issues. I get you do not like Obama, and he is not my favorite person either, but he is my President, and I have always respected the office and the job our Presidents must do. I voted for John McCain, but when candidate Obama, became President Obama he has my respect. This does not mean I will vote for him or disagree with his issues. Now, here is the stunner....if Romney wins, I will always refer to him as President Romney. I will the second he is elected give him respect. I may disagree with him on issues and his integrity, but he will be my President.

In my entire life have I seen such disrespect for a President. In the last days of the Nixon Administration, I never saw the disrespect I see today, and when I watch Fox the hatred can be cut with a knife. It is not healthy to watch Fox News, and I think people are losing their common sense. Just my opinion.



salinsky wrote:
VectorMan wrote:If you guys don't see the liberal media bias there isn't any hope for you. Live in denial if you must, but don't expect me to look the other way or be distracted by BS!

2seaoats, I've always had my concerns about important issues. I'm not saying Romney is the best man for the job, just that Obama is the worst man for the job.

When you routinely post articles from World Nut Daily, the Blaze, Breitbart, and the Daily Caller, you've automatically disqualified yourself from any discussion regarding the fairness of the media.


Does that automatically make you over qualified?

You may not like the source, but show a link or article I posted that wasn't true. And, don't shoot the messenger.

I don't watch any "news" programs. I have to read and check things out to my satisfaction that I have ALL the facts. Not just what some talking head wants me to hear.



VectorMan wrote:
salinsky wrote:
VectorMan wrote:If you guys don't see the liberal media bias there isn't any hope for you. Live in denial if you must, but don't expect me to look the other way or be distracted by BS!

2seaoats, I've always had my concerns about important issues. I'm not saying Romney is the best man for the job, just that Obama is the worst man for the job.

When you routinely post articles from World Nut Daily, the Blaze, Breitbart, and the Daily Caller, you've automatically disqualified yourself from any discussion regarding the fairness of the media.


Does that automatically make you over qualified?

You may not like the source, but show a link or article I posted that wasn't true. And, don't shoot the messenger.

I don't watch any "news" programs. I have to read and check things out to my satisfaction that I have ALL the facts. Not just what some talking head wants me to hear.


V-man, Didn't the Romney campaign say they would NOT be dictated to by fact checkers?



2seaoat wrote:The Obama campaign wants the Romney tape to be a big issue,

Ok......I get you do not like Obama.......but did you watch and listen to the tape? Are you trying to tell me this tape is not important? This is the man you want for President.

You and Ann Romney can tell America to STOP IT! Click your finger and have this simply go away. We are now going to see how Thurston behaves under pressure......his wife figures telling us to STOP IT, will stop America from getting to know the can scold me.....and Ann Romney can tell me how lucky I am to have her husband as a candidate.....but we are not hired help, and I will be damned if I am going to vote for someone who looks at my friends and family as air breathers and indentured servants for Thurson........

Romney is not a good man, and the interests he represents is not the average american, and if you think it is no big deal for media to look at this incredible arrogance....sorry.....wake up.....we had a chance to nominate a fiscal conservative who could have won and could have made a difference.....but nobody in the media would take the gloves off because mitt was spending 9-1 and they wanted to get the both campaigns have about equal money.....and you see media bias.....where were you when this SOB steamrolled Newt? Where were your concerns when nobody looked at the things which are being discussed today?

I find it interesting you diss Romney over a candidate who was proven to be unethical and had to resign? You dismiss his flaws because he "could have made a difference". Makes no sense whatsoever.



It is a shame that Obama and Romney are the best the owners of this country will let us have. I am sure there is some governor somewhere that could out think and out budget both these losers.

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