According to Andrea Tanturos, TV journalist for FOX News, men employed by drug kingpin El Chapo Guzman, posing as bartenders, were aboard Trump's private jet, working Trump's all night, coast to coast New Year's Eve party. Satelite's tracked the plane to a private airport, south east of Mexico City.
Speaking over the radio from an undisclosed location, a spokes-person for Guzman reported that the drug King wanted America to know that he means no harm to Trump, but wanted to make a deal with him. No further details were forthcoming.
The CIA as well as NSA and FBI are working on the case, and are sending search parties into Canada.
Ms. Tanturos broke into tears as she disclosed this story in a news special which interrupted the Sean Hannity show.
Speaking over the radio from an undisclosed location, a spokes-person for Guzman reported that the drug King wanted America to know that he means no harm to Trump, but wanted to make a deal with him. No further details were forthcoming.
The CIA as well as NSA and FBI are working on the case, and are sending search parties into Canada.
Ms. Tanturos broke into tears as she disclosed this story in a news special which interrupted the Sean Hannity show.