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Phyllis Schlafly: Trump is 'last hope for America'

Hospital Bob
6 posters

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“This is a betrayal of the grassroots and of the Republican Party,” Schlafly said in an exclusive interview with WND. “We thought we were electing a different crowd to stand up for America, and they didn’t. We’re extremely outraged by what Congress has done. Nancy Pelosi couldn’t have engineered it any better. I think the people are going to react by electing Donald Trump.”

Trump put out a statement Friday to ABC News saying, “If anyone needs more evidence of why the American people are suffering at the hands of their own government, look no further than the budget deal announced by Speaker Ryan. In order to avoid a government shutdown, a cowardly threat from an incompetent president, the elected Republicans in Congress threw in the towel and showed absolutely no budget discipline.”



They also snuck more privacy workarounds into it. I'm absolutely disgusted by our govt... the pretense of representing us is on the way out. From now on they will just shove shit down our throat. I wonder how long progressives can excuse that.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

I detest the sight of Phylis Schlafly.  And when she opens her mouth and starts to talk,  I despise the whole thing even more.

But I'm still voting for Trump even after learning this.  Markle says all this makes me a "progressive".  But no what it makes me is nutty.
But Schlafly and I have actually found some common ground.  Like so many others of all kinds and all stripes,  we both just want to see a bomb thrown in there to blow things up (metaphorically speaking of course in case the NSA is monitoring this).



Phyllis Schlafly: Trump is 'last hope for America' ?u=http%3A%2F%2Fmedia.riffsy



Yes, Bob, blow everything up. You apparently have no idea what that means, or how many people would be hurt or even killed by a Trump presidency, even though you had ample evidence from the events of 2001-2009. Seriously, everything is not about entertainment.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

Floridatexan wrote:
Yes, Bob, blow everything up.  You apparently have no idea what that means, or how many people would be hurt or even killed by a Trump presidency, even though you had ample evidence from the events of 2001-2009.  Seriously, everything is not about entertainment.  

By "blow things up" I don't mean what you think,  tex.  It was the status quo that gave us the events of 2001-2009.  Not a bomb thrower. 
And while I am getting a lot of entertainment out of this election cycle,  that's not why I would go to the polls and vote.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

This morning on Meet the Press,  Trump was asked "do you think we would now be better off if we'd left Saddam Hussein in power?"
Trump's response:  "I believe that 100%".

No other republican or democrat except for Bernie Sanders has had the guts to admit that.  It's too politically incorrect,  especially for a republican.



Donald Trump is certainly not my first choice for president.

Of course even many Democrats know that anyone would be a better than Hillary Clinton.

Going for Trump is the fact that he is extremely intelligent and a highly effective leader. He is not afraid to surround himself with people who are at the very top of their specialty. He's not insecure so he's does not hesitate about taking their advice and moving forward.



I like the fact he can change his mind when given new info...



Bob wrote:
Floridatexan wrote:
Yes, Bob, blow everything up.  You apparently have no idea what that means, or how many people would be hurt or even killed by a Trump presidency, even though you had ample evidence from the events of 2001-2009.  Seriously, everything is not about entertainment.  

By "blow things up" I don't mean what you think,  tex.  It was the status quo that gave us the events of 2001-2009.  Not a bomb thrower. 
And while I am getting a lot of entertainment out of this election cycle,  that's not why I would go to the polls and vote.

The so-called election of 2000 was anything but status quo. It was unprecedented. As a result, instead of leading into the new millennium, we became the laughing stock of the rest of the world...the ones that weren't running for cover. You can invoke Godwin all you want, but there are obvious parallels between Trump and Hitler. Mass deportation....that's how it started in Germany. You think Trump's "a breath of fresh air"...I think he reeks like a sulfur plant...that rotten egg smell.



Sneeze, Phyllis. Your Brain is Dusty.

November 27, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Category: Uncategorized

"Phyllis Schlafly, that old hag you thought died of meanness, sanctimony, and hairspray ten years ago, is on the warpath.

Excited about Donald Trump’s call for the mass deportation of the 11 million undocumented immigrants living in the U.S., Eagle Forum founder Phyllis Schlafly told WorldNetDaily this weekend that she wants American railways to join the deportation effort, hoping to one day “see those railroad cars full of illegals going south.”

Yeah, she really did say “railroad trains.” I am certain that she did not realize that’s how the Nazis moved Jews in Germany. I’m just certain she didn’t know because her brain is mostly dust anyway.

Phyllis, I’d think a woman your age would want to make peace with Jesus instead of pissing him off.

You know, I have come to the conclusion that this is gonna build up with them trying to outdo each other being politically incorrect until one on them blurts out the N word. I hope it’s Louie Gohmert..."



see those railroad cars full of illegals going south.”

This is the woman who in 1960 went after Nixon because of his desire to end segregation........evil is evil....just a bit older.



2seaoat wrote:see those railroad cars full of illegals going south.”

This is the woman who in 1960 went after Nixon because of his desire to end segregation........evil is evil....just a bit older.

She's like Carly Fiorina or that other idiot they had on FOX. She actually made her career telling women they belong at home, not in the world of work. Most women didn't and don't have a choice. For the record, I did interrupt my career to stay home with my kids. There was no way I could feel good about holding a full time job when they were I did a lot of odd jobs. That was up my career path, which was on an upward trajectory...but my kids came first.



Floridatexan wrote:
2seaoat wrote:see those railroad cars full of illegals going south.”

