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What is the truth about The Cos?

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Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

This is what EmeraldGhost believes.  What say you?

Lots of people were taking ludes back in the day. It was a big party drug. And lots of women have sex with men in order to get drugs. Lots of women sleep with men just because they are a celebrity, rich & powerful, or perhaps can help them out in some way career-wise. Consider at Monica Lewinski & Slick Willy
It all comes down to how the woman decides to characterize how the event went down ... vs ... how it actually went down. Or how they later convince themselves (or become convinced by someone) it went down.
Ever buy a woman a drink in hopes of getting her in bed later? If a man lays a joint out on the coffee table and a woman decides to partake & later they sleep together .... is it "rape?"
Or how about ecstasy? That seems to be the big thing nowadays. Lots of girls sleeping with guys after getting a shot of ecstasy nowadays. Is it rape?
Young men have been plying women with alcohol for centuries in order to get them to lower their inhibitions enough to hop in the sack with them. Is this all rape?
No ... I wasn't there. I don't know if the 'Cos slipped drugs in their drinks ... or if they took them willingly. It's a she-said, he-said sort of thing. I'm thinking it's as likely as not this is a bunch of false made-up "trauma."

I can tell you one thing .... if the 'Cos weren't a celebrity with a bazillion dollars for Gloria Allred & these women to try & get their hooks into, they probably wouldn't be thinking twice about what happened. They would just be writing it off as a regretful sexual escapade of their foolish youth.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

When I watched the tv show with all of The Cos' accusers on it,  I noticed that with the exception of one black woman,  all the rest appeared to be white women.
I'd be interested in getting seaoat's opinion on this because seaoat is the forum expert on racism.
Do you think this could all be attributed to white racists wanting to lynch The Cos because he's black,  seaoat?  Same way they did with OJ and Michael Jackson?



Sheesh .... all this talk about Quaaludes.

So, Cosby admitted he obtained Quaaludes via prescription back in the day and would offer them to women with whom he wanted to have sex much as a man might offer a woman an alcoholic drink.   He never said he gave them to any woman unwittingly.

The current charge against him stems from a woman he allegedly had sex with in 2004.

Bear in mind .... prescription Quaaludes have been unavailable in the US since 1985, nineteen years before the incident with which he is charged.

So in order for Cosby to have given (slipped?) this woman a Quaalude in 2004 he would have to have:

  • Illegally purchased a smuggled Quaalude from someone; 
  • Had a prescription written & filled overseas and smuggled them into the US himself;
  • Given her a Quaalude pill he'd been saving for nineteen years since 1985!!

Last edited by EmeraldGhost on 1/2/2016, 10:27 am; edited 1 time in total

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

As I said to you in that other thread,  instead of making him guilty in the court of public opinion OR making him innocent in the court of public opinion,  let's just wait and see what the evidence and the testimony shows.



Bob wrote:As I said to you in that other thread,  instead of making him guilty in the court of public opinion OR making him innocent in the court of public opinion,  let's just wait and see what the evidence and the testimony shows.

What evidence ... and whose testimony other than the alleged victim?

If he's already been publicly convicted by the media in the court of public opinion ... than I'm assuming the media has some publicly available evidence?

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

EmeraldGhost wrote:
What evidence ... and whose testimony other than the alleged victim?

That's the whole point,  ghost.  We DON'T YET KNOW what the evidence and testimony presented in court will be.

Look,  I think he's a shlocky comedian and thought that before I ever heard about all this.  You and teo,  on the other hand,  think he's Elvis and the Beatles.  I get that. 
But that shouldn't be what determines his innocence or guilt.  lol

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

Hell I liked Robert Blake.  Used to watch him all the time on The Tonight Show.
But when he offed his wife, I didn't think he was innocent just because of that.



You think ecstasy is not made freely available to any woman who would like some at certain Hollywood parties or rock-n-roll band after-parties nowadays?

It was the same with Quaaludes back then.

Cosby was the equivalent of a rock-star back in the 70's ... he didn't have to "slip" anybody a lude to get laid, he might offer one though, which is all he said he did. Guess he was just a little too honest in that deposition, huh?



