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Climate change deal

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1Climate change deal Empty Climate change deal 12/13/2015, 10:24 am


Finally, the world has broken free from the tail wagging the dog. Now Mitch and the other lackeys for Carbon Pollution producers are going to bark and make noise about how pollution is good for America, but the truth is America has made significant reductions in carbon pollution, and now the rest of the world has bought into the science and plan. Another huge victory for President Obama and our great grandchildren. Science works.

2Climate change deal Empty Re: Climate change deal 12/13/2015, 7:02 pm



2seaoat wrote:Finally, the world has broken free from the tail wagging the dog.  Now Mitch and the other lackeys for Carbon Pollution producers are going to bark and make noise about how pollution is good for America, but the truth is America has made significant reductions in carbon pollution, and now the rest of the world has bought into the science and plan.   Another huge victory for President Obama and our great grandchildren.  Science works.

Climate change deal LOL_zpsrc5py0ql



Customary for this failed administration they CHEER VICTORY, for their most dismal failures.

John Kerry applauds another of his NON-AGREEMENT...AGREEMENTS. THIS time on bogus Global Warming.

Progressives are applauding an agreement...which has no goals and no penalties for not complying with...well actually nothing.

Participating nations have no specific goals and are to voluntarily report their progress every FIVE YEARS. So the nations come up with their own figures...every FIVE YEARS and then report what they WANT to report meaning...there is no agreement.

Identical to the non-agreement, agreement Secretary of State John Kerry negotiated, and has already been violated several times with Iran. That UNSIGNED agreement.

How a voluntary, non-binding agreement can create jobs, I have no idea.

Yep, typical failure for this administration.

4Climate change deal Empty Re: Climate change deal 12/13/2015, 8:03 pm


The arguments about climate change have shifted with this agreement from debate as to the impact of the pollution, to a plan to reduce the pollution......big big big deal, and lots of work to lower man made carbon pouring into our atmosphere.

5Climate change deal Empty Re: Climate change deal 12/13/2015, 8:14 pm



Lol... gawd ur easy. At best it will redistribute production from developed countries to undeveloped countries.

With no accountability. Great leftist scam tho... it should certainly lower our standard of living. Congratulations comrade.

6Climate change deal Empty Re: Climate change deal 12/13/2015, 8:37 pm



2seaoat wrote:The arguments about climate change have shifted with this agreement from debate as to the impact of the pollution, to a plan to reduce the pollution......big big big deal, and lots of work to lower man made carbon pouring into our atmosphere.

And, as you know, there are no requirements to lower or increase anything, the reporting, EVERY FIVE YEARS is VOLUNTARY AND the countries provide THEIR OWN NUMBERS.

This is no different than if your employer sent in no W-2 or 1099 if your self employed to the IRS. All you had to do was make up your own numbers, send them in and there was no penalty for lying.

Is that about it?

7Climate change deal Empty Re: Climate change deal 12/13/2015, 9:01 pm


Is that about it?

So both of you getting blown out of the water after years spewing anti science nonsense, you are now celebrating your perception that the nations finally reaching consensus on the science of global climate change is a failure because the solutions are evolving, you now have decided to make fun of the solutions to the problem......well that is an amazing both make me smile way more than I should be smiling after working all day. Carbon pollution as a problem has now in both your minds changed to incompetence in actions to reduce the I can say.......Kinda like the flat earth society talking about how they will sail to longer challenging that the earth is round.....they are going to make fun of how the round earthers are going to travel to china.....too funny.

8Climate change deal Empty Re: Climate change deal 12/13/2015, 10:23 pm



Solution? Lmao... you have to be kidding. What do you exactly think was solved? Will co2 emissions be lowered overall?

9Climate change deal Empty Re: Climate change deal 12/13/2015, 10:34 pm


Solution? Lmao... you have to be kidding. What do you exactly think was solved? Will co2 emissions be lowered overall?

Just like when sulfur pollution was first attacked, the same old folks with ties to corporate America laughed......Sulfur was reduced in about half the projected time. Yes, I believe that in the next twenty five years the collective actions to reduce carbon pollution will succeed. I remember those same people first argued that Sulfur had no negative impact, and the acid lakes were not connected to Sulfur pollution.

Then, like now the folks who were proven wrong on the science, then argued that it would be too expensive and the solutions would not work.....the exchanges went up and boom, the sulfur dropped like a rock and our environment recovered.....did it completely, but without those actions most of the lakes in the northeast would be dead today. Science and solutions matter. Stupid is permanent.

