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school uniforms in Florida

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1school uniforms in Florida Empty school uniforms in Florida 1/16/2016, 12:22 am


I am shocked how the children are being indoctrinated to uniformity and compliance which has little to do with the poor results of Florida schools. I do not get public schools putting kids in uniforms. It is like the Florida man is not a spontaneous condition, but one of well thought out design. With so many needs in education, giving districts free money because they put kids in uniforms is twilight zone for me.

2school uniforms in Florida Empty Re: school uniforms in Florida 1/16/2016, 12:37 am



2seaoat wrote:

I am shocked how the children are being indoctrinated to uniformity and compliance which has little to do with the poor results of Florida schools.  I do not get public schools putting kids in uniforms.  It is like the Florida man is not a spontaneous condition, but one of well thought out design.  With so many needs in education, giving districts free money because they put kids in uniforms is twilight zone for me.

They work like a charm!

3school uniforms in Florida Empty Re: school uniforms in Florida 1/16/2016, 12:43 am



school uniforms in Florida ?

4school uniforms in Florida Empty Re: school uniforms in Florida 1/16/2016, 1:01 am


They work like a charm!

Yes, Florida is fighting Mississippi and Louisiana for the worst schools in the nation.........splendid.....lets fix curriculum and learning by making kids wear uniforms.

5school uniforms in Florida Empty Re: school uniforms in Florida 1/16/2016, 11:58 am



Korean children wear uniforms in school. Everyone is on equal ground.

6school uniforms in Florida Empty Re: school uniforms in Florida 1/16/2016, 12:05 pm


Korea where militarization and mass conformity allow a dictator.....yep I think you have nailed the very reason I have concern about forced conformity in children. Florida schools suck, and putting kids in uniforms is just another brick in the wall.

7school uniforms in Florida Empty Re: school uniforms in Florida 1/16/2016, 12:30 pm



I hate when I agree with seaoat...makes me think I need a thorough check up...

8school uniforms in Florida Empty Re: school uniforms in Florida 1/16/2016, 12:33 pm



2seaoat wrote:Korea where militarization and mass conformity allow a dictator.....yep I think you have nailed the very reason I have concern about forced conformity in children.  Florida schools suck, and putting kids in uniforms is just another brick in the wall.

It makes all kids or poor they are the same. School is extremely important to the South Koreans. Employers, as part of company benefits, offer college educations to the children of employees.

It is a shame many American kids are more interested in what others are wearing than on school lessobs.

9school uniforms in Florida Empty Re: school uniforms in Florida 1/16/2016, 12:36 pm



Hey I am a fan of the individual...if kids can't afford nice clothes because their families are poor they need to get a paper route, mow lawns or wash some enterprise training camp...

10school uniforms in Florida Empty Re: school uniforms in Florida 1/16/2016, 12:37 pm



2seaoat wrote:Korea where militarization and mass conformity allow a dictator.....yep I think you have nailed the very reason I have concern about forced conformity in children.  Florida schools suck, and putting kids in uniforms is just another brick in the wall.

South Korea.

11school uniforms in Florida Empty Re: school uniforms in Florida 1/16/2016, 12:38 pm


I hate when I agree with seaoat...makes me think I need a thorough check up...

Hot stuff put on Grits.....Sacrilege. You are just hallucinating after breakfast.

12school uniforms in Florida Empty Re: school uniforms in Florida 1/16/2016, 12:44 pm



2seaoat wrote:I hate when I agree with seaoat...makes me think I need a thorough check up...

Hot stuff put on Grits.....Sacrilege.   You are just hallucinating after breakfast.

There's an unsubstantiated rumor that up nawth they put sugar on their grits....

13school uniforms in Florida Empty Re: school uniforms in Florida 1/16/2016, 1:02 pm


There's an unsubstantiated rumor that up nawth they put sugar on their grits....

They literally do not understand grits, so when presented with the same, I have heard them say what is this.....or think it is cream of wheat and put sugar on the same........I have my grits with butter, lots of pepper, and eggs over easy which I mix. My wife never understood grits until she met me, and she now enjoys them every sunday morning. However, nothing is better than good grits, and nothing is worse than bad grits......and if you are a grit eater you completely understand.

14school uniforms in Florida Empty Re: school uniforms in Florida 1/16/2016, 6:32 pm


Hey I am a fan of the individual...if kids can't afford nice clothes because their families are poor they need to get a paper route, mow lawns or wash some enterprise training camp...

After my father died at 10, my mother attempted to run the business. She failed and made a mess of things. By the time I was 13 and in Junior High I did not have the clothes which were cool, nor was what I had particularly well taken care of because with my mother working, I had to wash and iron my clothes for school. I was not very good at ironing and this was before perma press.

