So far, it's pretty obvious from the evidence (that I have seen up to this moment) that these people were committed to causing harm long before the actual act...but cooler heads must prevail. It's so easy to general...the Japs, the Nazis, the...well, I could go on, but I won' the interest of not painting everyone with the same broad brush. That's how we ended up in a war with both Afghanistan and Iraq. Bush's rhetoric at the time did not jive with his administration's actual treatment of Muslims in the US, or anywhere in the world. In truth, Muslims were being targeted, detained, tortured, and/or killed during Bush's "war on terror", which should rightfully be called the "War OF Terror". Besides the people being terrorized by illegal interrogation, there was the terror imposed upon the people of the United States, who watched in horror as their rights were dismantled and their good names were smeared with the blood of innocent people, their sons and daughters injured and killed for political gain, and their fortunes decimated by greedy politicians with their eyes on the of sick impulses out of control.