10Climate change deal Empty Re: Climate change deal 12/13/2015, 10:55 pm



Lots of words... no substantive answers... as usual.

11Climate change deal Empty Re: Climate change deal 12/13/2015, 11:01 pm



Here is what the climate-change planners have in store for us:

Imagining a World Without Growth


...Naomi Klein, a champion of the leftward fringe newly converted to the environmental cause, gleefully proposes climate change as an opportunity to put an end to capitalism. Were she right, I doubt it would bring about the workers’ utopia she appears to yearn for. In a world economy that does not grow, the powerless and vulnerable are the most likely to lose. Imagine “Blade Runner,” “Mad Max” and “The Hunger Games” brought to real life...

The emphasis is my own. So, the climate change proponents want to snuff-out capitalism in the world..... Lenin and Trotsky could only dream of implementing such a scheme.

12Climate change deal Empty Re: Climate change deal 12/13/2015, 11:09 pm



Reasonable people understand the science and simply want to reduce carbon pollution. No politics.....just common sense.

Lots of words... no substantive answers... as usual.

The answer is short and simple. We reduced sulfur, and we will reduce carbon. Short enough for you to process. I would suggest adding some memory to your computing is on sale, unless your short terse answers are really all about a design flaw which does not allow memory added to your processor......hmm....boards may be on to something.

13Climate change deal Empty Re: Climate change deal 12/13/2015, 11:18 pm



You do realize that we're talking about one planet... right? Redistributing emissions and money doesn't reduce anything.

China only a month ago was found to have significantly underrepresented their emissions. My memory is excellent.

Insult my intelligence all you like... I think most people here can recognize a zero sum obama "solution" when they see it.

14Climate change deal Empty Re: Climate change deal 12/13/2015, 11:24 pm


Memory is not intelligence. Processor speed is. Your processor is fine, but you seem to work with small memory cache which does not allow you to discuss things without short quips because you have run out of has nothing to do with intelligence, but your inability to carry on a conversation which is not riddled with quips and short responses which end up making what may be complex thought seem simplistic. I am not insulting your intelligence, just the way you process information which limits your flexibility.

15Climate change deal Empty Re: Climate change deal 12/14/2015, 4:05 am



2seaoat wrote:Solution? Lmao... you have to be kidding. What do you exactly think was solved? Will co2 emissions be lowered overall?

Just like when sulfur pollution was first attacked, the same old folks with ties to corporate America laughed......Sulfur was reduced in about half the projected time.  Yes, I believe that in the next twenty five years the collective actions to reduce carbon pollution will succeed.  I remember those same people first argued that Sulfur had no negative impact, and the acid lakes were not connected to Sulfur pollution.  

Then, like now the folks who were proven wrong on the science, then argued that it would be too expensive and the solutions would not work.....the exchanges went up and boom, the sulfur dropped like a rock and our environment recovered.....did it completely, but without those actions most of the lakes in the northeast would be dead today.  Science and solutions matter.   Stupid is permanent.

You were certainly proven wrong enough that you had to change name of your "movement" from Global Warming to Climate change.  Proves you're wrong.

Sulfur is a provable, known polluter.

What do all green plants, around the world, produce every night?

16Climate change deal Empty Re: Climate change deal 12/14/2015, 4:28 am



Oh dear...this is not good for the Global Warming groupies.

Why Bother? John Kerry Admits American CO2 Cuts Would Be Pointless

It’s 40 seconds that should turn the global warming world upside down.

Secretary of State John Kerry made an astounding confession today at the COP-21 climate conference in Paris: Emissions cuts by the U.S. and other industrialized nations will make no difference to global climate, he said.

Here are Kerry’s exact words:

… The fact is that even if every American citizen biked to work, carpooled to school, used only solar panels to power their homes, if we each planted a dozen trees, if we somehow eliminated all of our domestic greenhouse gas emissions, guess what – that still wouldn’t be enough to offset the carbon pollution coming from the rest of the world.

If all the industrial nations went down to zero emissions –- remember what I just said, all the industrial emissions went down to zero emissions -– it wouldn’t be enough, not when more than 65% of the world’s carbon pollution comes from the developing world.

17Climate change deal Empty Re: Climate change deal 12/14/2015, 6:27 am


it wouldn’t be enough, not when more than 65% of the world’s carbon pollution comes from the developing world.

