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Bimbo Eruption Machine cranks back up! Hillary opened the door with Tweet

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Bimbo Eruption Machine cranks back up!

The Bill Clinton scandal machine revs back up and takes aim at his wife
By Karen Tumulty and Frances Stead Sellers January 6 at 9:09 PM

The ghosts of the 1990s have returned to confront Hillary Clinton, released from the vault by Donald Trump, and revved up by a 21st-century version of the scandal machine that almost destroyed her husband’s presidency.

This is a moment that her campaign has long expected. What remains to be seen is whether a reminder of allegations of sexual impropriety against Bill Clinton — which were deemed to have varying levels of credibility when they were first aired — can gain new traction in a different context.

The fresher case being made is that Hillary Clinton has been, at a minimum, hypocritical about her husband’s treatment of women, and possibly even complicit in discrediting his accusers.

And it is being pressed at a time when there is a new sensitivity toward victims of unwanted sexual contact, and when one of the biggest news stories is the prosecution of once-beloved comedian Bill Cosby on charges that he drugged and assaulted a woman 12 years ago — one of dozens who have accused him of similar behavior.

In November, Hillary Clinton tweeted: “Every survivor of sexual assault deserves to be heard, believed, and supported.” She has made women’s issues a central focus of her campaign, and is counting on a swell of support for the historic prospect of the first female president.

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