This is the woman who in 1960 went after Nixon because of his desire to end segregation........evil is evil....just a bit older.

She's like Carly Fiorina or that other idiot they had on FOX.  She actually made her career telling women they belong at home, not in the world of work.  Most women didn't and don't have a choice.  For the record, I did interrupt my career to stay home with my kids.  There was no way I could feel good about holding a full time job when they were I did a lot of odd jobs.  That was up my career path, which was on an upward trajectory...but my kids came first.  

they are lucky you didn't abort them to prove how strong a career woman you are...


they are lucky you didn't abort them to prove how strong a career woman you are...

What a tell.



2seaoat wrote:they are lucky you didn't abort them to prove how strong a career woman you are...

What a tell.

You and your poker bullshit....she's the one with the tell...she cared about her kids from conception so guess what....that means she considered them kids all the way....they didn't magically turn into children at some point in her confused womb...


You and your poker bullshit....she's the one with the tell.

Are you hitting the pain meds on that shoulder? Put them down and use some over the counter pain medications.



2seaoat wrote:You and your poker bullshit....she's the one with the tell.

Are you hitting the pain meds on that shoulder?  Put them down and use some over the counter pain medications.

No but I am scratching my ass ..I may have full house...or I may be bluffing... pirat



Floridatexan wrote:
2seaoat wrote:see those railroad cars full of illegals going south.”

This is the woman who in 1960 went after Nixon because of his desire to end segregation........evil is evil....just a bit older.

She's like Carly Fiorina or that other idiot they had on FOX.  She actually made her career telling women they belong at home, not in the world of work.  Most women didn't and don't have a choice.  For the record, I did interrupt my career to stay home with my kids.  There was no way I could feel good about holding a full time job when they were I did a lot of odd jobs.  That was up my career path, which was on an upward trajectory...but my kids came first.  

they are lucky you didn't abort them to prove how strong a career woman you are...

I had a spontaneous abortion (that's a miscarriage) one year before I became pregnant with my first child. I am not "pro-abortion"...not by any stretch of the imagination. But no man has the right to tell me what to do in a situation of, for example, rape or incest. No man has the right to restrict my access to birth control or gynecological treatment...or abortion, if it should come to that.
I am not a second class citizen.



I can't tell anyone what to do...I can appeal to their sense of humanity. That failing I can't do much else and stay on the right side of the law....I am not going to prison for a child it's own mother doesn't want and I figure if God can create a universe he doesn't need me meddling. He can make the earth swallow up abortion facilities whenever he gets a notion..



TEOTWAWKI wrote:I can't tell anyone what to do...I can appeal to their sense of humanity. That failing I can't do much else and stay on the right side of the law....I am not going to prison for a child it's own mother doesn't want and I figure if God can create a universe he doesn't need me meddling. He can make the earth swallow up abortion facilities whenever he gets a notion..

Planned Parenthood is not an abortion facility. It's a women's health facility primarily. Women of childbearing age frequently have an ob/gyn as their family physician. But many women in this country would have no other option if it wasn't for Planned Parenthood, which performs many other women's health services. You can't deny that PP has been attacked by the GOP; you can't deny that Fiorina made it central in her debate, or that most (if not all) of the other candidates have also made it a cornerstone in their campaigns. Why? Because it appeals to fundie faux-christians...their "base".



TEOTWAWKI wrote:I can't tell anyone what to do...I can appeal to their sense of humanity. That failing I can't do much else and stay on the right side of the law....I am not going to prison for a child it's own mother doesn't want and I figure if God can create a universe he doesn't need me meddling. He can make the earth swallow up abortion facilities whenever he gets a notion..

As almost always is the case, the solution is simple. Split Planned Parenthood into two autonomous corporations. No links whatsoever. One would remain as Planned Parenthood, providing health care to women but prohibited from providing abortions. They would also be entitled to receive tax payer money. The other could be called Planned Abortion, no tax payer money and prohibited from selling infant body parts.

None of the Progressive abortion supporters are selfish and consider only the rights of the usually careless woman rather than the rights of the fetus/infant.



Trump. The candidate who unites white supremacists with people who didn't know they were white supremacists.- LOLGOP

Trump is the kind of billionaire Putin would arrest and then confiscate his property.
Putin would have Trump for breakfast and still need to stop at IHOP. - Comment by DJD

A president named ‘Hussein’ and legal weed have driven conservatives insane. - Michael Moore

Bernie Still Running Despite Losing Putin Endorsement. - cafedotcom tweet

Remember when you thought that another Bush brother was the worst the GOP could do?- LOLGOP

And then Hillary Clinton sold baby parts to ISIS terror cells in Benghazi."
— Carly Fiorina

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

polecat wrote:Trump. The candidate who unites white supremacists with people who didn't know they were white supremacists.- LOLGOP

Trump is the kind of billionaire Putin would arrest and then confiscate his property.
Putin would have Trump for breakfast and still need to stop at IHOP. - Comment by DJD

A president named ‘Hussein’ and legal weed have driven conservatives insane. - Michael Moore

Bernie Still Running Despite Losing Putin Endorsement. - cafedotcom tweet

Remember when you thought that another Bush brother was the worst the GOP could do?- LOLGOP

And then Hillary Clinton sold baby parts to ISIS terror cells in Benghazi."
— Carly Fiorina

There's no other explanation.  We truly must have entered The Twilight Zone. 

Regardless if you love or hate Michael Moore,  he can be one funny son of a bitch.  His is the best comment of the bunch.  lol



If Trump is the last hope, we are doomed.

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