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Complete and total lack of reasoning skills and intelligence

4 posters

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For the answer to every situation that is dire and befalls the US or the world to be met with "It's Obama's fault," "It's Bush's fault," or "It's Hillary's fault" is a complete and total lack of reasoning skills and intelligence.


Finally someone agrees with me.



People blaming Bush is ignorant. He's not been in office for 6 years and 10 months.  Can we blame Obama for Paris? It sure looks like abandoning Iraq and calling it quits gave rise to ISIS. There was no ISIS when we had enough troops to kick in doors when we felt like it and it needed to be done while we trained up their SOF (which Obama left hanging before the job was done and now he sticks 50 in Syria as if 50 is some magic number) and yanking all intelligence support to the Iraqi Army. Stupid actions equal people getting called stupid. Obama has topped the list.

Even the Sec of the AF put it best this week when she stated that air power could not do it all and that boots have to be on the ground to claim and hold land that the enemy has been driven from....

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

Bush won the war against ISIS and gave Iraq democracy and peace.
Obama then took office and lost the war,  took away Bush's democracy,  and allied himself with ISIS.
Obviously Obama is just as much at fault for what happened in Paris as the Mossad is.
If only we had let George Bush remain the president.  He would have solved all of this while he was cutting brush in Crawford.  The man was a genius and a good conservative christian man and we let him go.  Shame on us.
If we know what's good for us,  we'll elect Ben Carson.  That man is better with a knife than anybody in ISIS or the Mossad.


We invade a nation and destroy it and its people, and some here say it was nobody's fault. It was our collective fault to allow the scardy cats to be manipulated by the special interests to think that 911 terrorism would somehow be diminished by invasion of a sovereign country. Now the same scardy cats are singing the well know tune.......bomb bomb bomb....Iran, Syria, Iraq......anybody.....because logically there is no fault in bad policy......there is no intelligence in policy choices......there is only one simplistic solution. Sorry, there were bad decisions made which have had deep ramifications throughout the middle east. It now requires intelligence.



Absurd moral equivalence... their acts can and should be judged on their own merits. They choose to target innocents.


Absurd moral equivalence... their acts can and should be judged on their own merits. They choose to target innocents.

Absurd? If another sovereign nation invaded America because George Bush was deemed a War Criminal and the ace of spades, and in that process they capture Bush and execute him, I would not be happy. It would be the 200k innocent Americans who died from bombs and bullets that would stick in my craw. I would not sit silently as another nation invaded this nation. I would fight. If I was outgunned and out manned, I would use every available method to harm the invader and its people. I cannot say I would put a suicide vest on, but I would fight and have little remorse to the death of the invaders. Some might call my response absurd and without moral justification, but I would not be alone.....Americans would never tolerate an invasion and the murder of our citizens. Ask the British.

Terrorism has been a response of the powerless throughout history. Nobody is saying the killing of innocents is ever justified, all I am saying is that when you invade and kill innocents, to not be surprised by the response to that bad policy. We need to get out of the Middle East. Ronald Reagan understood the clarity of cutting and running. He did not let Mic or Israel control his hand. He simply did what was best for America, and quite frankly what was right for the people of the middle east.



ppaca wrote:Finally someone agrees with me.

And the forum is "blowing up" with posts, one after another, with hate filled sentiment that broad brush swipes everything and anything that does not fit into the mind of the ignorant.

What happened in Paris is reprehensible. The act falls on the men/women who carried it out. It was a an act of terrorism. We've seen this before and we will, unfortunately, see it again.

But for people to take this as an "I told you so" moment or to appear happy that they have another moment in history to deride President Obama is pure and simply, sick and demented.

My hope is the network of this terrorist act is annihilated and we continue as free countries to show the terrorist you will be hunted down and destroyed if you do not abide peaceably within our free countries.

Millions of Muslims have lived for years in France. This is not a representation of the Muslim citizens of France. It's the act of terrorists - jihadists - sick people with minds only focused on destruction. They only have the capability of hate and death.



SheWrites wrote:
ppaca wrote:Finally someone agrees with me.

And the forum is "blowing up" with posts, one after another, with hate filled sentiment that broad brush swipes everything and anything that does not fit into the mind of the ignorant.

What happened in Paris is reprehensible. The act falls on the men/women who carried it out. It was a an act of terrorism. We've seen this before and we will, unfortunately, see it again.

But for people to take this as an "I told you so" moment or to appear happy that they have another moment in history to deride President Obama is pure and simply, sick and demented.

My hope is the network of this terrorist act is annihilated and we continue as free countries to show the terrorist you will be hunted down and destroyed if you do not abide peaceably within our free countries.

