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puppies shot going under fence eating chickens.....kid drinks acid....folks wait a day

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Twilight zone.

States Attorney is going to try to put parents in prison for 15 years......they appear to be running a meth lab......and waited to report the ingestion, and were indifferent when the paramedics arrived. I find the immediate rush to put them away for 15 years as bad as the parents not caring for their children.

Women had a litter of puppies and three got out. Went into neighbors yard where he had fenced in chickens....they killed some of his chickens and the neighbor beat them with a stick killing them. Deputy said Florida law allows the same......I guess I saw other alternatives for all the parties.....but night after night of listening to this.....I just expect Rod Sterling at any moment.



Good are 0 for 2.

The child that ingested meth chemicals was unresponsive when EMS  was notified. The ingestion was a medical emergency and the meth-heads should  have called EMS the night before. Chemical burns are painful and can be leathal.
 The charges should be at least 15 years.

The dog killed the chickens and the pups ate them. The owner of the chickens initially
went to find the dog owner before returning and beating the dogs. The owner has had numerous complaints and even impounding of her dogs. Dog owners are responsible for their animals...

That said,  I could not kill a dog and 2 pups but they did kill and eat the chickens.



Joanimaroni wrote:Good are 0 for 2.

The child that ingested meth chemicals was unresponsive when EMS  was notified. The ingestion was a medical emergency and the meth-heads should  have called EMS the night before. Chemical burns are painful and can be leathal.
 The charges should be at least 15 years.

The dog killed the chickens and the pups ate them. The owner of the chickens initially
went to find the dog owner before returning and beating the dogs. The owner has had numerous complaints and even impounding of her dogs. Dog owners are responsible for their animals...

That said,  I could not kill a dog and 2 pups but they did kill and eat the chickens.

Hey we all like chicken.....mmmm..poor doggies.


The problem in the panhandle is this complete absence of the heroin and meth problem being addressed, and the burgeoning budget for Leo and SA with this schitzo dichotomy of the good church going people making judgment on the reality rather than dealing with it. Throwing drug addicts in jail for 15 years only further punishes the children. Drug Courts, and decriminalize drugs where the need to make a buck putting poison in reach of children could end. It is simply bizarre. Night after night of wrong priorities and the solution is to keep the private prisons full, break up families, and pretend that drugs and gangs are not part of the panhandle.....splendid logic. I have never seen people acting like our former tenants on meth and heroin, and it is a pandemic.
The murders in Chicago are driven by the same gang profit which has been produced by the failed war on drugs. It is insanity.

Hey, If a person thinks beating puppies doing what their instinct says is right is ok, but had he gone over and bent the woman over his knee and spanked her he would be spending time in jail......this is the twilight is not limited to here, but the old Joke about "Florida Man".....well it is not too far off.



You need to educate yourself on meth-addicts. Children do not need to be around that shit or with meth heads.

She earned her jail time.

17590589/532]puppies shot going under fence eating chickens.....kid drinks acid....folks wait a day Viewim10[/url]



Meth-Head mommy and daddy stored the acid in a sippy-cup.  If the child services he will have problems the rest of his life. Poor Seaoat......drugs should be legal.



Joanimaroni wrote:Meth-Head mommy and daddy stored the acid in a sippy-cup.  If the child services he will have problems the rest of his life. Poor Seaoat......drugs should be legal.

a sippy cup ?.....stupidity should be illegal.



Mommy before Meth

puppies shot going under fence eating chickens.....kid drinks acid....folks wait a day Amber-11



Damn ..she was beautiful....what a horror meth is....


a sippy cup ?.....stupidity should be illegal.

Agree, but poverty drives the worse derivatives of drugs on the cheap in different cultures. Crack and meth, and now heroin is an epidemic. Our carpet guy who is installing this weekend almost got stuck by all the heroin needles in the old carpet. Tin foils packets and small candles everywhere in the house. When we met the tenant looking for her mail she was incoherent and looked horrible. She was my daughter's age. We need to decriminalize drugs. We need to have affordable choices for people who choose to use drugs, and we need the money to be invested in fighting addiction, not putting non violent people in jail and creating a criminal justice for profit enterprise where police are rewarded with overtime and more pay for fighting this war on drugs. A sippy cup......dear God I can barely watch the ABC news in Pensacola. It is so sad. This town is remarkable and has so many good people, but this epidemic starts when the Chamber of Commerce is afraid tourists will be scared away if they talk about gangs or the failed war on drugs. That girl could have been a teacher, a nurse, or anything but a meth head who has harmed her children.........The truth has to be spoken.....we need less police, we need to decriminalize drugs and tax them with new resources and revenue to deal with addictions and the harm they bring to society. Sweeping it under the rug has created a monster.