I have told the story of somebody on the bus making fun of my shirt not being ironed. He thought he was a tough guy and his family was doing quite well. I simply told him that I was going to get off at his bus stop and kick his asz. I did. That night, I got a call from his father(my mother worked to 10 pm and I figured he was going to chew my asz and report what I did to his son to the school)......nope, his son told him the story, and his dad was one of those tough guys that all the kids liked, and instead of chewing me out, he said he wanted to take me to the movies as a treat, and his son and I went to the movies, and his son became a life long friend and lives in Northern Arizona and has had a great career........and I hope I contributed to him learning that a bully will always meet somebody who can kick his asz.

My clothes were worn, my clothes were not necessarily ironed, but our weekly sock hop I danced with the prettiest girls and never once felt that I was less because what I wore........sometimes in life the lessons you learn are important, and the wussification of America with participation awards and thinking by wearing a uniform you are helping kids who do not have resources are pure BS, and it is just one more step in a police state seeking little robots who are compliant.....I am not a compliant person and I am glad I learned just because I could not buy the fancy clothes it did not change who I as an Oscar who wears duct tape shoes.....I have come full circle.

15school uniforms in Florida Empty Re: school uniforms in Florida 1/16/2016, 7:03 pm



2seaoat wrote:Hey I am a fan of the individual...if kids can't afford nice clothes because their families are poor they need to get a paper route, mow lawns or wash some enterprise training camp...

After my father died at 10, my mother attempted to run the business.  She failed and made a mess of things.  By the time I was 13 and in Junior High I did not have the clothes which were cool, nor was what I had particularly well taken care of because with my mother working, I had to wash and iron my clothes for school.   I was not very good at ironing and this was before perma press.

I have told the story of somebody on the bus making fun of my shirt not being ironed.  He thought he was a tough guy and his family was doing quite well.  I simply told him that I was going to get off at his bus stop and kick his asz.  I did.  That night, I got a call from his father(my mother worked to 10 pm and I figured he was going to chew my asz and report what I did to his son to the school)......nope, his son told him the story, and his dad was one of those tough guys that all the kids liked, and instead of chewing me out, he said he wanted to take me to the movies as a treat, and his son and I went to the movies, and his son became a life long friend and lives in Northern Arizona and has had a great career........and I hope I contributed to him learning that a bully will always meet somebody who can kick his asz.

My clothes were worn, my clothes were not necessarily ironed, but  our weekly sock hop I danced with the prettiest girls and never once felt that I was less because what I wore........sometimes in life the lessons you learn are important, and the wussification of America with participation awards and thinking by wearing a uniform you are helping kids who do not have resources are pure BS, and it is just one more step in a police state seeking little robots who are compliant.....I am not a compliant person and I am glad I learned just because I could not buy the fancy clothes it did not change who I as an Oscar who wears duct tape shoes.....I have come full circle.

Five kids in my family and other things which I won't talk about now but which made life extremely hard. I always ironed my dad's shirt for work. I made some of my clothes, but in the early years I had to wear a uniform to Catholic school, and I HATED IT. Stupid beanies...stupid white shirt & forest green jumper & girls could wear jeans to school underneath the uniform...uniforms always dirty...uniforms for public schools is STUPID. Sorry...stuck on the word today. I was at the beach with hubby, Seaoat...kept looking around for a guy with duct tape on his shoes...hahaha. As we were leaving, a man went to my husband and said he could see why hubby was looking away from the water...not at it...shook his hand. I swear hubby didn't get it until I told him. I have to say, at my age, it's nice to be noticed.

16school uniforms in Florida Empty Re: school uniforms in Florida 1/16/2016, 7:21 pm


My wife is 63, and she is getting more male attention than she has gotten in ten years. She does not color her hair now and she was a blonde the first five years of her life, but her hair darkened. She started to apply a wash at about 50, but recently just let it go, and she has these beautiful gray and blonde streaks going through her brown hair. It is very distinctive, and she says she will NEVER remarry after I die, but Men in their fifties and in their forties are giving her attention. I love it because no matter what a woman says, they enjoy a wandering eye or a smile. It is fun to see her be a little girl again.....even though she has had enough with husbands. I am also happy that she has lost twenty pounds which she gained after she broke her ankle last year so she is starting to show that shape which caught my eye when she was twenty.

17school uniforms in Florida Empty Re: school uniforms in Florida 1/16/2016, 8:22 pm



Many private and charter schools require uniforms.

They serve a great purpose. Rich or poor, everyone is wearing the same clothes so you have none of the in your face poor kid, I am wearing such and such. There are also no whatever they're called, they look like baggy pedal pushers worn down below their behind.

Even better than uniforms would be doing away with Teachers Unions. If they can't eliminated, weaken them to the point where they no longer can prevent what parents want.