Bob wrote:

Look,  I think he's a shlocky comedian and thought that before I ever heard about all this.  You and teo,  on the other hand,  think he's Elvis and the Beatles.  I get that. 
But that shouldn't be what determines his innocence or guilt.  lol

Oh, no ... I was never much of a Cosby fan, either as a comedian or an actor.  He was just alright I guess.   I much preferred George Carlin as a comedian.

I'm just calling this whole thing out as I see it ... which is as a rush to judgement based on what seems to be pretty flimsy evidence.

Only reason he's being charged now is the prosecutor has been under pressure for some time to make a case and been unable to gather sufficient evidence for a probable successful prosecution, and the statute of limitations was about to run out in two weeks, so it was now or never.  

I will not be at all surprised to see Cosby acquitted.

Last edited by EmeraldGhost on 1/2/2016, 10:44 am; edited 1 time in total

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

"Oh, no ... I was never much of a Cosby fan, either as a comedian or an actor.  He was just alright I guess.   I much preferred George Carlin as a comedian."

Agreed.  And before seaoat calls us both racists,  alongside Richard Pryor's talent,  Cosby was amateur hour.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

Cosby has the same distinction as Obama.  Both were the "firsts" to do what they did.
I don't take that away from either of them.



Bob wrote:"Oh, no ... I was never much of a Cosby fan, either as a comedian or an actor.  He was just alright I guess.   I much preferred George Carlin as a comedian."

Agreed.  And before seaoat calls us both racists,  alongside Richard Pryor's talent,  Cosby was amateur hour.

Pryor was too foulmouthed for me ... not that George Carlin wasn't, but Carlin was clever and the language fit the act.  

Pryor ... not so much for me.   I always though he got a lot of his laughs just based on being foulmouthed. Different strokes for different folks I guess.   (I actually saw Pryor at a comedy club in LA years ago, forget just now which club ... I could probably remember if I sat & thought about it a bit.)

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

Art is in the eye of the beholder. 

The proof of that is somebody paying a hundred million clams for Jack the Dripper's "paintings".  Because if I didn't know it was worth a hundred million clams and it showed up at a yard sale,  I'd think it was the work of the 6 year old child belonging to the woman running the sale.



The truth about the Cos is that 60+ women have accused him of attempting to incapacitate and sexually assault them.

The truth about those who continue to support him is that they are abhorrent misogynists.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

Salinsky wrote:The truth about the Cos is that 60+ women have accused him of attempting to incapacitate and sexually assault them.

The truth about those who continue to support him is that they are abhorrent misogynists.

I tend to agree.  But ghost and teo thinks that makes you and me be pansies who don't understand the Cos is god's gift to women.  lol

Where are the forum women on this one?  This is getting to be like the abortion debate.  All about what men think.  lol

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

There's another thing at play here too.  
The fact is that, before all this came out,  The Cos had become a symbol of the "old school" of how to perceive race issues.
There was Cos telling black people to shape up and fly right and stop acting like victims,  and telling the black comedians to stop cussing,  and because of this the right adopted Cos as one of their own.
And folk don't like to see one of their own accused of crimes because that makes one of their own look like a hypocrite.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

I think I may have just answered the question I posed in that other thread.

What makes the Cos different from OJ and Michael Jackson is that OJ and Michael Jackson weren't so allied with the right on race issues.
So it's doubtful we'll see the overall black community rally around him.



It's called "consent as a felt sense" .... regardless of when the woman feels how about it .... if it happened yesterday, next week she could feel it was consensual, but next year should could feel it was "rape" .... and it's all valid.  Rolling Eyes   (aka: "retroactive withdrawal of consent.")

Here's how it works:
Did you ever consent to something, but still came away feeling violated? Ever said “yes” to someone and then wished you could take it back? Well, you can.

Here’s the thing: it is possible to consent to having some experience and then, sometime in the future, not consent to having had that experience.

Put another way, you have “the right to retroactively withdraw consent” from any encounters you had, at any point in the past, that no longer feel good or safe to you.

Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes

It's all the rage amongst the feminazi & PC crowds nowadays.



Salinsky wrote:The truth about the Cos is that 60+ women have accused him of attempting to incapacitate and sexually assault them.

The truth about those who continue to support him is that they are abhorrent misogynists.

Once again, you've hit the nail on the head! And Cosby's prior deposition makes it clear he obtained drugs with which to seduce women.

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