But hey, if 750 innocent American's killed by terrorists is an acceptable to you, well, I don't know what to tell ya. The only acceptable number to me is zero.
People dying from bee stings is unacceptable to me, and certainly those who die from terrorist are unacceptable. The difference is that we do not flush down five trillion trying to lower bee stings, and we do not have a bee sting defense spending in the hundreds of billions of dollars each year. Here is the deal. Reduce defense spending and realize that in a war of att.rition where modernity will win over archaic political and social systems requires a long term commitment and not feel good bombs killing more innocents than guilty. It takes investments in improved economic growth in an entire region, and an end of supporting corrupt monarchs who finance terrorism to protect their decadent lifestyles where they have near slaves who prepare their food and do their laundry. It is good to know your enemy, and the enemy we face is an idea that the West is evil and corrupt as they kill Muslims. We can beat that idea through modernity and a long term strategy. We need to leave the Middle East and support those regimes which support the people of the Middle east. The arab spring started about fair treatment of a street vendor who had been abused by corrupt dictatorships......democracy is not going to be built by us imposing an absurd and non working constitution on the people of Iraq.......it will require us to first attack the false propaganda, the panic, the fear, and become the Courageous nation we were once known.