What part of that fact are you having difficulty?

18Climate change deal Empty Re: Climate change deal 12/14/2015, 1:29 pm

boards of FL

boards of FL®ion=stream&module=stream_unit&version=latest&contentPlacement=1&pgtype=collection&_r=1&referer=

Did the Paris climate accord save civilization? Maybe. That may not sound like a ringing endorsement, but it’s actually the best climate news we’ve had in a very long time. This agreement could still follow the path of the 1997 Kyoto Protocol, which seemed like a big deal but ended up being completely ineffectual. But there have been important changes in the world since then, which may finally have created the preconditions for action on global warming before it’s too late.

Until very recently there were two huge roadblocks in the way of any kind of global deal on climate: China’s soaring consumption of coal, and the implacable opposition of America’s Republican Party. The first seemed to mean that global greenhouse emissions would rise inexorably no matter what wealthy countries did, while the second meant that the biggest of those wealthy countries was unable to make credible promises, and hence unable to lead.

But there have been important changes on both fronts.

On one side, there is a visible shift in Chinese attitudes — or at any rate, a shift that would be visible if the smog weren’t so thick. Seriously, China faces a huge air quality crisis, brought on largely by coal-burning, which makes it far more willing to wean itself from the worst form of fossil fuel consumption. And China’s economic growth — real income per capita has quadrupled since 1997 — also means that it has a rapidly growing middle class that demands a higher quality of life, including air that’s relatively safe to breathe.

So China is playing a very different role now than it did in the past. One indicator: some of the usual suspects on the right have suddenly changed their line. They used to argue that U.S. emission limits would be useless, because China would just keep polluting; now they’re starting to argue that U.S. action isn’t necessary, because China will cut coal consumption whatever we do.

Which brings us to the U.S. Republican attitudes haven’t changed, except for the worse: the G.O.P. is spiraling ever deeper into a black hole of denial and anti-science conspiracy theorizing. The game-changing news is that this may not matter as much as we thought.

It’s true that America can’t take broad-based action on climate without new legislation, and that won’t happen as long as Republicans retain a lock on the House. But President Obama has moved to limit emissions from power plants — a big part of the solution we need — through executive action. And this move has already had the effect of restoring U.S. climate credibility abroad, letting Mr. Obama take a leading role in Paris.

Still, what reason is there to believe that the accord will really change the world’s trajectory? Nations have agreed both to emission targets and to regular review of their success or failure in meeting those targets; but there are no penalties other than censure for countries that fail to deliver.

And achieving those emission targets would definitely hurt some powerful special interests, since it would mean leaving most of the world’s remaining fossil fuels in the ground, never to be burned. So what will stop the fossil fuel industry from buying enough politicians to turn the accord into a dead letter?

The answer, I’d suggest, is that new technology has fundamentally changed the rules.

Many people still seem to believe that renewable energy is hippie-dippy stuff, not a serious part of our future. Either that, or they have bought into propaganda that portrays it as some kind of liberal boondoggle (Solyndra! Benghazi! Death panels!) The reality, however, is that costs of solar and wind power have fallen dramatically, to the point where they are close to competitive with fossil fuels even without special incentives — and progress on energy storage has made their prospects even better. Renewable energy has also become a big employer, much bigger these days than the coal industry.

This energy revolution has two big implications. The first is that the cost of sharp emission reductions will be much less than even optimists used to assume — dire warnings from the right used to be mostly nonsense, but now they’re complete nonsense. The second is that given a moderate boost — the kind that the Paris accord could provide — renewable energy could quickly give rise to new interest groups with a positive stake in saving the planet, offering an offset to the Kochs and suchlike.

Of course, it could easily go all wrong. President Cruz or President Rubio might scuttle the whole deal, and by the time we get another chance to do something about climate it could be too late.

But it doesn’t have to happen. I don’t think it’s naïve to suggest that what came out of Paris gives us real reason to hope in an area where hope has been all too scarce. Maybe we’re not doomed after all.

19Climate change deal Empty Re: Climate change deal 12/14/2015, 8:02 pm



2seaoat wrote: it wouldn’t be enough, not when more than 65% of the world’s carbon pollution comes from the developing world.

What part of that fact are you having difficulty?

The entire world is "developing" so where does the other 35% come from and how has it all changed our climate over the past 20 years?

Oh right, NO temperature change in nearly two decades.

What caused the global warming when the Vikings traveled to North America?

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