18school uniforms in Florida Empty Re: school uniforms in Florida 1/16/2016, 8:23 pm



2seaoat wrote:My wife is 63, and she is getting more male attention than she has gotten in ten years.  She does not color her hair now and she was a blonde the first five years of her life, but her hair darkened.  She started to apply a wash at about 50, but recently just let it go, and she has these beautiful gray and blonde streaks going through her brown hair.  It is very distinctive, and she says she will NEVER remarry after I die, but Men in their fifties and in their forties are giving her attention.  I love it because no matter what a woman says, they enjoy a wandering eye or a smile.  It is fun to see her be a little girl again.....even though she has had enough with husbands.  I am also happy that she has lost twenty pounds which she gained after she broke her ankle last year so she is starting to show that shape which caught my eye when she was twenty.


In high school I dated a woman who went on to be Ms. Universe. So what?

19school uniforms in Florida Empty Re: school uniforms in Florida 1/16/2016, 8:29 pm



Yeah I learned to slow dance with a girl that became a New York one else would dance with her because she so tall...

20school uniforms in Florida Empty Re: school uniforms in Florida 1/16/2016, 8:57 pm



So parents have to buy clothes/shoes for their children PLUS a school uniform.
Kids will find a way to bully no matter if it is about clothes or something else. I mean we used to bully and say mothers wore Army boots. A uniform does not change that.

21school uniforms in Florida Empty Re: school uniforms in Florida 1/17/2016, 1:30 am



SheWrites wrote:So parents have to buy clothes/shoes for their children PLUS a school uniform.
Kids will find a way to bully no matter if it is about clothes or something else.  I mean we used to bully and say mothers wore Army boots.  A uniform does not change that.

Where did I mention the word bully?

What suggestions did you offer?

Do not many private schools have uniforms? Do private schools NOT perform better than Unionized government schools?

22school uniforms in Florida Empty Re: school uniforms in Florida 1/17/2016, 6:20 am


Do private schools NOT perform better than Unionized government schools?

Nope.   Making that statement means we know which school you attended.  It is obvious your dogma is disconnected with reality.

compare test scores in union and non-union school districts. Teachers unions look much better by this measure—the American Federation of Teachers, the nation’s largest teachers union, likes to point out that states with strong collective bargaining rights, such as Massachusetts, tend to have higher test scores than anti-union states like Texas.

23school uniforms in Florida Empty Re: school uniforms in Florida 1/17/2016, 8:49 am



Markle wrote:
SheWrites wrote:So parents have to buy clothes/shoes for their children PLUS a school uniform.
Kids will find a way to bully no matter if it is about clothes or something else.  I mean we used to bully and say mothers wore Army boots.  A uniform does not change that.

Where did I mention the word bully?

What suggestions did you offer?

Do not many private schools have uniforms?  Do private schools NOT perform better than Unionized government schools?

Me mentioning the word bully was my own addition to the conversation.  Kids DO - whether private or public - make fun of other kids clothes or question the label, etc.  If not the clothes it will be hairstyle, glasses, shoes, etc.

I suggest that parents dress their children as they wish within school parameters like we did way back when. Less rules, more freedom, less pushing the envelope.

Clothes do not add one thing to performance of schools, in my opinion.  It's teaching a child in the way they receive information.  Innovative techniques motivate children to learn.  It's not about clothes and comparisons of public vs private.

One last thought - why does extremism require special clothes???  Be's what freedom is all about.

24school uniforms in Florida Empty Re: school uniforms in Florida 1/17/2016, 9:57 am



We can't have utopia until we are all exactly the same (except the ruling elite of course). Resistance is futile.

25school uniforms in Florida Empty Re: school uniforms in Florida 1/17/2016, 7:25 pm



2seaoat wrote:Do private schools NOT perform better than Unionized government schools?

Nope.   Making that statement means we know which school you attended.  It is obvious your dogma is disconnected with reality.

compare test scores in union and non-union school districts. Teachers unions look much better by this measure—the American Federation of Teachers, the nation’s largest teachers union, likes to point out that states with strong collective bargaining rights, such as Massachusetts, tend to have higher test scores than anti-union states like Texas.

You're right, I should have said MANY private schools require uniforms.  The others have STRICTLY ENFORCED dress codes.

Show us your facts that Union schools outperform private schools and Charter Schools for that matter.

National Education Association General Counsel Bob Chanin stated in July 2009.

Chanin: "It is not because we care about children. And it is not because we have a vision of a great public school for every child. NEA and its affiliates are effective advocates because we have power. And we have power because there are more than 3.2 million people who are willing to pay us hundreds of millions of dollars in dues...."

Says it all, does it not?

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