Non violent people can be lethal. You make it sound like all poor people are druggies, are they? Perhaps they are poor because their addiction prevents them from having gainful employment....hard to work when you are strung out, picking imaginary bugs off your face and tweaking.

Drugs and gang task forces are operational in both Escambia and Santa Rosa Counties. It is talked about and publicized often. Gang recognition is logged in by the counties and listed on the  individuals police records....and through NCIS.


Poverty causes horrible choices in drugs. Wealth can get you safer drugs, but in the end the addiction which is fed by a wealthy or poor person will consume that person. Meth is a source of income and crack is a source of income. I knew a 16 year old kid who I have told the story that he got shot coming out of the barber. I was instrumental getting him back in school, but he was making 2k a week selling eight balls and being high........kind of hard to work at burger king at minimum wage when the illegal drug trade can change folks in poverty......the three people who shot him laughed when they were arraigned.....gang bangers......this kid was with the other gang........take the profit out of really is that simple. Will everything be magically ok overnight.....nope, but I guarantee the violence will get better and people will be safer.



Mommy was an active user, judging from her face, not sure how much was for profit. 

Not all druggies have to be burger flippers and many users have had substantial incomes before drugs. Of course we both know if drugs were legal that little child would not have been safe with users for parents.


I personally know functional drug addicts who have raised healthy kids. Not all addictions are out of control. Like alcoholics, there are degrees and different functionality. Stupid parents who are clean as a whistle still make mistakes with kids. The nanny state has not stopped kids from getting hurt, but throwing more kids into an already overburdened foster care system is not the answer. Addressing addiction, and having the resources to do the same, beat the hell out of filling our jails and creating a police state which just compounds the problems. Restoration of functional families starts with stopping the drug war and putting resources into helping people to break addiction.



2seaoat wrote:I personally know functional drug addicts who have raised healthy kids.  Not all addictions are out of control.  Like alcoholics, there are degrees and different functionality.   Stupid parents who are clean as a whistle still make mistakes with kids.   The nanny state has not stopped kids from getting hurt, but throwing more kids into an already overburdened foster care system is not the answer.   Addressing addiction, and having the resources to do the same, beat the hell out of filling our jails and creating a police state which just compounds the problems.  Restoration of functional families starts with stopping the drug war and putting resources into helping people to break addiction.

Depends on the drug..,some drugs do not allow an individual to be functional. 

Personal choices.



Welcome to Baja Alabama!


The kid story is heartbreaking... Mad
I try to avoid news like this. There's always bad news if you look for it. And I swear, I have some friends who are just walking bad news reporters.

I think it's a perspective that causes some people to seek it out and repeat it.


Joanimaroni wrote:Good are 0 for 2.

The child that ingested meth chemicals was unresponsive when EMS  was notified. The ingestion was a medical emergency and the meth-heads should  have called EMS the night before. Chemical burns are painful and can be leathal.
 The charges should be at least 15 years.

The dog killed the chickens and the pups ate them. The owner of the chickens initially
went to find the dog owner before returning and beating the dogs. The owner has had numerous complaints and even impounding of her dogs. Dog owners are responsible for their animals...

That said,  I could not kill a dog and 2 pups but they did kill and eat the chickens.

No, you probably could not kill a dog for for eating chickens, and neither could I. That's because beating any animal to death is WRONG, whether you've talked to the owner or not. You're a mean son of a bitch if you kill a dog over chickens. For God's sake, I wonder how many times this monster has eaten at KFC. Does he think w3hat he eats died peacefully in their sleep?

I'm for locking people up for a very long time if they kill someone's dog. They might not make it to the jail uninjured if they hurt one of my dogs. I'd certainly be glad to take a short sentence in order to shoot a dog killer in the kneecaps, at the very least.

Yes, I'm one of those crazy people that KNOW dogs are better then us. It took me a lot of years to learn that but I fully believe it.


A day later and I'm still mad over the dog story. When my dog was a puppy he was owned by a SOB who didn't feed his dogs regular food. He made them chase down chickens in the yard for food, hoping that killing would make them mean enough to be fighting dogs. Thank God he was able to get away. I wonder if this poor mother dog was raised by someone like that?
Her puppies may have been hungry and she was just trying to provide them with food, instead she got beaten to death.

I'd love to take a bat to the monster who beat those puppies.

Maybe I should write a check to a dog rescue and it would help my anger. Because my blood does not need to boil like it is today.

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