Millions of Muslims have lived for years in France. This is not a representation of the Muslim citizens of France. It's the act of terrorists - jihadists - sick people with minds only focused on destruction. They only have the capability of hate and death.

Until someone can use the term radical Islam and define it as the problem, nothing will be done about it and people will continue to die. That person has already said he will "stand with the Muslims".....It's in his book Audacity of Hope on either page 216 or's early so I cannot remember it that well.



Obamasucks wrote:
SheWrites wrote:
ppaca wrote:Finally someone agrees with me.

And the forum is "blowing up" with posts, one after another, with hate filled sentiment that broad brush swipes everything and anything that does not fit into the mind of the ignorant.

What happened in Paris is reprehensible. The act falls on the men/women who carried it out.  It was a an act of terrorism.  We've seen this before and we will, unfortunately, see it again.  

But for people to take this as an "I told you so" moment or to appear happy that they have another moment in history to deride President Obama is pure and simply, sick and demented.

My hope is the network of this terrorist act is annihilated and we continue as free countries to show the terrorist you will be hunted down and destroyed if you do not abide peaceably within our free countries.

Millions of Muslims have lived for years in France.  This is not a representation of the Muslim citizens of France.  It's the act of terrorists - jihadists - sick people with minds only focused on destruction.  They only have the capability of hate and death.

Until someone can use the term radical Islam and define it as the problem, nothing will be done about it and people will continue to die. That person has already said he will "stand with the Muslims".....It's in his book Audacity of Hope on either page 216 or's early so I cannot remember it that well.

You are the bully on the playground holding down the child, "Say it! Say the word! Say it!"

Grow up.



Obamasucks wrote:

Until someone can use the term radical Islam and define it as the problem, nothing will be done about it and people will continue to die. That person has already said he will "stand with the Muslims".....It's in his book Audacity of Hope on either page 216 or's early so I cannot remember it that well.

Again, you cannot read or reason. This is the context of what you twist.

Actual quote from "The Audacity of Hope" [pg. 261]: Of course, not all my conversations in immigrant communities follow this easy pattern. In the wake of 9/11, my meetings with Arab and Pakistani Americans, for example, have a more urgent quality, for the stories of detentions and FBI questioning and hard stares from neighbors have shaken their sense of security and belonging. They have been reminded that the history of immigration in this country has a dark underbelly; they need specific assurances that their citizenship really means something, that America has learned the right lessons from the Japanese internments during World War II, and that I will stand with them should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.



The ability or willingness to accurately define an issue is not bullying... it is normal. To not is either ignorance or wilful deception... for whatever reason. Take the medical diagnosis from the middle ages... they might say there was an inbalance of the humours... where today we know with much more specificity. The drs aren't bullies... they are informed and capable of exact description. That ability makes treatments more exact and effective. There's no reason to limit our ability to do that for any reason... particularly not in a country founded on free speech and thght for obscure politically correct rationales.



PkrBum wrote:The ability or willingness to accurately define an issue is not bullying... it is normal. To not is either ignorance or wilful deception... for whatever reason. Take the medical diagnosis from the middle ages... they might say there was an inbalance of the humours... where today we know with much more specificity. The drs aren't bullies... they are informed and capable of exact description. That ability makes treatments more exact and effective. There's no reason to limit our ability to do that for any reason... particularly not in a country founded on free speech and thght for obscure politically correct rationales.

I respectfully disagree Pkr.  This is someone wanting to control and condemn by the use of their chosen definition.

How many more ways can the powers to be say we are dealing with jihadists and terrorism?  OS just wants things said his way, or not, in order to continued to condemn a President and leaders of our country. OS's hate defines him.



SheWrites wrote:And the forum is "blowing up" with posts, one after another, with hate filled sentiment that broad brush swipes everything and anything that does not fit into the mind of the ignorant.

PeeDog has been on quite a tear the past few days, hasn't he?

He is a serial hater.



SheWrites wrote:Again, you cannot read or reason.  This is the context of what you twist.

Actual quote from "The Audacity of Hope" [pg. 261]: Of course, not all my conversations in immigrant communities follow this easy pattern. In the wake of 9/11, my meetings with Arab and Pakistani Americans, for example, have a more urgent quality, for the stories of detentions and FBI questioning and hard stares from neighbors have shaken their sense of security and belonging. They have been reminded that the history of immigration in this country has a dark underbelly; they need specific assurances that their citizenship really means something, that America has learned the right lessons from the Japanese internments during World War II, and that I will stand with them should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.

PeeDog has only read the Fox-News Cliff's Notes on that book.....

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